View attachment 216079
Disney has demand for it, so this is what I would love to see happen. A 700 room 4 or 5 star hotel (whatever they are calling it) in the Red section, as previously mentioned. Ideally in a victoriana style since we have two mid-century-to-contemporary resorts (that are ironically pretending not to be). In the blue plot, where the very temporary looking security checks are and the tram to mickey and friends, the 400-room star wars boutique hotel. You'll notice I very lazily moved the tram loading //security check plot west to fill in most of Pinocchio.
Why this plot, why could it work? Despite its proximity to M+F, the hotel they are proposing has no windows. I'm sure some California state law prohibits hotel room construction without windows, but an augmented window system that is defaulted to outer space and optionally can be switched to "window" could work. Given that most/all people will not be looking out the windows at all in that type of LARP hotel experience, the proximity is a non-issue. Also, disneyland resort has no space, so to act pretend this isn't the case is irresponsible. In this very rare case, a hyper-luxury hotel could sit next to a parking garage without destroying the guest experience. That is a rare opportunity to maximize the site and under no other circumstance is that going to be possible.
This would also place the hotel directly behind the battle escape show building and would allow for the facade to look like set extensions of mountains with windows/hotel structures extruding like the architecture in the concept art for star wars land when necessary. The show buildings are tall enough that from the ground level they will block out M+F, so the only concern here would be sightlines from the ROA and any instances if/when the 400 room hotel is taller than M+F (doubtful, no?) This would improve the product overall; we wont have a half-@$$ star wars wing, and the non-star wars hotel won't have to give up half its rooms. I won't mind the star wars wing if it is built to deliver the same level of immersion as DHS's new hotel, but at this point, if you are going to build a product like that at all, and something ultra-immersive is in development for florida, don't shoot yourself in the foot; get it right.