

i always wonder if they ever find stuff when they drain the water for rehabs: all the drivers license, waltets, credit cards, exc. also what do they do with the change people loose???

Here is a funny one: when i went to the lost and found to see if anybody found my mickey ears, which i left at the store i bought it at lol, but they had it, in the bag, with the reciept. i knew it was mine bc it had mary catherine on them

i laughed, though, about two people who asked:
A. if anybody found his drivers license
B. a teen ager asked if they found her FENDI sunglasses.
both were found
but seriously: who brings desginer sunglasses on a ride. i always give my stuff to whomever in our party isnt riding the ride

All change collected on rides is donated to different charities...I believe most theme parks do this as there is always rides with change thown.


Active Member
I didn't lose it but came close. My most recent trip last weekend I had to catch my bag as it flung out the side on Space Mountain. Luckily, I always loop the strap over my leg too so I was able to pull it up over the side (in retrospect, I'm probably lucky my hand didn't get hit by something). Getting off the ride my phone was laying in the bottom of the vehicle so I'm very lucky. It shocked me because I have gone so many times and its barely even moved and yet this time it flew out from under my legs and over the side.
I lost a cell phone on the TTA. Lost and found did not have it.
When I got back home there was a message that they found a phone and there was a number labled "Home", and they called it.

I had to describe the phone to them and Disney sent it back free.....very cool.

The best was on my Honeymoon, my wife and I were on IASW and were getting off. They young boy (10-12 years old) in front of us, lost his balance and fell back, smacking me in the face and sending my glasses (prescription) into the blue waters.......
This was our first day of 7 days.......

I never got them back, and I squinted the entire trip......


Active Member
i've lost stuff EVERYWHERE...but I've gotten it back every time...

The best was when I left my autograph book at Wilderness Lodge in 2001. I left my name with lost and found, and they not only found it, but they also sent it to my house, since it was our last day. Not only that, but when it was returned to me, it had signatures from tons of characters in it. I guess that they figured that since I lost it, i missed out. it was so nice :animwink:


Well-Known Member
omg...we've lost things everywhere! lol

Back in 1988, my dad lost his wallet on a WDW bus. I was 5 and my brother was 3, so daddy was taking us back to the room to go to bed while my mom and grandma shopped. Ironically, my mom managed to get on the same bus and sit in the same seat. She said her reaction was "that looks like Steve's wallet....wait....I think that is Steve's wallet!" :ROFLOL:

In 2000 I lost a roll of film. Checked GR and filled out a lost item report, but it never turned up.

In 2002, when I was a cp, my grandparents came to visit for their 50th wedding anniversary. We were in Epcot on SSE, and on the descent my tigger ears fell off. I was so mad! Then I realized that they had landed on my grandma's lap behind me.

Also in 2002, like a month after the tigger ears incident...my mom was visiting me and lost her 100 years of magic visor on splash mountain. She'd rode that ride like a hundred times with her hat and never lost it. Luckily, I worked at splash photo, and knew everyone in the retail area. One of my cm friends replaced the hat for my mom which really made her day!

I guess we have lost a few things over the years....:shrug:


New Member
This I must say is embarrasing.

This past december my family and I did our annual trip to WDW for the holidays. We were on IASW and it was about 6 of us and this other couple on the boat well myself and 1 of my cousins arent the smallest of people and we were on one side of the boat which caused a slight tilt. Well low and be hold we bumped another boat and my moms Christmas hat that she just bought for the very merry christmas party went into the water. The crazy thing was my cousin was literally ready to jump in the water to save my moms hat that was floating on the water. As we all no just like the titanic it eventually sank. The cool thing was they gave my mom a vouture and she was given another hat.:xmas:


Active Member
Oh, about 20 years ago my Aunt fed the Dinosaurs in Universe of Energy a $500 dollar camera, she swung her arm out so tell my grandfather to look at the dinosaur and it just flew off her arm. I think it was by the dinosaur that Ellen fights now.

The funny thing is that it was my grandfathers camera and she had already had to secretly replace it once when she dropped it & it smashed, so 1000.00 on cameras because of my aunts butter fingers.


New Member
In 2006, my family and I were doing a child swap so my DH and DD rode RNR they get off and I ask my DH what time is it and low and behold...the cell phone is gone. DH knew he had it when he got on the ride. So we all went back inside to check. They did not find it. So we went to lost and found and filled out the paper work. I told my DH lets go back..glad we did..they said it had rode RNR about 50 times and was still in the seat.. You talk about a ride of a life time!:ROFLOL:


Active Member
I lost a cell phone on Tower of Terror. I took it out of belt clip before ride and put it in my pocket. During the ride it came ou of my pocket. I realized it as soon as we passed the photos of the ride. I went back to unloading point and castmember had already found it and was holding it for my return. Amazing.


New Member
I lost my lunch once on a ride. :lol:
And though I have posted it before I think you would be hard pressed to guess which ride I lost it on.


Active Member
actually i was riding the mouse boats at the seven seas lagoon and was wearing a winnie the pooh hat. :cry:

It blue off. I loved that hat. but they replaced it :)


New Member
Never lost anything ON a ride, but I've left many a thing on benches and bathrooms. Books, hats, accessories to whatever else I have. I'm extremely absent minded. The kind of guy that'll go to the kitchen, take something out of the fridge, replace it with the remote and takes the coke bottle back with him instead.

Cutest thing tho: my brother, who's quickly becoming as absent minded as me (he's 7), lost a pirate hat and bandanna on Stitch's Great Escape. He just left it behind and when we came back it was nowhere to be found (most likely someone took it... I'll tell ya' peak season sometimes MK can turn into Mos Esiley and Barter Town combined).

Well of course he got really really sad, sulked around, arms crossed. I tried to cheer him up but to no avail.

But! A cast member asked him why he was so sad. His english is a bit hokey at best, so he couldn't explain quite well. My mom noticed what was going on and managed to explain the situation.

Sure enough, the cast member sent us over to the PotC store to get him a brand new pirate hat, and better than before too!


New Member
I haven't lost anything.. but I did find a pair of pink Children's sun glasses in Mickey's Philharmagic . I turned them in immediately to Lost and Found.
I have heard that all they change the collect (there is a ton in its a Small World) they donate to charity.. anyone confirm this?

Yes, they do. My grandfather's friend works for Disney and he told us when we went on IASW two summers ago. I can't remember what charity it is that they donate it to, though...
Left a white goofy sunhat (gilligan style) on Body Wars and it was gone just a few minutes later when I checked. Also lost a keychain (no keys on it) in the pouch of Everest.


Well-Known Member
Something to that extent:

We were there in November 2007. My family and I wanted to ride BTTMR before we hit Fantasyland for the kids. I put my camera in the little pouch that is in the cart of the ride. We got off, walked to Fanasty Land. About 45 minutes later I wanted to get a picture of the kids in front of the carousel, searching through my drawstring bag, I could not find my camera anywhere. I was in panic at this point, because I did not remember if I did really put my brand new digital camera in that pouch thing on the ride. I really forgot. So my cousin offered to run with me from Fantasy Land, back over to Frontierland, because she seen how upset I was. We were running through parade crowds and all lol. I finally get to BTTMR and walk thru the exit and asked if someone had found my camera. Yes, thankfully someone found it and turned it in. I wish I could have known who turned it in, because it was that easy for someone to just take it and keep it. But they were nice enough to turn it in. I was so relieved.
Great thread!

I lost two really great sweaters on the Disney Bus system...they were lovely all purpose pointelle goes with everything white, one mine and one DD's, and in our excitement I left them behind. I was actually quite upset, because these cardigans were the classic type that are hard to find these days...no trendy three-quarter sleeves or cropped waists. I did call Lost-and-Found but realize after reading this thread I should have turned up and looked through the bins myself. As opposed to "Hello? Yes, have you got a white sweater there?" :hammer:

Live and learn everyday. :D


I'm Surrounded by Idiots
I lost my hat on Tower of Terror back in 2006. It was sitting on my knee and must have blown right out of the car when the first drop happened didn't even see it going. I usually would sit on my hat but that time i forgot to. :brick: I was very upset because it was one of my favorite hats, but my day turned around a little bit when my family went to WWTBAMPI and I got in the hot-seat and won a thousand point hat. :)

I almost lost another hat on Splash Mountain one time too, I was sitting in the front row with my mother and left my hat on my head. When we went down the final drop I felt it fly off my head and figured I had lost it for good. Then someone in the back of the boat asked if anyone had lost a hat and I said yes and I got my hat back


we werent on a ride, but i did end up losing something at the poly last aug. we had come in to take a nap, after a superhot day, and got into a tickle-war (seriously!!), and i banged my hand on the headboard. lost a diamond out of my wedding ring. hadnt even had it on for 2 days!! those things can do some damage, no idea what theyre made out of! :dazzle:

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