Well-Known Member
No, Disney should not take a note from the regional parks. The regional parks couldn’t match Disney is terms of experience and service. Most started off as theme parks and ended up transitioning to amusement parks because they fell into being too focused on hard numbers (that were exacerbated by Wynn’s pricing model).Its almost like they should take a note from the regional parks that many Disney fans hate on. When Cedar Point adds new attractions they look for rides that have high hourly capacity. As well as adding in a lot more family rides. Its nice having Matt Ouimet as the CEO of Cedar Fair. If only Disney had some one like that. Oh wait he did work from them once. Instead they went with Lex Luthor to lead the charge.
High capacity for a regional park can be middling capacity for a Disney parks and is almost exclusively the domain of large steel coasters.
Ouimet hasn’t been CEO since 2017. He is executive chairman of the board.