Off to WDW with a 4-year old...quick ???


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Will rides like the Pirates of the Caribbean and the Haunted Mansion be too much for the little man? He also really wants to see Dinosaurs at AK (saw it in the video and he thinks he'd love it).


Andy, Vickie, and Nathaniel


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
So long as he meets the height requirements, he should be fine. When DS first went, he had a great time on everything he was allowed to ride. Make sure you pace yourselves through the day, it can be a very exhausting day in the parks...

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
1: Welcome to the boards
2: Congratulations on your trip
3: Sorry to say, I can't imagine any of us knowing the answer to your question.

If *I* had a 4-year old that really wanted to go on those rides (and he/she met any height requirement if there was one), I'd probably be willing to take him/her. But I also know his/her mother and I would probably have arguments galore about it. I took my 3-year-old godson on a spinning-tea-cup-esque ride at a local fair, and he went from excited to terrified in 4.3 seconds. You know your kid probably better than anyone else, and every day, some child's mettle is tested at every single attraction in the parks (I used to freak out like an animal in a spring trap during the fireworks. Too loud and imposing). All I can say is that you take your chances, let him know it's all make-believe, that Mickey Mouse wouldn't really do anything to scare him bad, and you yourself act excited but not imtimidated. "Whoa, that's cool!" Not "Oh, My God, that's scary!"
In my opinion, I'd say:
Pirates - okay to ride
Haunted mansion - maybe (more so okay to ride)
Dinosaur - no - very scary!

Our 3 1/2 year old has been fine with the first two - she was just tall enough for Dinosaur on our recent visit and although she loves rides and is not easily scared - she cried (hysterically!) thru this whole ride! It is very intense and realistic (that's why she cried - she thought the dinosaurs were real). I think it's an awesome ride, just give this one more thought for a child
(PS - Who else thinks Countdown To Extinction was a much better name?!?)

But she loved Tower of Terror and went on that 5 times!!! So it all depends on the kid - again all above was my opinion only :) :)

Have a great time!!


New Member
I have to say that Pirates and just about anything at MK will be okay for a 4 year old. There are some exceptions, like Stitch, and maybe the mountains, depending on how adventurous your little one is.

Dino can be quite intense and I'm not sure I recall seeing many little people on this ride.:wave:

But, you know your child best. If he has seen the video and really wants to ride it, I would just remind him that it will be scary, LOUD, and dark, then put him on.


New Member
Just be careful, one scary experience can spoil all of the rides for some little ones. My 3 year old is just about as outgoing and unfazeable as they come, until you put her on a Disney dark ride. This is a child who is not afraid of the dark (or anything else) any other day of the week, but something about the unfamiliarity and loudness of the attractions freaks her out. She can watch the ride videos all day and be fine, but put her on one and it's a different story. So start small and work up to bigger rides. Another good suggestion I got from someone on these boards is to take a small pen light flashlight on the rides just in case. They aren't bright enough to disturb others and with our daughter, just being able to hold one calmed her down.


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Wow...thanks to everyone for all the fast replies! This place is great!

We are going to judge what to do with him when we are there...start with the more mellow rides and go from there.

Kinda funny thought I had tonight...there is one ride at MK that scares the living daylights out of me - It's A Small World!!! ARGHHHH!!!!:cry:


Well-Known Member
If he really wants to see dinosaurs, take him on Ellen's Energy Adventure in Epcot - far less scarey, and he'll see enough dinosaurs to appease him. I'd save Dino 'til he's a few years older.


New Member
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If he really wants to see dinosaurs, take him on Ellen's Energy Adventure in Epcot - far less scarey, and he'll see enough dinosaurs to appease him. I'd save Dino 'til he's a few years older.

That's what my dad (who is paying for this trip!!!) suggested we do.


New Member
I don't think Pirates will be a problem for a 4 year old, but Haunted Mansion may be a little scary for him, if things like ghosts scare him. I wouldn't reccomend Dinosaur at all for him, though. I'm a teenager, and I'm still a bit iffy about going on it! I also don't reccomend putting him on the Snow White ride, because I was scared of it as a child, and there's even a disclaimer about it on a sign near the waiting que.


Well-Known Member
I have a 4 and a two. Pirates is no biggie just make sure your talking to them the whole time. Haunted Mansion is same but first part of the ride may be rough. I talk to my boys the whole time telling them how "silly fun" the ride is.
We have avoided Dinosaur so far.


New Member
My son, now 6, rode both rides (HM and POC) when he was three. He was fine with both, however, my 8 year old is terrified of Pirates (due to the small drop) and he is apprehensive about Haunted Mansion. They both hated Dinosaur and it is one that we now skip.


Not old, just vintage.
Pirates will probably be fine. Haunted Mansion is probably going to be OK too. Dinosaur is a different story. Every child under the age of 8 I have seen come off that ride was screaming hysterically. I am an adult and that ride scares the p00p out of me. Not to mention it is VERY rough and a small child probably would end up getting very banged up on it.
Snow White's ride might be a bit much for him too. I like the pen light idea. If nothing else it will provide a good distraction if things are too scary.


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Thanks to all who replied.

We had a great trip, and the little guy did EXCELLENT. Never had a breakdown - not once. He's a trooper!!!

He loved Pirates of thought the Mansion was funny. We spent many hours at Dinoland in the Animal Kingdom - he didn't do Dinosaurs ride but he had a blast anyways.

Thanks to all!


I think it's up to your 4 year old. If he thinks he'd like it, he probably would. When i was little, i was terrified of all rides.... as embarrasing as it is, it took me until the age of about 13 to build up the courage to do the haunted mansion. I was also afraid of pirates and most of all......... the Great Movie Ride. I was a huge wimp.

However, my brother has always loved all of these rides. He rode tower of terror at age 4 and got the tiny "I Survived" T-shirt.

If your son is down with it, i think you and him will have a great time riding!! Just let him decide! Plus you could always line up for the bigger thrill rides and back out if he doesn't like the atmosphere.

Have Fun!!

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