Official "Cars" Review Thread

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It comes out today, and I think it looks terriffic! With Larry the Cable Guy voicing a tow truck, you can't go wrong.:lol:

Has anyone seen it yet? If so, what did you think?

I think I'll be seeing in tonite or tomorrow some time.


Well-Known Member
Just got back from it.

Let's see.

Well, our local paper only gave it 2 stars out of 5, and from other reviews I've read, I understood that it may just be the weakest Pixar film to date...though, of course, a weak Pixar film has a good sporting chance to be better than a strong film from any other studio...

Some of the plot dialogue and elements seemed a bit forced, or rather, expected. Formulaic, I suppose, is the word. Still plenty of eye candy, and at its core a tried-and-true universal message.

A worthwhile film? Absolutely.

But does it rival, say, Toy Story?

With my one viewing, no. Or at least, not yet. Perhaps I need to see it a few more times. Maybe it's one of those films that grows on you with time.

SirNim's Estimation: 3 1/2 thumbs up outta 5 :lol:

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I just got back from it, and I thought it was GREAT. Pixar manages to keep outdoing themselves in terms of animation. The scenery was fantastic, and the racing scenes were well animated, and the crowd full of cars was stunning.

All of the voice acting was perfect. Paul Newman, Owen Wilson, and some of the others were all perfect. The one who really steals the show is Larry the Cable Guy. He was just flat out hilarious. And has some great one-liners. "He was actually a great racer and won three piston cups!" "He did what in cups?!?!" :lol: All of the details were fantastic. The rock formations on the cliffs resembled car parts, the air plane streeks in the sky looked like tire tracks, and many other things and visual gags.

My only complaints would be that the pacing could've been better. Some moments it felt really slow. But aside from that, I had a really poor movie going experience. Why? The kids! All of the noisy mis-behaving kids in the audience! Ugh! Of corse, that's not the movie's fault, but it was a little less enjoyable because of that.

Over all, this is a great film. Another solid effort by Pixar. Not quite their best ( which is still the Incredables ), but still great.

Grade: B+

BTW: STAY DURING THE CREDITS!!!!!! It shows some funny scenes afterward. And then, there's some really funny jab at the John Ratzenberger character. Trust me, its worth it, and its hilarious. And at the very end of the credits, there's another small little scene.


New Member
I saw Cars tonight. Alone, might I add. But it was worth it.

My favorite Pixar movie is Finding Nemo, but I think Cars may soon claim that spot. I'll have to see it again, first, though.

Why? It's just so visually burdening. Not in a bad way, mind you, but there is A LOT to see and not enough time to see it. There are stickers and scenery and bugs in the shape of cars. EVERYTHING is a visual gag and after a while it gets to where you can't really pay attention to the movie AND see everything there is to see at the same time.

But it was great. I liked the story a lot. I pretty much knew the basic outline of it, but I was still surprised many times throughout.

Larry the Cable Guy was hilarious. I don't normally like him, but he was great in this movie. Owen Wilson and Bonnie Hunt were also great.

I don't rate movies. It was just plain great.


New Member
dr_teeth90210 said:
Thanks for the reviews. :)

Were the theatres sold out? How were the crowds?

Mine wasn't sold out. At least it wasn't when I bought the ticket. I bought it around 7:45 for an 8:15 show. So there you go.

However, there were A LOT of people in the theater. I definitely suggest getting there early. At least 20 minutes.


Active Member
Pongo said:
Mine wasn't sold out. At least it wasn't when I bought the ticket. I bought it around 7:45 for an 8:15 show. So there you go.

However, there were A LOT of people in the theater. I definitely suggest getting there early. At least 20 minutes.

Good to know. We plan on going Sunday evening. Hopefully, the crowds won't be as bad.


Well-Known Member
Saw Cars last night. I personally loved the movie. I always have a difficult time comparing it to other Pixar films since I thought Finding Nemo was kind of boring while the rest of the world seemed to love it, but Cars was definetely a movie well worth the price of admission. The visuals are amazing and if you saw Over the Hedge you would realize just how much farther Pixar is ahead of the rest of the computer animated world, something that really just hit me while watching Cars. The movie is funny, full of heart and soul and after just a little while, you begin to forget you are watching "cars" and not real people acting. Simply wonderful. My favorite moments, Luigi and his Tiny friend every time they appeared on screen and the ongoing tractor thing throughout the movie....go see it to understand.

Our local Regal theater had Cars in 3 separate theaters. The 6:45 and 7:10 shows were sold out when I got there at 6:40pm and the 7:45 show which I saw it at seemed about 80% full. Saturdays are usually bigger days for family movies like this, so buying tickets ahead of time might not be a bad idea.


Well-Known Member
Pongo said:
Larry the Cable Guy was hilarious. I don't normally like him, but he was great in this movie.

I couldn't agree more. I usually think he's kind of dumb (which I know is his stichk...but I don't usually like it) but he was dead on perfect for the roll of Mater. Now I want my own stuffed Mater. I thought he was so cute!

CTXRover said:
The visuals are amazing and if you saw Over the Hedge you would realize just how much farther Pixar is ahead of the rest of the computer animated world, something that really just hit me while watching Cars.

I could not agree with you more. I thought the same thing as I was leaving the theater. And I think the storyline of Cars was much more advanced than Over the Hedge was too. Don't get me wrong, I loved Over the Hedge, but Cars is by far superior.

So for my review. I loved the movie. I thought was great. The voices fit the characters extremely well. The only problem I had with the movie is that it seemed a tad bit long. After the neon lights scene, I started to think...hmmm...I've been sitting here a while. Other than that, it was great!


Well-Known Member
Part of the reason I immediately wanted to see Cars after the first teaser, was the fact that Larry the Cable Guy had a role. :lol:

P.S. Larry's actual name is Danny. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
dandaman said:
Part of the reason I immediately wanted to see Cars after the first teaser, was the fact that Larry the Cable Guy had a role. :lol:

P.S. Larry's actual name is Danny. :lookaroun
well whoop-de-doo for Danny :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Pongo said:
He's from Orlando.

I don't understand why he's so Hick.

He's originally from Nebraska. He didn't have the accent to start, but more or less moved about from place to place in the South and developed what he now is today.

Larry's one of my favourite comedians, simply because of the fact that he doesn't act like he's better than everyone else, like most other comedians; he's just one of the boys.


Well-Known Member
I saw it yesterday. I take each movie individually and don't come in with expectations based on past films. I read EW, Rolling Stone, Ebert and Roeper, and LA Times reviews, all of which gave the movie very high marks, two thumbs up, and a "Pixar did it again." I haven't seen bad reviews yet, but I take critics reviews with a grain of salt. They tend to really like the stuff audiences hate, and their track record this year panning films that have killed at the box office is proof of that.

Me, I like it, and I won't go into detail as to what I like so I won't ruin the surprise for others. I will say the visuals are absolutely amazing. The story is good, its predictable, but good. And it is funny. Nemo is still my all time favorite, but Cars is now behind it, followed by Toy Story, and The Incredibles.

Speaking of Pixar movies, I'm going to assume that preview for the next Pixar movie Ratitoui (sp) was shown before the movie. What did you guys think of that one? I'm a little...confused... :lookaroun But I was for the Incredibles too, and we saw how that turned out (first preview I saw was of Mr. Incredible trying to put on his suit). I will say, the cheese looked very appetizing. :)


Well-Known Member
I just got back from seeing Cars and must say it was fantastic. I wasn't too hot on the whole cars idea and thought the previews looked okay at best. But I was so surprised at how great it was. Pixar did it agian. I'm sooooo glad that Disney got the deal with them done. Compared to Chicken Little, this movie was the Lion King.

I'll agree with somebody else in saying that Luigi and his buddy were the best. But nothing compares to the scenes during the credits. I don't want to spoil anything, but the few scenes were hands down the funniest that Pixar have ever done.

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