Active Member
I love video games, even as I'm getting older. And, I don't have kids. So, it's really interesting for me to see how parents deal with the situation. I definitely understand that you don't "get" the games, but you're actually in a far, far better place of understanding than many parents. It seems like you have a good general grasp on the concept of the base-game vs figures, which is far-from-automatic knowledge. I've explained the concept to a few parents when they looked lost while in my local big-box retailer.As a parent of an 8 yr ole who is engrossed with Skylander I am actully saving money for this.
Side note- I thought I'd never be the parent who didn't "get" video games as I was totally intp game up to and through my college years, but I don't have time to play them now (or have the interest) so I am in the crowd of open the wallet for the kids. (We do make them them earn the money and or wait for deals, but if they are the next Skylander..Huge- just get it out faster than say...the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, other platforms have to have stuff comming also)
I often get frustrated when I hear/see a child with access to adult content, simply because his/her parents were misinformed or complacent. But, now that games are experimenting with different pricing models, it's yet another layer parents have to dig through.
Anyways, congrats to you, as it sounds like you've actually made a good attempt at knowing what the content is, and how much you'll be on the hook for it!