Well-Known Member
Yup. No different. You were technically required to show the GAC in order to enter the FP line and again at the merge point. Its possible people are complaining because of the added Photo ID component of the DAS. But I don’t see how that is any more embarrassing except by identifying which member of your party is the one who requires the card.Got to the part about showing the CM at the ride the DAS card. Question, how did the old GAC card work? Didn't the individual possessing said card have to show it to someone in order to receive the accommodation? So how is the showing the DAS card (1) any different and (2) subject the holder to embarrassment?
Another possibility is this. I have seen firsthand people with wheelchairs or scooters not being asked for a GAC. My mother twice rented a scooter during our visits with her. She would frequently either just wave the scooter key or cast members would invite her to use the FP line after she parked the scooter. I guess they just assumed she had a GAC. I know this wasn’t policy. But it did seem to happen frequently. If some were treating that as policy, then perhaps that is their justification for increased embarrassment? Although still, how is being asked for the card at the line entrance inviting more attention than riding a scooter in the first place?