Operation Rescue Dreamfinder


New Member
Where's the original thread on this? Are we talking about bringing the original (or update of the original) JII attraction back?? I mean, they did put Dreamfinder all over the one there now, albeit while grossly oversaturating us with HISTA. At least this version of the attraction is better than the one that immediately followed the original JII.

I totally agree that Figment and JII are a perfect match for the trackless technology. Imagine the freedom of that ride system with a character like Figment?!?! I love Tokyo's Pooh. I have never been on attraction where, literally, the line to get a FastPass for it was 30 mins. Granted, this was about 6 months after it opened, but still...

I'm hoping they use a continuous loader system to prevent long waits to get on.


Well-Known Member
yeah me too! I hope Operation Rescue Dreamfinder will be official all of us have to wait what happend. I hope the announce in October 1, 2007.


Hmm... Operation Rescue Dreamfinder.....

Ok this is going off topic, but that name just made me think of a crazy attraction idea. Think, Dinosaur attraction (theme of it) meets JIYI. Figment tells you that Dreamfinder has been located/heard from. Been kidnapped away in the alternate dimension (can’t think of a name) but we'll call it ANTI imagination (i.e. dark) Even with darker representations of Dreamfinder and Figment. Must rescue him and bring him back... LOL yeah I know corny, but that just popped in my head with that title and thought Id share.

(sorry for offtopic)


Account Suspended
A few thoughts..

If WDW Management cant smell the mothballs and cat-wizz that is equatable to the staleness of HISTA, then there's no hope.

Hoewever, the ride is definately doing as badly as the Land, Seas, Motion or Horizons were doing before they got the axe - if not moreso. I'd say the Land was healthier, the rest are probably about equal.


New Member
From The February 2005 Disney Stockholder's Meeting

My name is Michael Tuchman, from Orlando Florida, home of Figment. I have been a shareholder for over 15 years.


Ten years ago at the shareholders’ meeting I asked you about the exclusive Epcot character Figment and, why, in spite of his popularity, little was done to promote him and his co-star character Dreamfinder. Your response then was that you were looking for a good vehicle for him.

Five years ago at the shareholders’ meeting in Chicago, you were asked again about Figment who had then been ‘discontinued’ as a Disney character. At that time you announced that "Figment has gone to Figment Heaven".

Now, five years later, it’s time once again to review the state of Disney’s Figment character.

Thanks to popular demand there has been a resurrection: Figment is not only back at Epcot in the Journey Into Imagination ride; there also is another Epcot attraction featuring Figment that just opened, a meet and greet photo location named "Figment’s Place".

Unfortunately for the newer attraction, Disney Entertainment has come up with a walk-around Figment which towers over guests at 6 feet 9 inches tall, all because they wanted a "huggable" Figment character. The result was a big freaky Figment, blown up entirely out of proportion, much like the one that you ordered shelved back in the 1980s. On the Internet, it has been nicknamed "Figzilla"!

It’s not that people don’t like "huggable" characters; in fact, I’d personally love a "huggable" Jessica Rabbit. (Anyway...)

As for Figment and Dreamfinder, they always belonged together; they were created to play off of each other. Figment was always intended to be tiny, an extension of Dreamfinder, not a stand alone, overblown, ‘Barney dinosaur wannabe’.

A face character Dreamfinder, relating with and performing for guests with a cute baby-like Figment puppet, evolved into a magical relationship, and created a significant following. In their role as ambassadors of Epcot, these two characters became an important part of the theme park experience; cultivating repeat visits for many guests. There are even press accounts of people who credit those two characters with saving and improving the quality of their loved one’s lives.

Recently both characters came out on an expensive, collectible pin. People lined up for hours, and the pin sold out on the spot! It’s painfully obvious that the fans miss the Dreamfinder. Figment misses the Dreamfinder. The Dreamfinder misses Figment and the Epcot guests. All involved would benefit greatly by their return. Since your affection for Figment is on the record, and because we know that you authorized the return of Figment from "Figment Heaven" to Epcot, we turn to you once again for your help.

Thank you for returning our friend Figment, and even though you may have other things on your mind right now; please, as one Michael to another...

It’s time to bring Dreamfinder back home.

How about it?

Mr Eisner’s Response:

Well… This is an excellent, excellent question, one of the best questions of the year.

This is proof positive of the lack of real power of a CEO in American corporations. It also is proof positive that I'm not the micromanager that I'm depicted to be.

Because I agree with you; but I'm the only one who agrees with you.

I have not been able to elicit the passion you expressed in our animation department, in our live-action department, and in Mr. Iger to my left.

However, we'll keep trying; we'll keep suggesting. And maybe I'll take you to the next meeting that I go to on Figment down in Florida.


New Member
90% of this has has already been talked about but figured I would add this in. Don't think it really helps and probably just adds to the confusion actually, plus the fact that things change so fast :confused: . What I was told several months ago. Look for a announcement in late summer and for the entire pavilion to close before the end of the year. . Now this seemed to be on track and then all of a sudden things got very quiet. That's when I asked here if anyone knew more info and everyone said probably wait for Oct 1st. So I went back last week and asked my sources now nobody is talking . I'm not sure what that means.:shrug: I know two people that do design work , they work for two different companies . One has said that they have worked on a similar concept to the scene with Dreamfinder and the carousel/turntable(not necessarily a circle) area that would make it look like you were in the clouds.(don't have anymore details on this one.). The other one swears up and down that they were doing actual testing of a new ride vehicle for EPCOT and thought it was for Journey because this was supposed to be installed in middle of 2008. There were ride problems occurring. I know things get tested, canceled , and pushed back all the time . But I really thought it was going through . If you think about it , it would be a perfect time to redo the pavilion SSE will be back up and everything else seems to be up and running , why would they wait ? Unless Energy is next?. Now HISTA is getting a new screen this seems to go against everything I was told . If this gets cancelled I'm going to :hurl: From what I was told and from what I heard here this refurb was going to be extensive. I know there was going to be extensive work done on the outside to fountains,entrances too. But seeing Lee and others not even hearing about it , I now have my doubts. I think it would be kinda hard to have this big of a project and so few to hear about it . From what I've seen and heard Disney will defiantly be using there imagination on this one, let's hope something gets done .. and soon!!!


Well-Known Member
Ah, the quiet before the storm. The lack of chatter may be just as indicative of the progressive status of a project as an increased amount of chatter.

I hope the proverbial storm hits soon! Everything old should become new again!


New Member
that's ok! I really want this ride to be official.

Just a thought here, but what happens if WDI got a greenlight for the new rumored attraction, it got built, but the public either hated it, or was disappointed?

While I very much would like to see a new Imagination pavilion, perhaps we shouldn't be trying to rush WDI on their plans.

(Just a thought.)


Well-Known Member
Just a thought here, but what happens if WDI got a greenlight for the new rumored attraction, it got built, but the public either hated it, or was disappointed?

While I very much would like to see a new Imagination pavilion, perhaps we shouldn't be trying to rush WDI on their plans.

(Just a thought.)

I think the general consensus is that whatever WDI does will be an improvement over the current incarnation.

I'm not sure as to the power internet forums have in Disney Management's decision-making, probably very little, but maybe it would behoove us to keep this topic alive to 'let them know' we want Dreamfinder back and are aware of existing plans. They can't keep toying with us and shelving plans simply because the money needs to go to other projects (well, yes they can, but lets make it seem like they can't!) If WDWMagic members helped 'motivate' management to have a 25th celebration for EPCOT, who is to say we can't have a similar presence in the JII refurbishment?!


Well-Known Member
I like it and i would like to be official. I need to wait for the announcement! I love the name Operation: Rescue Dreamfinder.


Active Member
I think the general consensus is that whatever WDI does will be an improvement over the current incarnation.

I'm not sure as to the power internet forums have in Disney Management's decision-making, probably very little, but maybe it would behoove us to keep this topic alive to 'let them know' we want Dreamfinder back and are aware of existing plans. They can't keep toying with us and shelving plans simply because the money needs to go to other projects (well, yes they can, but lets make it seem like they can't!) If WDWMagic members helped 'motivate' management to have a 25th celebration for EPCOT, who is to say we can't have a similar presence in the JII refurbishment?!

I promise you that both the Imagineers and management realize the popularity of the Dreamfinder. The question is, how can they reintroduce the character in a manner that won't be along the lines of how Figment was reintroduced. The last two incarnations of Imagination are not looked upon highly in the company and for a while, were a high priority on the park's to-do list. When management re-examined the park (specifically Future World), they realized how much work was still needed for the other pavilions such as The Seas, The Land and of course, the World Showcase pavilions, they pushed the budget back to help to fix up the more "desperate" attractions. Nemo went way over budget, and the funds really went down. It has taken a while for the project to regain the money it had saved up, but there is a reason the project has taken so long. The people working on the project gave it such a large budget for "perfection's" sake. As I said before, they want this to be the end-all project for the Imagination pavilion, and they need their "proper" budget to make that happen. They will wait till they have the appropriate funds before they start anything.


Account Suspended
For all intents and purposes, it appears Epcot's attendance has been up a good amount this year. Rather then fluctuating greatly, it seems to generally have and hold guests through the day - and very oddly, using little of the parking lot in the process (DME is popular too it seems).

The refurbs in future world have gotten folks into the park and the refurbs in world showcase are fleshing out their days. I honestly cant find area of epcot that is failing as badly at the imagination ride - everything else is busy and bustling.

Wonders was the only other real option as a black spot, and well, that's fixed as far as Epcot Events and most of Disney are concerned.

Maybe it's cycling? Imagination 2 and 3 came shortly after Innoventions refurb 1 and 2, no? Well, folks have seen concept art, they've filed permits for new marquees, and large areas of innoventions are up for grabs. Will innoventions 3 leads to imagination 4?

I think Energy's time is up in 2010... starting in early 08 is the one way i see them accomplishing Imagination prior to 2010.


Active Member
I think Energy's time is up in 2010... starting in early 08 is the one way i see them accomplishing Imagination prior to 2010.

Interesting post. For a while, Epcot was definitely East-heavy but has obviously balanced with the Land and Seas. I personally miss the fountain in the Land that completes the architectural story, but I do agree that crowd flow has improved. I think the new food court feels cold and sterile, feels just like your average food court in one of the Resort hotels - nothing special. I liked the 'feeling' that you were walking up to little individual farm stands before. But, like I said, I get it... I understand the reality. And I think the Nemo remake of Living Seas has done a great job. The science fact is all still there. As much as I miss the 'Briefing' film, this was a remarkable reworking of the pavillion, IMO. And the ride is very impressive given the footprint and restrictions. At Disneyland's Nemo, we obviously have significantly longer to tell the story, but the technology foundation is the same. To be honest, there is ONE aspect of Epcot's that I actually like better than our Nemo. While overall I like our Nemo subs better, that difference is a huge one for me and tempers my euphoria of our attraction.

I personally feel that Imagination needs more help than Energy. Everytime I go in Energy, people are still laughing and Ellen is popular once again so it seems like the less urgent of the two. My personal pet peeve is in the obvious an-oil-company-sponsors-us 'factual' elements in the film - basically poo-poo'ing any alternative energy solutions and proudly proclaiming that 'we've found enough oil to last us 50 years'. Ugh. Somewhat amusing to compare it with the message delivered by Circle of Life at the Land.

And it always cracks me up that Disney so incessenantly worries about Epcot's attendance when it is always leads worldwide attendance after the various Magic Kingdoms.

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