One Sentence Competition: The Prism of SYWTBAI - Game End

Lord Fozzinator

Well-Known Member
In the Parks

I Would Build Nothing

Not until the yes men at Imagineering and their corporate overlords can get their act together and start producing stuff which can rival Pirates of the Caribbean or Haunted Mansion, with all the streetmosphere and maintenance that goes with that, instead of squandering billions on glorified tech campuses or on consumer-hostile low-capacity “two ride lands” designed merely as upcharge revenue streams slash brand extensions for the past 8 weeks of Disney+ content. Until that time - or until the OLC invades Anaheim - it’s better to leave the last Disneyland & DCA virgin soil unsullied and available for future generations.


That is really depressing, nice

Architectural Guinea Pig

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In the Parks
Oi it's the GUINEA PIG! Reviews will come on Thursday because I'm hella clocked out. I decided not to go with the pinging this time to see how it goes. There's a good amount of really amazing pitches so I'm really excited to go wrap up the forum’s most notorious one sentence competition :D

Edit: Yes I’m editing this post because I’m getting sidetracked by a ton of things-
Last edited:

Architectural Guinea Pig

Well-Known Member
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In the Parks

Guinea pig begins to get his act together...

Death Valley - @Miru
Let it be known that Death Valley in CA is one of the most underrated places to visit in North America, and very hard to visit- placing a land like this in DCA is perfect to let visitors have the feel of what the desert is like before deciding whether or not to go there. While I wasn’t too convinced about a land themed to the desert, considering Cars Land also held that dna to it, the pure assortment of attractions that you talk about is full of potential. Illusion Mountain is seriously a very unique and really cool concept- is it a play on the idea of mirages and hidden places of the desert? A giga coaster for Disney sounds like huge fun, though it would be a bit hard to properly theme the coaster tracks- not too hard for a project of this scale. Again, there’s a great assortment of attractions and experiences, all while paying an ode to Native Americans. Great work!

+1 Bonus - The worlds’ largest Disney store?

Discovery Bay Hotel - @Disney Warrior

First impressions, you have me 100% hooked! I love Discovery Bay- it’s an invigorating and fresh concept that has been easily neglected and unused by Disney. But at this point in time, a land like that featuring no singular ip is realistically impossible, and any thought about it being a land is not happening. But a hotel, an experience unlike any other as you mention, sounds so amazing. The entire pitch, is a voila masterpiece- having it on the DCA plot to align with its “Californian” texture, creating a pool themed to none other than 20,000 LEAUGES, wowzers! I love love love love this idea (especially because I didn’t expect it to pop up in the prompt), and this shows that the armchair imagineering community seriously can come up with something unique. Figment’s long lost brother is seriously wild.


Disney’s Avengers Tower West Resort - @Solaris Knight

Suprinsingly, resort pitches in this round are starting to become my favorite, because they’re extremely flavorful and well-themed while also adding that “experience” value of living the world instead of visiting the world. An Avengers tower hotel is A+++, and the idea of again becoming a superhero is very tantalizing, but let me address the elephant(s) in the room: first, having the tower would be such an eyesore for sightlines all across the resort, especially if it can be seen from the parks, but in some ways it adds the hotel district’s city-like feeling. The second elephant, being the Galactic Starcruiser-inspired element, which we all know completely backfired on Disney… Everything else about this is wonderful, from the STARK easter eggs to the hotel rooftop- it’s such a uniquely Marvel experience that I would still pay a visit!


Pixar Water Park - @Brer Panther
Great idea! A fresh wholesome Pixar waterpark with a colorful, relaxing, and fun vibe is quite the winner of an, all while matching the hotel. That would kinda make the DCA area a bit too over-infused with Pixar though- still a good pitch! Short, simple, to the point.

Mythland - @Sneakman
Funnily enough, this Mythland concept is very similar to the DisneylandForward project from SYWTBAI (linked in the spectrum infor, if you want to check it out). An amalgamation of myths and stories becoming something more than a myth- something real, is a strong “Core” idea and your pitch continues to make it fresh. My favorite part of your pitch, aside from the FoP Hercules which sounds super goated, is the Paul Bunyan boat ride. It just feels strong in the way of having distinctly Americana charm, just like Frontierland, New Orleans, or Main Street, fulfilling the “fourth frontier” aspect of Disneyland. It sounds like an excellent opportunity to have a strong mix of American legend while we sail away in logs…

+1 Bonus - Funnily enough, this reminds me of Disney’s Fantasea from Citrus Dreamin’

Architectural Guinea Pig

Well-Known Member
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In the Parks

Star Wars: The Outer Rim - @Lord Fozzinator
Heck yeak, this Star Wars concept seems like fun. Minor nitpick though, Batuu (Galaxy’s Edge) is part of the Outer Rim too. Would this seamlessly merge with the existing land to become a mega land, probably the biggest in history? The pitch is still great! The mix of Hoth, Tatooine, and Endor, all their own type of biome is common but always nice to see. I love the amount of attractions here, from the simulator to the pod racing ride- but I have a feeling that there’s way too many E-tickets in this singular land, especially considering you have 2 roller coasters? Nonetheless, I especially love the simulator idea, which sounds like a lot of fun. Plus, the original trilogy is awesome!

+1 Bonus - I’m going to scream because that does not sound like the Toy Story Parking lot

Disney’s Worlds of Nature - @OSUPhantom

This is f**king gorgeous of an idea. Masterpiece! Bonus points (+0.0000001) for the custom logo, and I have to admit I am a huge fan once again, of this concept. The beauty, the powerful message and soul of Disney is richly ingrained into the park you’re describing. The Sea, Earth, and Sky all as their own “pavillion” by merging seamlessly, its one of those rare moments when a park is not a park; it is instead an experience. The long-anticipated Moana ride works perfectly along the time traveling and air balloon ride, making me feel like this is one of those moments when an ip truly does fit into the park’s story and DNA. I’m surprised you didn’t mention a Wall-E ride in the mix, but I can pleasantly expect this to happen. The only thing I think that hinders this concept would be the fact that there are giant hotel buildings looming all over the pads, and it would be unnatural for there to be an entire theme park, considering your bonus could be swapped here. So I’ll do that mental swap and simply tell you here that I love this pitch.

+1 Bonus - The beautiful Disneysea elements; are you sure you’re not an imagineer yet?

Zorro at DCA - @WaltWiz1901

Short and sweet pitch, but packs in what it wants to be- a Zorro E-ticket! But I’m pretty sure you forgot to tell what exactly this ride even is; is it a roller coaster? Kuka arm dark ride? Zorro is an incredible and deserving ip for DCA, I just really have to know more about this concept to fall in love with it. A land paying homage to the mixture of Spanish and Californian texture truly sounds fun. I want to ride whatever this is…


Surfside Village - @Rock Wren

A like this unique concept a lot, just deepest apologies because while it is a good idea I don’t have many words to describe the entire land in a review. Obviously we can never have enough Oceanside lands, and a new “bay” would be super fun! I like the mix of attractions featuring ip and non-ip, though I’m a bit confuddled about what the surf-coaster would really be themed to within the show building, if it matches the same layout as guardians at Epcot. Other than that, the Finding Dory attraction sounds fun and this is a nice blend of whimsy and Americana!

+1 Bonus - Parking Garage!

Villain’s Isle - @montydysquith-navarro

Villian’s land… in a park themed to California. Either this is a very crude reference to the evils within this overpopulated state, or maybe there really aren’t many places to build a villain’s land, whatever it is, very funny to have it in DCA! It is upon writing that I discover that your very first sentence is about this taking place on Alcatraz Island - LMAO WHAT?!?! This is purely genius- villains returning to a defunct prison and making it a prison locking away happiness! Yikes, the genius! In all seriousness, a water ride themed to our favorite big baddies is a home run, especially because DCA needs that boat ride and needs it ASAP… I want to get wet on those very hot days. I can’t tell if I love or hate this concept, I think it’s both o:

+1 Bonus - Time to rob this “Disney Vault”...

Architectural Guinea Pig

Well-Known Member
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In the Parks
Ignore my grammar... I ignored grammarly

Tatooine and Mandalore - @Tony the Tigger
For sure the forum’s need for a full-scale Tatooine land is greatly needed- thank you for the fan-service! I love the emphasis on this being more focused towards Disney+ shows than the main movies; that’s not company synergy, that’s tuning in to what’s popular but mixing it with a familiar location, which Galaxy’s Edge does none of! Same nitpick I had with Fozz, seeing that this is also a Star Wars land, does it basically merge with GE or stand as a separate land to the park’s catalog? A Mandalore (space) dark ride sounds like a lot of fun. Is it suspended similar to Pan to truly show that space-drifting feeling? I also had on my mind that this could also be a dark (space) ride and its meaning would not change at all lmao-

+1 Bonus - This will be the new hotspot for teenagers and Disney Adults

Eureka Valley & Hotel Expansion - @TheSquirrel

Wow- this two part pitch certainly is very ambitious. California is so tightly connected to the word Eureka that Eureka Valley screams of optimism of gold. The only thing I fear is how similar this is compared to Grizzly Peak, which is technically inspired by the same concept but heightened (in tune with national parks)- featuring it’s own mill too! The idea of a large valley with giant rockwork is easily unique and very fun to think about, as it would be one of those jaw-droppers that imagineers unleash once in every few years. The Eureka Mill Flume sounds really fun too, and another splashifull option for the sometimes-hot park. What’s really crazy is the hotels part of this pitch, because of the simple fact of there being 7 new hotels- honestly if the Sensational 6 don’t share a singular lobby I would be very scared, because this is a very big project to think about! Ambitious but in the long run, it should help the resort greatly with cool new hotels.

+1 Bonus - Volcano Bay vibes herm herm

The Fjords - @Disney Dad 3000

I think it’s well known by now that my favorite lands are themed and supported by nature. It easily feels that imagination box in my head, seeing those crashing waterfalls and great mountains- and the Fjords, a land that sounds gorgeous by name and picture, is no doubt something that’s also incredibly beautiful. My only problem, with the entire pitch, is the name of the land, it’s way to short... Like cmon! How about something like Fjordland, in tune with the other “-lands” in the park! Aside from that, this is again beautiful with the Scandavian and Viking tones to it. I also love the variety of attractions with varying levels of intensity- I’m scared that this is way too good though and gives Disney a path to deleting the Matterhorn, as the rollercoaster sounds so similar to it! A Frozen expansion suddenly sounds good when you have this land, as it now holds a seamless transition effect. The cold never bothered me anyway…

+1 Bonus - Shopping=money for Disney

Cascading Reefs - @Evilgidgit

If your pitch is late, don’t worry because my reviews are later!!! As the second to last pitch, I seriously thought that things could not get better than the existing showstopper pitches so far, until I read yours. Cascading Reefs, a gorgeous name for a land, that brings an image unlike any either- simply through the name. I thought the Fjords and Worlds of Nature were good, but this is something else. You basically unlocked beauty, Evilgidgit. This is the prime creation of armchair imagineering. THREE MINILANDS, as distinctive as Fantasy Springs, each so different but when together, a mishmash of color, culture, and variety that screams wonder in so many ways. There is such a peaceful magic to this that I simply must applaud you again and again. Te Fiti is expected, Pandora amazing and flashy, but with Ariel- again, it’s like an equation that works perfectly together. I LOVE the gentle balance and variety of the attractions, how it all fits together like a puzzle piece, how each one is with visiting… forever and ever…

+1 Bonus - Disney’s Adventure?

Nothing - @D Hulk

+1 Bonus - DISNEYSKYYYYYYYY (Yes, your review is also nothing, nonetheless your pitch has me sold. We’re building nothing then!)

Architectural Guinea Pig

Well-Known Member
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In the Parks

Nothing by @D Hulk


The Fjords by @Disney Dad 3000

A beautiful Viking scene free of IP (for now). I am captivated by it all- if it wasn't for the way-too-short land name.


Disney's Worlds of Nature by @OSUPhantom

Greenlight this pitch! It's the Epcot Rennaisance everyone needs


Discovery Bay Hotel by @Disney Warrior & Cascading Reefs by @Evilgidgit

I had a hard time choosing the winner of this award- battling between the two, I realized that one wasn't above the other- they worked together to become the most perfect DisneylandForward West concept... EVER. Adding the perfect amount... of everything.

Tomorrow we shall reach our glorious sunset, also known as the finale. It has been a wild ride with everyone! Let us gaze into the prisms of light for one last time.


Well-Known Member

I Would Build Nothing

Not until the yes men at Imagineering and their corporate overlords can get their act together and start producing stuff which can rival Pirates of the Caribbean or Haunted Mansion, with all the streetmosphere and maintenance that goes with that, instead of squandering billions on glorified tech campuses or on consumer-hostile low-capacity “two ride lands” designed merely as upcharge revenue streams slash brand extensions for the past 8 weeks of Disney+ content. Until that time - or until the OLC invades Anaheim - it’s better to leave the last Disneyland & DCA virgin soil unsullied and available for future generations.


With the recent Fantasy Springs being all-IP, I’m not sure about OLC being able to save them, as amazing as it is. Galaxy’s Edge was solid too, it wasn’t until Avengers Campus that things really started to irredeemably suck.


Well-Known Member
Speaking from experience - running competitions like these takes a lot of work, time, and attention, much of which isn’t seen on the player side. You have to balance good and detailed reviews which give credit to everyone’s contribution with keeping up the pace of the game, all while lots of personal or forum activities come up on the side. Such as joining the finale and ultimately winning a comp all while hosting this one, not to mention any life things we don’t know that may have come up.

End of the day - competitions like these are all hosted for free on everyone’s personal time. Hosting is a passion project just like playing is for us. And yes, past seasons have been more punctual, but remember this is just a forum. There’s no mandate on a host to keep to schedule.

Yes, in hindsight maybe reaching out with more communication or bringing in another host would be ideal, but let that be a lesson for future hosting. It can be easy to forget sometimes, but remember, it’s all just a game.

Architectural Guinea Pig

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Yes, in hindsight maybe reaching out with more communication or bringing in another host would be ideal, but let that be a lesson for future hosting. It can be easy to forget sometimes, but remember, it’s all just a game.
You know, it's pretty funny when both of you mention this because in all technicality;

I am the replacement.

Ace handed over the knife to me earlier this year because he was going to be busy for some time- yet funnily enough I had the same issues that I didn't anticipate having never actually hosted before. It takes me about four hours to write reviews, which isn't healthy, making me want to delay them as much as possible. Yet today I'm looking to post the final prompt, having thought about how I wanted it shown. Summer was a roller coaster, and the brakes were near... Bȕ̷̧͎̲̬͓̲͔̲͚̻̰̲̬́t̶̆͊͊͒͒͂͜͝ͅ t̷̫͚̙͙̱̭̉̅̈́̈͊̃̎̃̔́̾́̓̀̓̚ḧ̵̰̋̇͒̒͊̿̊̋̓̈́̓͐̓͠é̶̢̨̧̛̥̗̙̮͍͍̣̱̼͕̲͂̆͜͠ ̵̭̰͉̤̳̻͚̙̪̤͕͐̿͋̾͆̄͛̎͘͠t̵̡̗̝͕͔̗̹͎̹̱̤̦̠͈̏̍̔͑̔̿̈́̅̔̂͘͜͝ḩ̸̧̹͍̫͕̞̅͑̈́̈́͊̂̏̄͜͠ì̸̛͔̼̬̃̍̋̍̀̌́̉͝͝n̷͚͂̉͛̊̎g̴̛̟̅̽͋̊̀͘ ̷̯̜̠̭̑̀̓̿̆̔̋̿̒̆̈́͑̌̊̚i̷̲̦̖̫͎̼̅̋̔̅̊̃̒͛̕͘̕͜s̵̢͓̅̄̀̋̔̋̒͂͛...


Well-Known Member
You know, it's pretty funny when both of you mention this because in all technicality;

I am the replacement.

Ace handed over the knife to me earlier this year because he was going to be busy for some time- yet funnily enough I had the same issues that I didn't anticipate having never actually hosted before. It takes me about four hours to write reviews, which isn't healthy, making me want to delay them as much as possible. Yet today I'm looking to post the final prompt, having thought about how I wanted it shown. Summer was a roller coaster, and the brakes were near... Bȕ̷̧͎̲̬͓̲͔̲͚̻̰̲̬́t̶̆͊͊͒͒͂͜͝ͅ t̷̫͚̙͙̱̭̉̅̈́̈͊̃̎̃̔́̾́̓̀̓̚ḧ̵̰̋̇͒̒͊̿̊̋̓̈́̓͐̓͠é̶̢̨̧̛̥̗̙̮͍͍̣̱̼͕̲͂̆͜͠ ̵̭̰͉̤̳̻͚̙̪̤͕͐̿͋̾͆̄͛̎͘͠t̵̡̗̝͕͔̗̹͎̹̱̤̦̠͈̏̍̔͑̔̿̈́̅̔̂͘͜͝ḩ̸̧̹͍̫͕̞̅͑̈́̈́͊̂̏̄͜͠ì̸̛͔̼̬̃̍̋̍̀̌́̉͝͝n̷͚͂̉͛̊̎g̴̛̟̅̽͋̊̀͘ ̷̯̜̠̭̑̀̓̿̆̔̋̿̒̆̈́͑̌̊̚i̷̲̦̖̫͎̼̅̋̔̅̊̃̒͛̕͘̕͜s̵̢͓̅̄̀̋̔̋̒͂͛...
Is than an evil version of you in the reactions?

Earlie the Pearlie

Well-Known Member

Is than an evil version of you in the reactions?
See, this is interesting. For the last SA8 project, part of our presentation gimmick was having a portion of it as a “leak” of information stolen by hackers. Dearchitectural Guinea Pig, AGP’s evil counterpart, was going to leak the info. Unfortunately the account did not get OKed in time to submit. But now it appears DGP has gone rouge and may or may not be taking over this comp? Should be interesting to see what happens next… 🍿
May 9th, 2024

Ever since the internet outage, there is silence in the air. As I scramble around looking for an answer to who is behind this mess, I realize that the prisms in my room may be the cause of such destruction. Something, mortally, is wrong. The light, which hath refracted into different colors, have sliced the temporal fabric of reality itself. The air, instead of bringing solace I once had within me, is now damp and unusually bright. The prisms are a curse, a mistake, something I should never have done.

To treat this, I must spend the next few weeks devising a plan. A plan? I'm not sure, but I will soon. Fabricate this as a guise for an unexpected hiatus....

May 12th 2024
Players are beginning to wonder where I have gone. My mind, has gone mad. At some points I am forgetting what I have done just a few moments ago. As if reality is playing with me, this feels like something out of a Harry Potter book. Are the prisms a curse? I've been working a few chemicals to build something that can counterattack their effectiveness, but they are just so necessary if I want to let this "game" continue. Oh, but it is far from a game. A game?

It is one day from my birthday, and as a guinea pig, perhaps I am dying soon. If only there could be some solution. Wait- if I use the power of the prisms to radiate and control my own body... I heard something about that. I know that Hulk has experienced something similar.

May 23rd, 2024
What has happened? Distinctly I remember doing something called "Citrus Dreamin'", but never has there been a real life jungle cruise in this world. I am mortally confused. What am I doing? I know there has been some progress made in research. Gamma radiation, I heard, is electromagnetic wavelength of the shortest length, and that's whats coming from the prisms.

Worse, I fear that this may all be a curse. Ever since I stole the Hope Diamond from the Manor of Mysteries to create this prisms, I believed that I had wiped the curse along with it. But now the diamond and the prisms are taking control of me. The only solution is for me to control how I want it to be done.

June 1st, 2024
It was disastrous. For the past few days I have been fighting and clawing my way out of the darkness, filled with bits of "imagination." This imagination has fed upon my soul, yearning for growth, and being surrounding by so many powerful and imaginative minds in this "game," I am succumbing to the darkness. However, I have risen again. Haven't found anything about infusing my body correctly with radiation, but I'll have it after these reviews are finished.

Strange... is that a new prism? What is that? Has it always been there? Did I make it? It emits a positive kind of energy. Will it work?

The Prism of SYWTBAI...?


Well-Known Member
See, this is interesting. For the last SA8 project, part of our presentation gimmick was having a portion of it as a “leak” of information stolen by hackers. Dearchitectural Guinea Pig, AGP’s evil counterpart, was going to leak the info. Unfortunately the account did not get OKed in time to submit. But now it appears DGP has gone rouge and may or may not be taking over this comp? Should be interesting to see what happens next… 🍿
IIRC, @D Hulk actually told @Architectural Guinea Pig to use his normal account.

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