Hello ladies. Has your face been devoured by the aging effects of decomposition? Have insects taken their toll on the slivers of flesh that hang from your old attack
wounds? Do you grow tired of having children run away screaming, when they could have served as a tasty appetizer? Well, we at the Zombie Salon can help you to win the battle against the embarrassing effects of raw-flesh syndrome. We invite you to come in for a free consultation with one of our experienced and knowledgeable stylists. At the Zombie Salon, we pamper you with fresh road kill in the waiting room, and then transport you to a world of transformation as our stylists work toward restoring a more natural, undead glow to your face. Yes ladies, it will be your joy to have the look that says, “I’m just like everyone else, and I’m not going to eat you.”
So come in for your free consultation today, and remember, we can’t help you if you if you tear into our vital organs!
Call now!