Parades interfering with rfid?


Well-Known Member
C'mon guys....think about it. If the parade floats wireless mics interfered with RFID or visa versa at DHS wouldn't this be a problem with other places and parks with wireless mics as well?

This is not an IT problem...and not an interference problem. It was a parade problem or they are planning for bigger and better things :)

such as making it easier for a thief to steal your information

Victor Kelly

Well-Known Member
I doubt there are any cross comms issues. The freq range is too far separated. If there is any problem with the floats, I would figure it is a system issue on board the floats.

Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
That is complete misinformation on the part of the referenced site. RFID operates on a different frequency. If this was true you'd be running interference between your wifi, wireless headsets, Bluetooth devices, etc. Perhaps not the best example but its the same principle.


Well-Known Member
I would question the reliability of the source. RFID doesn't tend to be interfered with by other technology. It operates on very short range transmissions and not likely on the same frequencies as what they're suggesting is interfering.

My personal opinion.

The poster on that forum who posted the original comment/rumor/whatever, is a fairly well respected CM on that board. They are pretty much dead on accurate when it comes to their area of expertise. Unfortunately, this bit of information comes from outside their normal knowledge set, so it may be slightly mangled/mistranslated or perhaps completely wrong. Judging from our posters, it probably leans towards the second.


Well-Known Member
Very unlikely. The entertainment was cut because it was not very well received by guests. Something will come in its place.

Huh? Kinda goes against this....

No more parades at the Studios. DHS is getting out of the parade business. Some of my friends who work in Studio Parade Maintenance were told they are shutting down the Parade Maintenance and other support depts. They are tearing the down the buildings and getting rid of everything and people will be transferred to other depts that have openings. This supposed to happen on Apr. 4.



Well-Known Member
Absolutely , without a doubt, 100% false.. There are specific reasons the shows are discontinued at DHS.. Mainly revolving around relocation of facilities.

And Disney IT tests EVERYTHING... As a side to this though, the RFID turnstile project is winding down except for a core team of individuals at this point, others are moving into Attractions RFID Integration, and infrastructure specialists are moving on to the (TCMT) Train Control Modernization Team...


Active Member
As someone who works with wireless mics, that article is complete bunk.
Yep. I work with them every day too. I am 100% sure this is inaccurate. Unless the actress was standing with the receiver against the RFID reader (which even then is pushing it) this sort of thing doesn't happen. Cell phones could probably do more damage.
That being said knowing there is no more high school party bus of screaming college kids pretending to be teens closing the street every hour or two is a total plus.


Well-Known Member
Your concepts are right.. but your facts are off.

RFID does not use 2.4GHz... there are 2.4GHz radios in the braclets but that is not RFID. 2.4GHz is an unlicensed spectrum and is not in use for the wireless audio or control stuff... because.. it's an unlicensed crowded spectrum. And unless you wanted every bluetooth and wifi enabled smartphone in the park screwing you over.. you don't put internal comms on open 2.4GHz spectrums.

RFID is on either 13.xMHz (HF) or the low 900-ish MHz frequencies (UHF). Wireless audio used by entertainment and the like would be on licensed audio channels to avoid interference. But even in the licensed spectrum (licensed doesn't necessarily mean an exclusive right) there are interference issues with other technologies in the band. For instance, for Shure (really the #1 mic company) - they have a tool to help you pick which channels you should use in your area

But either way.. this seems like pure bunkus. It was already discussed in another thread.. and already discussed and put down on DIS. I don't know why the OP had to reboot the rumor.

Sorry, my bad about the RFID on 2.4GHz. I was recalling the active beacon.

And, yes, likely the parade story is <boston accent>bo-o-o-ogus.</boston accent>.

And spectrum is "reserved" for wireless mic use, but licensing is not necessary (or possible in most cases). Disney falls into an interesting category since film studios are one of the few entities allowed to actually license their mics. I am not sure if the larger company could use that to protect spectrum in the theme parks or not.

Also, I did a test yesterday with our current (relatively long range) non-battery RFID tags and didn't hear audible interference like I used to.


Well-Known Member
Nothing bothers me more than when someone who is wearing a wireless mic has their GSM phone right next to the lapel mic or transmitter!!

I've had some bad experiences with that too. Most memorable was a blackberry right next to the microphone transmitter.


Well-Known Member
I read somewhere the parades are being cut due to coming construction ala Carsland 2 or Star Wars. The current parade building is on the chopping block and that's why they need to stop the parades.

This was my first thought too. The DHS parade float building is behind Star Tours and the Indy Stunts Show, and the current parade exit goes between the Jedi training stage and the Star Tours building.

It's been rumored that the parade float building it to be removed for some kind of Star Wars expansion, and apparently the back entrance road next to it is getting relocated as well.

Plus with the recent Star Wars surveys floating around the park, the only thing they have left to do was find a way to get rid of the parade, and it seems to me this RFID excuse is just a way of doing away with the parades

Hoop Raeb

Formerly known as...
Are we really debating this? It can all be explained very easily as false.



Premium Member
I've had some bad experiences with that too. Most memorable was a blackberry right next to the microphone transmitter.

That is actually GSM interference with the microphone itself and cable - not the transmitter. GSM data radio will cause interference with a simple XLR cable and unshielded mic too.

When SMS and later blackberries became more popular.. and people started leaving their phones on the table (near your microphones) - this became such a big problem that we actually built software into our audio processors to filter out the tell-tale sound. It's also fun when you recognize everyone in the conference knows you got a text or email.. even before you do :)


Well-Known Member
I've had some bad experiences with that too. Most memorable was a blackberry right next to the microphone transmitter.
I had a Pastor accidentally leave his phone on during a sermon and it made the electrical zip/clicking noise 5 times in about 17 minutes. Oh, it drove me nuts. I went down to him after the service and asked if his cell provider was T-Mobile or AT&T (it was US Cellular). He looked at me funny, then i explained.

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