Osborne Lights Officially Returning for 2015 for 20th and Final Season


Well-Known Member
I was watching Steve's video this morning at breakfast and told my 7 year old daughter they turned the lights off for the last time last night. She immediately said, "Oh I wrote them a letter that I'm going to bring when we go back to Disney." She said she wrote it last month after we returned from our farewell weekend trip. She's been fortunate to see them three times. It both killed me and delighted me at the same time. Clearly she gets what make the lights so special to her parents!


Just to be clear she is well aware that big things are coming to the Studios, and she is excited for that. I just couldn't believe she took it upon herself to type this up, and even included our address as she expects a reply! I might just have to send it...


Well-Known Member
I was watching Steve's video this morning at breakfast and told my 7 year old daughter they turned the lights off for the last time last night. She immediately said, "Oh I wrote them a letter that I'm going to bring when we go back to Disney." She said she wrote it last month after we returned from our farewell weekend trip. She's been fortunate to see them three times. It both killed me and delighted me at the same time. Clearly she gets what make the lights so special to her parents!

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Just to be clear she is well aware that big things are coming to the Studios, and she is excited for that. I just couldn't believe she took it upon herself to type this up, and even included our address as she expects a reply! I might just have to send it...

That is wonderful, and if you can bear to part with such a great note, send it! A response such as "We're making room to bring in even more magical attractions for your enjoyment" is expected, but it would be interesting to see if Disney addresses the needs of the holiday season the lights fulfilled. I'm noting here that your daughter didn't call them the Osborne Lights, but rather Christmas Lights. ;)


Well-Known Member
I'd take comfort in that if I believed in current management to keep Walt's vision alive. They have been making too many idiotic, cost-cutting, profit-over-guest decisions the last 2-5 years for me to trust them. I know Imagineers want to keep a light show and move it elsewhere during construction, but they aren't being given the budget and support to do it. Management is half-assing it.

Just look how they fired Mulch, Sweat & Shears before the holiday season and replaced them with a mediocre (and less expensive) DJ. The NYE party was terrible because of it. Bad music choices and lack of energy in the mosh pit crowd. Only thing they did right this year was the Star Wars fireworks display.

It all started with the jerk-move execs pulled with EPCOT's Lights of Winter. That display was unceremoniously scrapped and tossed in a field to rot. Excuses and outright lies given to guests why that was done. Didn't matter that guest complaints soared. The bean counters had their international and once-in-a-lifetime tourists to balance out their numbers. We've been boycotting EPCOT for years on NYE because of their sad holiday displays. Now we're boycotting Disney altogether.

Only comfort I have is believing at least these displays will go back to the family that made and cherished them. They won't be left to rot in a field. (Unless we're talking Mickey's train and Micky/Santa shaking hands. Those "original" creations may very well be found later rotting in a field.)

I hate to be so bitter. I just know too much about how the place is being run these days. Only thing that will move management to do better is poor attendance and sales numbers.
It's difficult not to have a bitter response when we see wonderful areas removed/destroyed all in the name of progress (the lights, wilderness lodge's land, the poly beach) I keep wishing we were like Carl in UP, and that we could have just lifted the lights up and out of Disney's way with a billion balloons. Child-like daydreams are what keeps our imagination alive, and I can only hope Disney's management takes time to daydream too about more than just profits.

I too am glad they're not being tossed into a garbage heap.


Well-Known Member
I'm very happy I was able to see the lights this last year. It's been a family tradition since 1999. We're going to miss them. I hope something just as great can be seen in the future.


Well-Known Member
Goodbye Lights! :cry: :cry: :cry: And while I know not everyone got to see them one last time, I'm so glad Disney did the right thing and gave them a farewell season! Looking forward to seeing what's on the horizon for both Christmas entertainment and the Hollywood Studios
This reminds me of the time I came across this video of the very last showing of the MSEP at Disneyland. I mean look at how crazy the crowd and visitors were during it's final showing.

You don't see that type of reaction from the guests at any Disney Park anymore. Even the final song heard for Osborne reminded me of how I heard one story from a guest who attended the final performance at MSEP at Disneyland. After the parade ended and was shown for the last time. When the lights came back on some of the guests started singing the closing to the Mickey Mouse Club knowing this was the final time. Even the final light showing "Peace Of Earth" reminded me of when the entire parade had to stop for a few minutes as its taking a bow at the guests during the final showing which I also heard from another guests who was there for the final showing and final night.

The Tuna

Well-Known Member
I used to love walking under the archway in EPCOT that was really beautiful. All we can hope for is something just as incredible or better. I imagine when the bean counters see the numbers drop off next year they will get moving on something. Or at least we can hope they do.

The Tuna

Well-Known Member
Because with every ending comes a new beginning... I think I'd rather have a full reimagined park than what the studios has become but with an awesome light show 2 months of the year..
As much as I hate to agree on that I think you are right. a park with rides and attractions you can see year round is well worth it. well maybe not worth it per se but you are right dammit. hahahaha.


Well-Known Member
Because with every ending comes a new beginning... I think I'd rather have a full reimagined park than what the studios has become but with an awesome light show 2 months of the year..
The light show was hardly the thing holding back a redo to the park. We could have had the new redo without the cost of arguably disney's best holiday offering. So I don't see how these things correlate with one another.


Well-Known Member
The light show was hardly the thing holding back a redo to the park. We could have had the new redo without the cost of arguably disney's best holiday offering. So I don't see how these things correlate with one another.
Especially considering that it seems like Toy Story Land is going behind TSMM, and Star Wars Land is going into the parking lot/backstage space/Indiana Jones area near Star tours. Streets of America isn't being affected by this at all right now...besides, WDW has the "blessing of size". You can't tell me with a straight face that they couldn't find some area to put the lights. Some spot to move these facades to and keep for the lights. Cause that's the only reason they're still here, so the lights can happen. The Streets of America literally has no other purpose.


Well-Known Member
I was watching Steve's video this morning at breakfast and told my 7 year old daughter they turned the lights off for the last time last night. She immediately said, "Oh I wrote them a letter that I'm going to bring when we go back to Disney." She said she wrote it last month after we returned from our farewell weekend trip. She's been fortunate to see them three times. It both killed me and delighted me at the same time. Clearly she gets what make the lights so special to her parents!

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Just to be clear she is well aware that big things are coming to the Studios, and she is excited for that. I just couldn't believe she took it upon herself to type this up, and even included our address as she expects a reply! I might just have to send it...

You should definitely send it. Let the response chips fall where they may. Your daughter will learn, but so will at least someone at Walt Disney World.


New Member
I am all for progress but certain attractions are untouchable, this being one of them. Especially with no announcement for replacement or relocation. Christmas at Disney WILL NOT be same without a lighting display of this magnitude and it just ads one more thing Disney has taken away from us at Christmas time. If that's their PC goal they certainly are doing a great job. I have been to just about every Disney attraction closing over the past 8 years and not one was accompanied with such sadness, questioning, and feelings of ill will toward Disney. For the ones that were there last night they know what I mean. I have talked to many people fans and casual visitors alike the consensus has been BAD MOVE DISNEY.. It just seems to be another bad decision to add to the list over the recent years. Meanwhile Universal is busy purchasing land and obviously getting ready for a 3rd park. If they could only get their guest services to a higher level they are on their way to competing. The magic of Disney has always held its place at the top of of all theme parks but when you start altering the magic the window opens for competition. Disney traditions has been a phrase used much over the years. What is happening to these traditions? Looks to me the magic and traditions are slowly being eaten by the cash cow. Bad decisions and greed slowly lead to bad public image and the results will be seen over time if this trend isn't reversed. Next we will be tearing down the castle to install the castle of Walmart in the center of the park. It will go great with all the starbucks taking over in the park.


Well-Known Member
We seem to be getting on a negative track here, the thread seemed to remain fairly positive up until the final switch was thrown. I don't think that Disney is anti-religious, or else they wouldn't have the giant trees and gingerbread creations, so let's not go there.
It's just a change... a hard one to take as we loved the lights and music so much.


Well-Known Member
We seem to be getting on a negative track here, the thread seemed to remain fairly positive up until the final switch was thrown. I don't think that Disney is anti-religious, or else they wouldn't have the giant trees and gingerbread creations, so let's not go there.
It's just a change... a hard one to take as we loved the lights and music so much.

Agree. Osborne Lights had a manger scene. Epcot has the biggest Christmastime show of all in its park -- The Candlelight Processional which tells the story of the birth of Jesus. There is also Joyful singing Gospel hymns. The Contemporary provides Christmas services every year. You would think The Magic Kingdom is entirely secular until I noticed Christian hymns in the background music. With the Osborne Lights, the only constant is change and the SOA simply can't be used any more with all of the construction going on back there.


Well-Known Member
Agree. Osborne Lights had a manger scene. Epcot has the biggest Christmastime show of all in its park -- The Candlelight Processional which tells the story of the birth of Jesus. There is also Joyful singing Gospel hymns. The Contemporary provides Christmas services every year. You would think The Magic Kingdom is entirely secular until I noticed Christian hymns in the background music. With the Osborne Lights, the only constant is change and the SOA simply can't be used any more with all of the construction going on back there.

I think that is the way that they are thinking. I don't think that Disney is doing anything anti-Christmas. But I do think that maybe it seems like they did not know how much people liked it. I also think that it was a seasonal people-eater, taking some pressure off the MK, especially on nights that it closed early for the ticketed party. Also the more and more Spartan character of decorations at Epcot led more people to the Osborne lights.

I would suggest that Disney quickly recognize the draw that they were and make plans either to replace them with another holiday offering for this year the Studios, during construction but perhaps in another area of the park; OR simply take some time and spruce up Christmas decorations this year throughout all parks, in some cases restoring the grandeur that used to be there in the first place. Make it worthwhile again simply to explore WDW parks and resorts during the holidays for a plethora of decorations (including maybe a new Lights of Winter at Epcot). My point is that if they feel like the construction will prohibit the Osborne lights for a while, they can at least spruce up other holiday decorations throughout the resort. It would disperse the crowd from MK while "plussing" the rest of the resort. If they do it right it could be more of an overall attraction throughout the resort than the for the number of people who normally visit the Osborne lights.

But if they can do something like the lights, such as a "Christmas in Hollywood" theme on Hollywood Boulevard, that could also be fun. ("White Christmas" was written from Hollywood, with the writer seeing all of the Hollywood decorations but dreaming of a white Christmas back east.) My point here is that, with a little creativity, this could be an opportunity, even during construction, to do something cool for the 2016 holiday season -- IF they had the will to do it. It would still bring them money and visitors, but they have to do it.

I think most people here, though, know that the current WDW management is more likely just to "turn off the lights" and blame construction.. and still charge a premium for holiday stays, after raising ticket prices to the parks another time (mark my word on that).


New Member
We are on a negative track because we are having a negative experience that requires a negative reaction to be noticed by the out of touch Disney management that has disappointed us once again. As for the PC comment I'm just throwing it out there. I could care less about religious themes being incorporated myself but by all means am not offended by them if they make others happy. I was merely stating a possibility. Maybe some of you remember when Disney used advertisements saying Mickeys Very Merry Party leaving out the word Christmas. I guess we won't know until they cancel the candlelight processional in favor of a Frozen Holiday Spectacular Live Onstage. If Disney gets enough negative feedback they are forced to change to silence the complaints. It has happened before on a smaller scale.


Well-Known Member
Except this isn't an 100% negative thing. I love the lights and seeing them go is sad, but if getting rid of them is a sacrifice that brings new attractions that are good 24/7, 365 days a year rather than a completely useless, bland area that makes for a great light display two months a year, only in the evenings.


New Member
You're failing to realize Disney can do whatever they want and they can easily relocate all the facades from SOA if they wanted to. Even build new ones or a completely new and improved area that incorporates other aspects that can be used year round. I'm sure they can figure out the logistics on their 27,000+ acres. Maybe if they figured out how to market their "Glow with the Show" ears properly during the event (still blows my mind, I can fix that in 1 day) they would be able to justify the expenditure. I and many others would be satisfied if we knew a display equal or better was eventually on the way. Saying "it's sad but..." is just justifying them removing something very few people wanted removed. You're also saying "good attractions" as if we know Toy Story land and Star Wars will be "good" We have little information about Star Wars and the info about toy story land is not very impressive at all. A slinky coaster and spinner ride? Ill take the lights 2 months of the year over that any day. If I'm the only one that feels this way I guess I'm wrong, but more people I have talked to lean toward my viewpoint than a positive one. It also makes it worse that many Disney fans including myself view this as not just a single bad decision but an addition to many others over the recent years. The straw that broke the camels back to me personally.

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