Well-Known Member
The British and Spanish empires engaged in a lot of nasty stuff (the former absolutely permitted the slave trade while its flag flew over the U.S.).
The original 13-star Betsy Ross flag represents a country founded with the express purpose of promoting slavery.
I can't decide which is worse about this: the rush to judgment, "sheeple" decision, or the fact that Generation Snowflake children who were "taught to the test" are so woefully ignorant of the nuances of history.
You look in any country's closet, you're bound to find a few skeletons. The difference is that most countries in general eventually acknowledge that what they did was wrong. It may take a generation or two, but they get around to it. For a long time, the proponents of the Confederacy and the flag have spun propaganda, if not outright deception, about what the Stars & Bars stands for and many are still buying into that, touting phrases like "states' rights" or "southern pride".