Ozzy Osbourne & Randy Rhoads


Well-Known Member
The beginning of the end was the Napster thing. Lars made an *** of himself. Read the liner notes on Garage, Inc. He specifically talks about taping albums other people own for his use. I guess it was OK when it was some unknown bar band struggling to get by, but if a someone copies the music of a band rolling in dough, then it is wrong and requires a congressional investigation?

What a jerk..

I felt the same way - all of a sudden they were in suits and on the other side of the fence. Blah.

Now remember when that Twisted Sister singer Dee Snyder went up in Congress against Tipper Gore and the PMRC? :kiss: That was cool!


Well-Known Member
I felt the same way - all of a sudden they were in suits and on the other side of the fence. Blah.

Now remember when that Twisted Sister singer Dee Snyder went up in Congress against Tipper Gore and the PMRC? :kiss: That was cool!

Yeah it was. Dee showed them that rockers can still be smart and presented one hell of an argument for his cause. His "House Of Hair" radio show kicks butt too by the way!


Well-Known Member
Yeah it was. Dee showed them that rockers can still be smart and presented one hell of an argument for his cause. His "House Of Hair" radio show kicks butt too by the way!

You get that show all the way in Canada? I don't get a chance to hear HoH very often but it does rock and brings back memories, songs and bands I haven't heard in a while.


Well-Known Member
You get that show all the way in Canada? I don't get a chance to hear HoH very often but it does rock and brings back memories, songs and bands I haven't heard in a while.

Actually, I get it on 101 WRIF out of Detroit here where I live (an hour north of Detroit and across a river into Canada). I think it is on Sunday and I know WRIF simulcasts on the web if you look them up on the net. Listen to it in the car sometimes if we are out on a Sunday. Like you said, it definitely brings back alot of cool memories from the 80's when our hair was big and our jeans were skin tight - haha!


Well-Known Member
RIP Randy Rhoads

Twe޲޲nt޲y޲-޲si޲޲x yea޲޲rs޲ ago޲޲ tod޲޲ay޲ we los޲޲t one޲޲ of the޲޲ gre޲޲at޲e޲s޲t and޲޲ inf޲޲lu޲e޲n޲ti޲޲al guita޲r޲i޲st޲޲s eve޲޲r.޲ Ran޲޲dy޲ Rho޲޲ad޲s޲ was޲޲ onl޲޲y 25 yea޲޲rs޲ old޲޲ whe޲޲n he was޲޲ tra޲޲gi޲c޲a޲ll޲޲y kil޲޲le޲d޲ in a pla޲޲ne޲ acc޲޲id޲e޲n޲t.޲޲ He had޲޲n'޲t޲ eve޲޲n rea޲޲ch޲e޲d޲ his޲޲ pri޲޲me޲ yet޲޲. Who޲޲ knows޲ wha޲޲t cou޲޲ld޲ hav޲޲e bee޲޲n if not޲޲ for޲޲ tha޲޲t hor޲޲ri޲b޲l޲e accident.޲޲ I did޲޲n'޲t޲ rea޲޲ll޲y޲ kno޲޲w of him޲޲ unt޲޲il޲ yea޲޲rs޲ aft޲޲er޲ his޲޲ dea޲޲th޲ but޲޲ he def޲޲in޲i޲t޲el޲޲y mad޲޲e an imp޲޲ac޲t޲ on me.޲޲

God޲ Ble޲ss you޲ Ran޲dy!޲


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