

New Member
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Is anyone watching the Oscar's? In Billy Crystal's Mystic River song, he included this line. I found it amusing :):
"There's a shooting and there's a beating; just like a Disney and Eisner meeting."


New Member
"We are so thankful LoTR didn´t qualify for this category" - the canadian producers of the 'Best Foreign Film'.

Couldn´t have said it better myself! :hammer:



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Maria
"We are so thankful LoTR didn´t qualify for this category" - the canadian producers of the 'Best Foreign Film'.

Couldn´t have said it better myself! :hammer:


me neither :lol:...No offense to LOTR fans but I do not see the attraction. I can see that its a nice fantasy film, but for it to tie the record with Titanic and Ben-hur...man :hammer: ...well I didn't think Titanic deserved so much either, oh well. :snore:


New Member
Originally posted by DDuckFan130
me neither :lol:...No offense to LOTR fans but I do not see the attraction. I can see that its a nice fantasy film, but for it to tie the record with Titanic and Ben-hur...man :hammer: ...well I didn't think Titanic deserved so much either, oh well. :snore:

:lol: I totally agree!


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Because of the fact that it is such an envolving and engrorossing epic. It took nearly a decade to make, countless and countless extras, so much awesome imagery, so many fantastic and breathtaking sets and effects, and superb editing, sound, costuming and directing jobs. Not to mention boasting an incredible score.

I love Titanic. But LOTR is much more deserving.

The entire epic is a testament as to how far we have come in Hollywood (in terms of technological and directorial advancement), how far the power of imagination can take us, and the power of human perseverance.

There is simply no other epic, let alone single film, like it,


New Member
Don´t take me wrong... I recognize the great technical achievement and the huge production job LoTR is that would give it so many awards. I am just not thrilled about the theme. :animwink: Plus... PoTC had great visual effects too... :(



Originally posted by Maria
Don´t take me wrong... I recognize the great technical achievement and the huge production job LoTR is that would give it so many awards. I am just not thrilled about the theme. :animwink: Plus... PoTC had great visual effects too... :(


Not every movie is going to please every single person out there.

But I'm not on your side here. I think it deserved it.


Wasn't there a couple of other Disney comments throughout the show? I can't remember what the lines were tho.


Well-Known Member
I was surprise to see the shots at Eisner on the academy awards (especially since the awards were on ABC)....the Pixar joke and the shooting/beating joke were funny...I wonder if he talked to Roy? :lol:

As for LotR....they should have given the award for the first film....the third was terrible in my opinion....there were too many things happening and not very organized...I don't know maybe I was the only one who thinks the third movie was bad...I was very dissapointed...as whole LotR was a great....but the Oscars aren't for trilogies...its for single films....and I think it wasn't fair for the other movies, that this film was being judged not as one film, but as three....

The award show though was enjoyable..some parts we're a bit boring...and it was long...but for the most part it was something good to watch...



New Member
I am going to say this in the most adult way possible:
"LOTR rules, everything else STINKS! It is the BEST movie EVER! Nah nah nah nah!! :p "

Ha ha, sorry. I thought LOTR was one of the best epic tales ever and well deserving to Peter Jackson and his editing/effects departments. A movie can't gross over a billion world wide without getting some credit from the Academy.

I do not want to start a political debate amongst my WDWMAGIC friends, but why do actors/actresses have to make political statements during their acceptance speach? Tacky! Save it for Washington!

I thought Billy Crystal was pretty funny. Will Ferrel and his song will Jack Black was funny too!



New Member
Originally posted by njchris65
Not every movie is going to please every single person out there.

But I'm not on your side here. I think it deserved it.


I never said it didn´t deserve it, on the contrary, I said I recognized why it got the awards, but I just don´t like science fiction... not my kind of movie to watch.


New Member
Originally posted by Maria
I never said it didn´t deserve it, on the contrary, I said I recognized why it got the awards, but I just don´t like science fiction... not my kind of movie to watch.

Fiction? I hate to break this to you, but Hobbits are real. And so are Trolls and Orcs. I work with over a dozen of them. :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by Maria
I never said it didn´t deserve it, on the contrary, I said I recognized why it got the awards, but I just don´t like science fiction... not my kind of movie to watch.

I think that, if you are able to see the films, you will not be bothered by the "fantasy" of the movie. The acting, the action, the cinematography, all make for a great film. I would recommend that you try and see each in succesion. Makes for a large time commitment but entirely worth it.

In the same breath, to each his (or her) own. I really have had no desire to see Gigli and no one will talk me into it.

Thanks for playing and have a nice day.


New Member
Originally posted by JBSLJames
I think that, if you are able to see the films, you will not be bothered by the "fantasy" of the movie. The acting, the action, the cinematography, all make for a great film. I would recommend that you try and see each in succesion. Makes for a large time commitment but entirely worth it.

In the same breath, to each his (or her) own. I really have had no desire to see Gigli and no one will talk me into it.

Thanks for playing and have a nice day.

They are using Gigli at the prisoner camps in Cuba to try to get the AlQuada suspects of breaking down and telling us secret info. So far, 12 suicides.


New Member
Someone in another thread gave a great speech about LoTR that made me say that I would try to see the first one and I meant it. I never read the books and never saw the first one simply because I am not attracted to science fiction movies! Same reason I don´t follow StarWars or even Harry Potter.
Without having seen the first movie, there is no point on following the trilogy because nothing will make sense! Is that clear now? :p

Nothing against LoTR, just the themeing is what is not very appealing to me!


(and I hated Titanic too! That´s what I meant! )


Well-Known Member
The following is my opinion, so don't shoot LoTR fans!

I like all genres of film, I love everything from Gone With the Wind to Singin' in the Rain to The Mummy and so on...with my father and brother's insistence I saw the first two LoTR films...:snore: I liked Star Wars. Harry Potter, no gracias. To each his own because I know by the large amount of money LoTR has made and all these responses that there are many fans out there but I'm not one of them. So sue me! :lol: I wasn't a Titanic fan either, I never wanted to see nor am interested in seeing Gigli (pahlease!!!!).

LoTR did deserve some of its awards because the technology is incredible. But that's pretty much what carried the film, notice the lack of recognition for acting. I think the visual effects, art direction, and Peter Jackson himself were well-deserving, but I'm not so sure about everything else. Make-up? I think Pirates should have at least gotten this one based on Captain Barbossa and his crew. But oh well, like it's been said the Oscars were very predictable so la de da oh wellll.

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