Originally posted by Scooter
However...(You KNEW this was coming didn't you?) I am a little dissapointed at some of the attitudes of the members of this forum recently. Without naming names (You know who you are)
I see alot of people trying to run this discussion board like it was their own. I think it's Steves job, as the forum moderator to analyze, interpret, and then weed out any bad eggs here, not mine or anyone elses. I respect Steve and believe he has the intelligence to know when enough is enough and will act accordingly when the need arises.
I also feel that some of the regulars are guilty of "Spamming" in here just to run up their post counts and should not be throwing stones at people who they say are doing it.....again...I am not trying to pick on any one individual here...that's not my point at all...I enjoy ALL your company and look forward to all your future posts...I just hope in the year 2002, they are made to inform and help, not just to run up numbers.
I know I am going to catch slack for this post. I expect that. But if I can make a few of you think before you post, then it may be worth the hassle I get from some of you.
To Steve and all the members of this Discussion board, I wish you a Happy New Year and I hope we can continue our friendship here in the years to come.