Number of Walt Disney World visits


New Member
Sadly, I have only been to WDW 3 times. But I have been to DL many times. I remember going to DL 2-3 times a year, but that was when we lived there. My first trip to WDW ws for our 10th anniversary. DH was finally talked into it, got to go to SWW for 1st time. Went this year sorta (see trip report). Now he wants to try and do a SWW every year. Now if WDW can put SWW back to last 2 weeks in May 1st 2 weeks in June, I can talk him into going every year for our anniversary. Would also like to try MNSSHP. Did MVMCP in 2005. Father-in-law wants to buy into the vacation club when he sells his house. Can't wait to see what the future will bring.:wave:


Well-Known Member
I've been 18 times since 1992. Some people are envious of that, some just don't understand why I go so many times. I guess I don't really know myself. All I know is that I love's like home to me. I'm addicted; it's my drug. I love knowing my way around without needing a map, I love just listening to music from the parks and suddenly I'm there in my head hearing the sounds, smelling the smells, etc, and I love that when someone I know has a question about WDW, I can answer it (well, usually) AND give them recommendations if need be. I just love how it makes me feel when I'm there. I have SO many memories there. I guess I keep going back to relive those and to make new ones. It's not about always having new things to do...for me, it's about how it makes me feel.

*Looks around at all the big numbers*

Only 3 times here, but it looks like we're going back soon. :)
Hey, you gotta start somewhere, right? ;)


New Member
We live in Holland and we have been 4 times in WDW since 2004, I wish we could go more often, but it is just to expensive. Both my wife and myself are real Disney freaks, so we want to go to WDW once every 2 years. Even with DLRP so close from here we prefer WDW. We planned to go to WDW this october but since we are expecting our first in november, we had to move that forward. We hope to go in 2 years from now. It would be great to see how our youngest will experience it all.


Active Member
Being from the UK we don't get to come as often as i'd like - having said that we are averaging once a year over the last few years ... since I started bringing DH - he's now as eager as me to come as often as poss... the years we haven't visited Disney of one kind or another (WDW, DLR or DLRP) we've been elsewhere in the US - and the gap between 1996 and 2001 I was at Univ of South Carolina - strange that being so much closer and I didn't visit at all !!!!! Well, being an international student is a costly matter!!


Active Member
We've been four times in the last five years and going again this November. Though after this year may only go every other year, as DW wants kids to experience other vacation. Is there any other vacations:shrug: . :ROFLOL: :ROFLOL:


I wish I lived in Florida!!!! We have been 16 times and in September '07 it will be 17!!. Each time feels like the first, it's my sanity fix every year. It's what gets me through the working year!


Well I have been to DL once when I was about 14-15 I think and then in 2004 we went to DW for the first time and are now hooked. We have been every year since then and going on trip #4 in August. :sohappy: If we lived closer we would go more often but once a year is all we can manage. :cry:


New Member
My family and I have been maybe 11 times or so and stayed on property a lot too - as you can see below!

i think we all go back cos its addictive - you read about a new show or ride and know deep down that you NEED to see it...just because!

i like that i feel young again - even though in 21 it reminds me of being a kid i also dont feel judged by how you look or what you wearing (its very judgmental nowadays i think in normal land) - anyone can wear a pirate hat or mickey ears and you just smile at them

i want to take my chidren there (if i have any) because i have grown up with it


I think this will be my 10th trip but honestly I've lost count. We keep saying we are going to go somewhere else but My DH's parents live in Jacksonville so we keep ending up there.
My parents took me in 1971 when I was 6 months old. I have probably been around 30 times since then and love it more every time I go. My children are 11,7, and 6 and have got the disney bug also, we have been 4 times in the last 18 months are trying to figure out a way to go this fall. They are the perfect age to do all the attractions and it makes my wife and I feel like we are 11 all over again with them. My dad is the one that gave me the appreciation for Disney. Every time he goes he says he gets to be a kid from the time he passes through the gates until he leaves. My parents visit WDW every time a new attraction or hotel opens, and they live in the midwest.


New Member
When I grew up, we lived a mile and a half from Disneyland. We used to go about every 6 months because my grandfather had to have a Mickey Mouse fix. There was nothing as special to me as it was to watch this grown man transform back into a 7 year old boy. He would bounce around that park like a kid in a free candy store.

So now that I have girls of my own, we started going once a year until the last few years where we go 2 - 4 time a year. Mostly because we have the meens, but more so because we can't wait to go back. We all go back for our own reasons... and every time I walk under the Main Street Station and get out along the shops on Main Street, I can close my eyes and picture my grandfather transforming before my eyes again. It's those special memories that keep me coming back year after year.

Two years ago, our first Christmas trip was when our middle daughter turned 11 months. One of the first things we do when we get to WDW is go see Mickey Mouse.. That year, we started at AK and headed right for Camp Mickey. As we are standing in line to see Mickey and she can finally see Mickey for herself... my 11 month old little girl was just as happy as can be... when it was our turn.. the pure joy of watching my little girl take her first steps by herself to go give Mickey a hug was just awesome. Now.. if that's not a Disney Moment worth repeating.. the nothing will..

Do you mind if i just quote this entire story for re-emphasis as to how amazing i think it is? In all honesty, chief... you epitomize what my castmember friends and I truly wish every and any visitor to Disney World who's not a local should have the right to be.


*does some math*

So...i've been going since ' mother started working for the World arooound....'94? That's about right. She worked there since...'05, when she started her own business. So that's about 11 years. Within those 11 years, at it's peak, i am safe to say that i got to go to Disney World about an average of once a month. Despite the fact that they were usually one-dayers, I still love counting them as a trip. I have never thought of actually counting the amount of trips...but i'm safe to say that i've hit my 100 marker, and between you and preeeetty proud of it, if i do say so myself *bows*.

funny thing though...I never got bored of it. Ever.

And one day, i wish in the future I move far enough away so that i can actually plan "big trips" like i always read about in these forums...counting down days, making lists, staying night after night at a resort...waking up Disney and going to sleep Disney and waking up again the next day to do so. Haha, I envy a lot of you for getting such a full experience, i really do.


Well-Known Member
I went when I was 6 in 1990. I don't remember much except that I loved the place.
I didn't go again til 2003 with school. I was hooked. I began ferociously researching Disney park history and Disney history in general. I ate up as much info as I could. I was completely ready for my next trip, as soon as I could afford it.
Last year, my best friend he was the only person in his family who had never been to a Disney park. I jumped at the chance. He, my boyfriend and I went to WDW (my first trip staying on property) this past February and now I've gotten them hooked as well.
Then three weeks ago, I went to Disneyland by myself. While I loved the park and had an amazingly magical time, it just wasn't WDW. It wasn't home.
If we stay here in New England, I doubt we'll ever be able to afford/want to go once a year (boyfriend is terrified of flying, don't want to drive every year.) Probably every few years. But if we move to North Carolina as we'd like to, it'll definitely be more often.

Sooo, uh, I've been to WDW 3 times (many more to come!) and DL once.


Well-Known Member
100 plus times easily of each park.

Some many family memories.
Getting away from the real world.
Just a great feeling being at Disney.


Well-Known Member
Couting my first trip I will take in 14 years, I have, or will have, visited Walt Disney World 12 times. My next trip is in October 2007, so until I take that trip, I have only been to Orlando's Disney park 11 times. But who is counting? Here's a breakdown ...

1977 -- summer of 1977, tail end of first grade, start of second grade, parents and sister and I drove down; stayed off site somewhere; caught up in a hurricane, driving down somewhere between Atlanta and Orlando -- was it Daytona?)

1979 -- Dad's annual business convention, a week, stayed at Contemporary in the now demolished North Wing; late January - early February (one day the holiday decorations were up in the Magic Kingdom, then next day all gone).

1980 -- liked 1979 so much, dad scheduled annual convention again. Just like in 1979, stayed at Contemporary, but brought down by cousin. And just like the previous year, the meetings were held on the second and third floor meeting rooms and ballroom. Kids of the Kingdom special performance in the Contemporary ballroom was so cool! Got their autographs to prove it!

1981 -- first of THREE trips my dad won via a radio station. The AM radio station had a key word of the day and I believe the word of the day was Dumbo. We went for the 10th anniversary of WDW. Stayed at the Howard Johnson's in Lake Buena Vista area in the WDW Village Marketplace area (now Downtown Disney) and saw some construction in a far off distance for something called EPCOT Center. Slightest idea what it was.

1982 -- SECOND of three trips my dad won via a radio station. The same AM radio station had another contest, another word of the day, but it was all general "EPCOT" terms. I was lucky enough to be home in the afternoon when the phone call came. The magic word was "Energy." We stayed at the Howard Johnson hotel again. I guess that hotel is called the Holiday Inn.

1983 -- my bigger family, which included a new sister, and my grandparents (dad's side) all went to WDW and we stayed at the Contemporary. I believe it was spring time in 1983 and it was part of dad's annual business convention. I believe my cousin went with us too. The coolest part is that one day we were at the Magic Kingdom and we got split up on one of the curves around the castle before the afternoon parade. I, my sister, and my grandparents were on one side, while my dad and mom and grandmom were on the other side. At one point, my dad took a picture with the camera. It was of Geppetto's workshop with Pinocchio. Well, after we got the pix developed after the trip, dad had to take a second look. My granddad, somehow was in the the picture, along with me and my sister, off to frandpop's side. He, in his sunglasses and his right hand over his eyebrows, like in a salute, but shielding from the glare, was FRAMED PERFECTLY inside the glass fishbowl. Luck and pixie dust I tell ya. Hoop-do-doo Revue and River Country and a convention-guests only boat ride through the lagoon! Woot!

1985 -- incorporated a summer trip to Tampa Bay, Orlando, and Washington DC at the end of June and start of July. Drove down, it was cool. Spent a few days in Tampa / St. Pete visiting my dad's business friends, drove to Orlando for a few days at WDW, then drove up the coast to DC for July 4 celebrations. Stayed at the Hilton at the WDW Village Marketplace. Celebrated my birthday poolside at the Hilton and celebrated my mom's birthday at a really cool restaurant in Georgetown district in DC.

1986 -- took a late summer / early fall business trip with my dad and the family. I believe we stayed at the Hilton again and we celebrated my sister's birthday at the WDW Village Marketplace Restaurant (now the Rainforest Cafe?). Happy 15th WDW! I think we got some cool small prizes during the 15th anniversary celebration.

1988 -- late winter on a small business trip with dad with the family, senior year in high school. We stayed at the Polynesian Resort. It was like 3 or 4 days max, in the middle of the school week, and I remember sleeping all of 2 hours, or was it three ??, on the night of our return. The aircraft was severely delayed out of Orlando, or was it Atlanta? I had to be in class by 7am, so was cutting it close. The cool part, though, was getting an autograph of WCW / WWE wrestler "Big John Stud," who was in Orlando and conencting to Atlanta. He was in Orlando for a class car show or something. I noticed him because, at the time, I was big into pro wrestling and I wanted to show up my friend who was also big into pro wrestling :lookaroun .

1990 -- THIRD of three trips won by the radio. It was all dad again and this time we stayed at The Disney Inn during the late summer of 1990, in August. I will never forget it as it was just days after Saddam Hussien invaded Kuwait and the gas prices rose significantly. The big deal with this trip was experiencing MGM Studios and Pleasure Island for the first time, but it was the summer of the my 20th year, so I was not able to drink. Oh, and we extended our stay and moved over to the Swan for the latter half of our stay.

1993 -- Finally got back to WDW, in August 1993. Went with my good friend Steve, and we flew in and out of Chicago. It was just the two of us and, with a little help of my dad, who somehow had connections, we ended up with a few free comp passes to the parks, pleasure island, and ate some free breakfasts and lunches at some of the resorts. The food passes were from previous trips. Had an awesome time since Steve never went to Disneyworld. We stayed at the new Port Orleans Resort, which is now called Port Orleans Riverside. We did everything that we could do, multiple nights at Pleasure Island, a day at Typhoon Lagoon. Get this -- Princess Diana and her two boys, Prince Harry and William, were on holiday the very same time me and Steve were at the parks. Princess Diana and the boys, though, left three days earlier than we did, but it was cool eating lunch at the Grand Floridian Resort and hearing that the executive suite was back open again for guests after the royals left for England. On the connecting flight back from Chicago, I almost missed my connection back to Cleveland because I was downtown with some friends I knew from Chicago. We had like 3 hours before the connecting flight to Cleveland, but it was bumped up. As I was racing through the terminal I heard my name being paged over the O'Hare speaker system to meet my party at gate such and such. The thing was, I was at the other end of the terminal! I was the last one on the aircraft and we immediately took off. :lookaroun

2007 -- To be determined. I have half my trip paid for and this time I am going solo. A lot of things have changed, closed, opened, or have been plussed over the years. So, after 14 years I am going to experience Walt Disney World pretty much for the first time.

Oh, btw, my mom and dad and the rest of my family have been to WDW more than I have, close to 20. Hey, I had university and military in my way at the time. But now, I'll be staying at The Disney Inn again, er, um, Shades of Green, because I have earned it. I am excited just thinking about it, but late October is months away.

In June 1999, while active duty in the military, escaped for five days and met my dad in Los Angeles. Basically we both flew the same distance to meet each other. Just a father-son trip right around Father's Day. We did Universal Studios, with my military discount, and saw the sites. He left two days early back for Cleveland, and I went to Anaheim for a day at Disneyland. It was nice being back in the world of Disney.

In a way, Disney is a part of me since my dad introduced me to Disney's theme parks. I grew up with Disney and after my October 2007 trip I am sure more will be planned in the years to come. I will vacation elsewhere around the states and the globe, but I will always go back to Disney. I look forward to visiting all of the Disney parks around the globe in my lifetime. I know I will.


New Member
I've been 18 times throughout my 25 years. Considering I lived in Chicago for 23 of those years, I'd say it's a pretty impressive number! :)

I always see something new each visit it seems. Once a year is definitely enough for me. Every other year is ideal since we love to travel - not just go to WDW. I've been to more than 25 different countries and I can't wait to see more!

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