Hi everyone,
We are leaving to go to WDW on the 28th, I am so excited!!! We will be bringing our 3 year old and our 13 month old. I have not been to WDW with them yet, but have been many many times myself. My question is, could I get some tips and suggestions on what I should pack for little ones? Is there any must haves while vacationing that I may not think of? Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much for your help.
My kids were 3 and 14 months on our trip this past June! I'll leave out the obvious items but I'll tell you a few that I found good and used a lot!
- Hand sanitizer (but I used the foaming kind - easier for small kids to use). This is great for quick hand washing when you can't get to a washroom!
- Glow sticks/glow products. These came in handy a lot. When a ride was dark or had a dark spot in it, the glow stick really helped my 3 year old (who is very afraid of the dark). They also loved them at night and I didn't need to buy any of the Disney glow products (which can get expensive)!!!
- Ziploc bags. I think these have been mentioned before but not only are they good for putting soiled clothes/bibs in, they're also great for leftovers! Now, I'm not suggesting you clean off your plate into the bag!

But as I'm sure you already know, kids don't always finish their food and then an hour later they're starved and looking for more! A lot of food can be saved (ie. vegetable sticks, fruit, bread rolls, etc.) and then brought out again for a quick snack later on.
- Disposable bibs. These have also been mentioned but they really are great! For really messy foods just let them eat away and then you throw it away!
- Something to clean the sippy cups with! The last time I brought a small container of dish liquid (which leaked in my suitcase, dispite protecting it in a bag) but I have since found disposable dish cloths with dish detergent added. I will be bringing these on our next trip!
- I also brought my own beach towel to the parks. If the kids got wet it was great (there are places to play in water) and I also used it for a sun shade on my youngest child's stroller. When she fell asleep in the stroller I just threw it over the canopy and it gave her a little shade (and darkness) while she napped!
- Something to tie on your stroller to identify it. This tip is good for a rented stroller and/or your own stroller (I don't know what you're bringing). I got a couple of bright/tacky scarves and tied them to both of my own strollers. Even if you bring your own stroller(s) there's bound to be another stroller that looks like yours. Having something identifiable on the strollers helped me to locate them when I came out of an attraction (as the cast members do move around the strollers and organize them).
I think that's all I have to suggest at the moment (I didn't mean to write a novel here)! But if you have any questions feel free to pm me! Have a great trip!!!