Packing Vent...the fun kind of bellyaching:)


Well-Known Member
So we leave in about 13 days for a Orlando wedding and a surprise WDW trip for our kids. Now that school is back in and our kids are getting busy with sports I am spending my Saturday trying to get our odd and ends together and some packing done. As much as I have tried in our past trips to start early with packing and preparations’ we are still running around minutes before we leave. I know some of you all pack months in advance but I have 4 kids under 7 so this is about as early as I can get.
Here is my vent that only fellow Disney lovers can appreciate most of my friends and family would think I am crazy to look this much for a Disney item! I have a Disney box with all of our park stuff in it, found it and it is ready to go. But I can't find some of our must haves for our trip: the custom made shirts for my boys (7 and 1) from our Oct 2010 trip! One set is mouse ears with the boys names in the Disney Handwriting font and the other set is of Darth Mickey and their names in the Star Wars font; our spinners; stroller fan: and 50.00 in DISNEY DOLLARS! Why I didn't just put them in the WDW box I don’t know:hammer:
So yes I am bellyaching about not finding shirts and some other crap for a Disney trip, when the rest of the world is at war/in a recession/starving...etc...will now shut up and count my blessings:goodnevil
Send me some pixie dust to find them…I did an intercession to St .Anthony too, perhaps he and Tink can locate the lost items…


Well-Known Member
So we leave in about 13 days for a Orlando wedding and a surprise WDW trip for our kids. Now that school is back in and our kids are getting busy with sports I am spending my Saturday trying to get our odd and ends together and some packing done. As much as I have tried in our past trips to start early with packing and preparations’ we are still running around minutes before we leave. I know some of you all pack months in advance but I have 4 kids under 7 so this is about as early as I can get.
Here is my vent that only fellow Disney lovers can appreciate most of my friends and family would think I am crazy to look this much for a Disney item! I have a Disney box with all of our park stuff in it, found it and it is ready to go. But I can't find some of our must haves for our trip: the custom made shirts for my boys (7 and 1) from our Oct 2010 trip! One set is mouse ears with the boys names in the Disney Handwriting font and the other set is of Darth Mickey and their names in the Star Wars font; our spinners; stroller fan: and 50.00 in DISNEY DOLLARS! Why I didn't just put them in the WDW box I don’t know:hammer:
So yes I am bellyaching about not finding shirts and some other crap for a Disney trip, when the rest of the world is at war/in a recession/starving...etc...will now shut up and count my blessings:goodnevil
Send me some pixie dust to find them…I did an intercession to St .Anthony too, perhaps he and Tink can locate the lost items…

Four children under 7? You are fabulous!!! It's tough getting packed just for myself, DH and grown son!!! I noticed, the closer to our departure date, the more forgetful I get. Between packing, planning, getting dogs set up for boarding, etc., I constantly forget a *must have* every year. I am notorious for forgetting where I put things from the year before that I say "I can't forget this...." and I do!!!! :ROFLOL: Try concentrating on one of the items you are missing, my bet is, the rest is probably close by. I know I get overwhelmed two weeks out before we leave. Have a wonderful trip!! Sending you pixie dust and saying a prayer to St. Anthony!!
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Well-Known Member
Aaaw....take a breath & relax. There's still plenty of time to find your missing stuff. I'm the world's worst about strategically putting things where I won't lose them then I can't remember where my awesome spot was. Just start thinking of what places you would've thought was the best. Not ordinary places. Most likely places the kids won't look or have access because kids and men move things which will throw us women (AKA "The Keepers of Everything") off completely. I bet when you are busy with something else entirely the locations of the missing items will just pop right into your brain. Happens to me all the time!
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New Member
As soon as you stop looking for them, they will appear! Look for something else & you will find your missing Disney stuff! I have 2 girls under 4 & we are surprising them with a trip to WDW in January. I've started to throw things in my Disney box as I come across them. Don't forget to stop at the Dollar Store & pick up glow bracelets/necklaces! My kids love them & they are cheaper than the Disney glow toys! Relax! You're going to Disney - the Happiest Place on Earth!
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Well-Known Member
I don't have a Disney box, but I leave our 'Disney stuff' IN the suitcases we always take to WDW...that way I don't have to look very far. And I have a special wallet for Disney that's large enough to hold all the money, passes, credit cards and reservation information that I keep in a drawer near my computer. Just before the trip, I take it out, and transfer everything into it. Not saying it will work for everyone, but this system keeps me from freaking out while trying to remember everything. :lookaroun
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Well-Known Member
Breathe in!!! Breathe out!!! Vacation is almost here!! I know I am feeling a bt overwhelmed with having to pack just me and my DS!!! I can only imagine that x's 4!!! We leave next Wednesday.... All out suitcases are out but there still empty!!! Just like you life seems to be just getting in the way of packing is a timely fashion. :ROFLOL: As always, am sure I will be running around like a crazy person the day before we leave and most likely the day we leave throwing everything in our suitcases!!! Sending MUCH pixie dust your way!!! :wave:
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Original Poster
Thanks! I knew I would get some understanding here...One thing has been found, our Disney Dollars. They were in our Disney Jar (where my kids put any and all change found...and by found I mean what they con my Dad into dropping and they scramble to pick up:ROFLOL:) Yeah!
Just hope the rest show up before we leave...
Will resume packing and organizing on Monday when my oldest two are at school, they are starting to suspect that our trip is more than just a wedding when I had the girls try on thier Princess Dresses. I had to see which dresses fit which daugther (and hope, since thier favorite Princess's change on an hourly basis, that I have the right dresses). Now Mom and Dad are going to have to be very covert with packing and details for 10 more days.
Pixie Dust to you all for painless packing!
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Well-Known Member
Double check the WDW box. You probably put the stuff near the box with the intention to throw it in.

I've been throwing things in my suitcase since March for my September trip. I put some stuff near the suitcase one time and couldn't find it for a little while. I'm sure you'll find everything before your trip.
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Well-Known Member
I'm with Wendy517. Since you had the stuff on your last trip, maybe it's still in some piece of luggage in the attic, basement, garage, back of closet, etc. That's where I've found stuff that we use for vacations only. I think my logic at the time of unpacking was "why unpack it - there's no set place for it or reason to use in the house".
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Well-Known Member
I always say that nothing stresses me out and gives me more anxiety than packing our family for our Disney trips. And I only have 3 kiddos to pack for! Deep breaths, you'll get it done...we always do!! We started shipping our luggage ahead of us with Fed Ex a couple trips ago. It has gotten me to settle down a little bit and is sooo nice not having to check anything at the airport.

Have a magical trip! We just did!!! :D
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Well-Known Member
Have you checked all the suitcases and pockets that you used last trip?
One time, I started packing for my trip and couldn't some items until I got out my suitcases and realized they were still there:eek:
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