Trip Report Our August 2013 Trip - Like No Trip We Have Done Before!

Boy, there are so many great new trip reports out right now, I am reluctant to start my own! I just want to read them all. I did want to start though, so I don't forget things that actually happened on our trip.

This trip was like no other we have done before because for the first time, we were traveling with a kid! We went with my sister and brother-in-law (we have gone with them once before) and my niece who just turned 4. We had to go at a totally different pace than we are used to which at times was refreshing. We couldn't do the parks commando style this time. We wanted to try and utilize the morning EMH more (which we have NEVER done) and stop in the afternoons for naps. Normally, we sleep in a little and go hard from late morning till late night.

One other big change for this trip was that I decided to travel light and left my DSLR camera home. That was hard! I upgraded my super old model Canon Elph and bought a Canon Powershot SX260 HS. It was nice not having to lug my huge heavy camera bag, but I did kind of miss it.

When we first talked about this trip, my sis wanted to do a short trip. I think the thought of being at Disney World with a 4-yo, with no good schedules or routine scared her a bit. This worked out well because by the end, sis was exhausted lol! Dan and I were ok with this as we had just been to the World in January for Marathon Weekend. 4 nights was about all we could afford this time around! We booked a woods view room at the Wilderness Lodge. We had originally booked the standard view but when the discounts came out, there were no standard views available. The woods view with the discount still saved us enough money to get the dining plan at about the same price as the standard with no dining plan.

And...Away we go!!

We woke up really early on Aug 8th. We had a 6 am flight out of Philly! I love and hate those early morning flights. We were up around 2 am. We had to take care of our horses and cats before we left. My friend was coming over that night to house sit for our critters. We had taken our pups to their grandparents' house the night before. I was trying to be out the by 3 am but we had a little late start and left about 3:10. We were supposed to meet my sis and family at the off-site parking but they got there really early. We decided to meet at the airport instead.

We had a quick bite at McD's in the airport and were soon on our way. We left on time with no delays. Yeehaw!

It was a bit of a rainy morning as we left.

Disney Aug 2013 019
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Soon we were up above the clouds and the sun was shining! Someone does need to clean the windows on this Southwest plane though!

Disney Aug 2013 024
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

My niece was very excited to go!! Frankly, I was surprised she was still awake (that wouldn't last long)!

Disney Aug 2013 021
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr


Well-Known Member
Our kids are now 9 and 6 and we still swear by the early park arrival, mid-day rest time back at the hotel, and late afternoon return to the parks. It's amazing how relaxing that can be! And I will say that it is a HUGE help for everyone's temperaments, as the heat, humidity, and afternoon showers can wear on a person's (and kid's) nerves. Looking forward to hearing whether you were able to keep that up the whole time!


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After an uneventful flight (we like those!), we landed in Orlando before 8:30 am. We made our way to the ME pick up area and walked right onto a waiting bus. No waiting in line at all! Unfortunately, we had an unmagical Mears bus but it got us there! We were also towards the back of the bus so I didn't take any arrival pictures.

We checked in at Wilderness Lodge and got some good news! Our rooms were ready and we got our requested adjoining rooms. We also got a free upgrade! Never got one of those before. We were upgraded to a courtyard view. We were on the first floor. Unfortunately, Dan and I got a handicap-accessible room but it wasn't too much of a problem since we usually take showers.

View from our room

Wilderness Lodge - Walt Disney World
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Wilderness Lodge - Walt Disney World
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

After freshening up a bit, we took the boat to the MK. We loved the new touch entry and it really did speed things along. I think MK may have had morning EMH that day. It was sooooo crowded! I hadn't ever seen it that crowded before.

A couple pics before we find some attractions!

Disney Aug 2013 031
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Disney Aug 2013 030
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Main Street Trolley - Walt Disney World
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

We high-tailed it to check the wait for Storytime with Belle. It was 20 min which I didn't think was too bad. Before getting in line, Dan and I took all the tickets to get some fastpasses for Little Mermaid.

We got into line for Storytime with Belle. The wait wasn't too bad at all. I think it was about 15 min.

Inside Belle's cottage

Belle's House - Storytime With Belle
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Portrait - Storytime with Belle
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Spoiler alert if you haven't seen it yet!

First you walk into Maurice's workshop and encounter the magic mirror. You are going back to the day Belle and Beast fell in love. They have the kids go up close to the mirror so they can see.

Magic Mirror - Storytime with Belle
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Magic Mirror - Storytime with Belle
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

The door opens and you proceed to the room with the Wardrobe. Here you learn that they are going to do a surprise play for Belle and they pick the parts for the play. The props are stored inside the wardrobe.

The Wardrobe - Storytime with Belle
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

The Wardrobe - Storytime with Belle
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr


Well-Known Member
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Our kids are now 9 and 6 and we still swear by the early park arrival, mid-day rest time back at the hotel, and late afternoon return to the parks. It's amazing how relaxing that can be! And I will say that it is a HUGE help for everyone's temperaments, as the heat, humidity, and afternoon showers can wear on a person's (and kid's) nerves. Looking forward to hearing whether you were able to keep that up the whole time!
I had always heard that the morning EMH are so much better than the evening ones but at least for this trip, it was so crazy busy that it didn't help much. I think we could have done a little better with them but more on that later!


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The kids eagerly volunteered for their parts (my niece was Mrs. Potts :)) and some not so eager dads were picked to be the guards. We then headed into the library for the play to take place. This is where Lumiere makes his appearance. The special effects in this attraction are really neat and even if you don't have kids, you really have to see it at least once.

Lumiere - Storytime with Belle
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Lumiere - Storytime with Belle
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

The kids do a little practicing and then Belle enters. I don't have pictures of the play because the view was kind of blocked from where we were sitting. There is a photopass photographer there that takes a lot of pics of the play and all the kids. They give you a photopass card with ALL the pics on it. We preordered a photopass CD so when that comes I will upload some more pictures.

Storytime with Belle
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Belle poses with each child in the play and anyone else who wants a picture. No autographs at this attraction though.


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After Belle, it was time to use our fastpass for Journey of the Little Mermaid. The standby wait wasn't horrible at about 20 min but we used the fastpasses since we had them. Ariel is my niece's favorite princess and she loved the ride! Was a little afraid for the Ursula part but made it through. She is really good about just hiding her eyes or covering her ears if she thinks it is scary and doesn't let it affect her.

These couple outdoor pics didn't come out great since I forgot to change the white balance on my camera. So used to shooting in RAW mode and being able to change it later.

Disney Aug 2013 047
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Disney Aug 2013 046
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Journey of the Little Mermaid - Walt Disney World
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Journey of the Little Mermaid - Walt Disney World
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Journey of the Little Mermaid - Walt Disney World
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Journey of the Little Mermaid - Walt Disney World
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Journey of the Little Mermaid - Walt Disney World
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr


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After taking a journey with Ariel, we made our way to Storybook Circus. We checked the wait times for the Great Goofini and Dumbo. Both were pretty long. We got fastpasses for Dumbo and jumped in line for Goofini. It quickly became apparent that we would not be able to last 30 min in line for the Goofy coaster. The sun was blazing hot, most of the line is not covered and I thought the line looked more than 30 min. We decided to nix that plan and go for lunch instead. We were interested in quick and close so we choose Cosmic Rays.

Sonny Eclipse - Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

While I understand the reasoning behind not allowing people to hold tables, it really does make it tough for people with little kids. It is also tough if you have people ordering from different areas and then trying to meet up after ordering. My sis and family had their food before we did and were seated in the room with Sonny Eclipse. I was trying to find them and had to wait in line to get into that room. My sister saw us and came out where the attendant said we could go in the exit with her since we already had a table but it was too hard to get out of the entrance line. We just had to wait it out.

Dan and I both had the burgers and they weren't very good. They were kind of old and a bit dried out. The fried onions from the fixin's bar helped. Another issue with the seating arrangement is that you couldn't easily find a table and go back to put your toppings on, so you are struggling with tray, drinks and all you were carrying in the parks. Yeah....I think I would rather take my chances waiting for a table to open up while someone else in my party is getting the food. My sis got the chicken nuggets to share with my niece and my BIL had the bbq pork sandwich. Both said their meals were good. Guess I should have gotten one of those!

After lunch we took a leisurely ride on the steam train. We took a round-trip ride from Storybook Circus. By the time we got back, it was time for our Dumbo fastpasses. My sis sat this one out as spinner rides aren't her favorite.

Flying Dumbo - Walt Disney World
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Flying Dumbo - Walt Disney World
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Flying Dumbo - Walt Disney World
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Flying Dumbo - Walt Disney World
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Believe and Soar!
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

My niece was starting to fade so we decided to call it and go back to the room for naptime. On the way out, we saw that the Tea Cups only had a 15 min wait. The boys wanted to take my niece on it. Sis and I have weaker stomachs so we decided to watch!

Tea Cups - Walt Disney World
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

It was pretty funny. We were watching my niece's face when they started. Apparently Dad and Unky Dan were spinning the cup a little too fast. They slowed it down and then she started laughing. By the end, they couldn't keep it going fast enough for her!

We took the boat back to WL. Love having the boat right there! Dad and Unky Dan fell asleep sitting up on the boat ride back. I took a hilarious pic and if it was just Dan I would post it, but not sure how my BIL would feel having that up on the internet!:p


Well-Known Member
Seems like Disney is overcooking their burgers! Enjoying the report and your compact takes pretty good pics. I hope you add some pics and comments on WL. I really enjoyed visiting it on our trip.
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Seems like Disney is overcooking there burgers! Enjoying the report and your compact takes pretty good pics. I hope you add some pics and comments on WL. I really enjoyed visiting it on our trip.
I had a good burger at Pecos Bills thankfully! I am pretty pleased with my new p&s camera. It was an agonizing decision since there are so many choices. I ended up going with the Canon since I always liked my older model Elph. I was looking at the Canon SX50 but I wanted something a little smaller. People have done some cool moon and space shots with that one. It has a crazy 1200 mm zoom with image stabilizer. My husband my want to get that sometime since he loves astronomy. Anyway, I will definitely have more pics of Wilderness Lodge coming up!


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As we took the boat ride back to the lodge, we had the only rain of the trip. The sky opened up for about 5 minutes. Luckily we were seated inside and the boat took a little while to dock because their was another boat in its spot. By the time we docked, the rain had stopped.

After a short nap, I woke up and enjoyed the view from the deck. Dan was still napping.

Wilderness Lodge
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Wilderness Lodge
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

This little mockingbird came to visit me.

by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

One good thing about taking a break mid-day allowed me to enjoy the balcony which I usually don't take the time to do!

I woke Dan to get ready for dinner and we met up with my family. Time for some Whispering Canyon!

Whispering Canyon
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

This was a first for all of us. They serve dinner family-style. You pick 3 types of meat to start (you can pick different meats for your next round if you like) and you get all you can eat mashed potatoes, cornbread, veggies, and baked beans. I didn't take many food pics this trip but I did take one of our first plate!

Whispering Canyon Family Style
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

We went with the chicken, sausage, and ribs to start. My niece had the kids meaty macaroni (got sauce on the side). She wasn't diggin' it too much. My sis tasted the pasta and said it tasted like it had been sitting around, kind of sticky and overcooked. The chicken, sausage and sides were very good. The ribs....not so much. They were dry and kind of plain. The guys wanted a second plate and got the steak and more sausage with sides. The steak was really good although the cuts seemed a little more like thin prime rib cuts. Still really good. The desserts were awesome! I wish when they brought a sampler platter, they brought larger servings for a party of 5. Kind of skimpy portions when you are sharing 3 small desserts with 5 people. We didn't feel like waiting to get more as we had some MK visiting to do.

For Whispering Canyon, our waitress didn't seem to be too into it. She did throw the straws and napkins on the table which my niece thought was hilarious. Dan asked for 3 refills but never got a huge Mason jar. We didn't really have a need for ketchup but saw plenty of tables that did. My niece was getting a bit antsy so she missed the horse race. We did do the hokey pokey which also loved. My sis ended up taking her back to the room for a little while Dan, BIL and I finished up dinner.

Time to head to the MK! First a quick pic on the way out. Silver Creek just above the falls.

Wilderness Lodge - Silver Creek
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

We went out to catch the boat. The sky looked really neat tonight. Hopefully those clouds are on the way out!

Sunset Over Bay Lake
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr


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The boat arrived and we were on our way to the MK. Did I mention how much I love that boat!

All smiles on our way!

Disney Aug 2013 096
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Love evening at the MK!

Magic Kingdom - Let the Memories Begin!
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Our plan was to try and hit most of the attractions in Adventureland tonight. The park seemed to be just as crowded as it was earlier in the day.

by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

My niece took one look at Magic Carpets and wanted to do that! Dan and I sat it out while sis and BIL took her on it. I took some pics while waiting and Dan took everyone's KTTW cards to get fastpasses for Jungle Cruise. Jungle Cruise had a 40 min standby wait.

The Magic Carpets of Aladdin
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

This camel is just so photogenic!

The Spitting Camel
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Love the lighting details.

Aladdin's Magic Lamp
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

There they are!

Disney Aug 2013 110
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

We met near the Enchanted Tiki Room. Luckily, it was only 6 minutes till the next show. Woohoo!

Tiki Bird!
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr


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While waiting for our fastpass time for Jungle Cruise, we indulged in an Adventureland favorite! Dole Whips for all! My sis had been waiting since 2007 to have another one. Just before getting in line for JC, Dan went to get fastpasses for BTMRR. After he returned, it was time to sail the exotic rivers of the world.

Jungle Cruise
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Jungle Cruise
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Jungle Cruise
by SupersonicNJ, on Flickr

Niece did NOT like this ride. She spent most of the ride with her eyes hidden. She might have enjoyed it more in the day time but found it very scary at night! We needed to change the tone of this night and fast! We made a beeline for IASW!

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