Good Morning All...Well apart from watching my beloved Brazil soccer team winning the confederation cup last night,before that I was watching a documentary on two British chefs called " The Hairy Bikers " in their tv series in Mississippi...The food was awesome..But there was a scene where the buildings in the background were a double for the mansion buildings in PORS..And the old Mississippi River flowing past..I think it was this reason that I fell in love with PORS.And after my third visit last year, I honestly can't see me picking another resort..Yes I will visit WL on my next visit. ( we always do a wee tour of other resorts just to be nosey ) But PORS stole it for me.The combination of the rustic Alligator Bayou section..The majestic four mansions..Arcadian House..Magnolia Terrace..Oak Manor..Parterre Place..that make up Magnolia Bend..The big wheel washing into the river at the food court..And that beautiful Sassagoula River flowing all the way down to Downtown Disney..And of course the beautiful landscape grounds...Oh how I wish I was there right now..

Snap out of it Hatter..Anyway to my question.What made you fall in love with your favourite resort at Disney that a pack of wild horses couldn't pull you away from.