Not sure how to word this question ...


Well-Known Member
It turns out that my parents may be in the Clearwater area the same time as my solo trip to WDW with our dates overlapping. My mom was thinking that they might just take a side trip to Disney and stay with me for a night. So I guess I have a couple of logistical/policy questions.

I am booked at the Poly with a MYWPH & DDP package.

Can my parents still stay with me in my room for one night and pay the $25 for the additional adult in the room? Or is this impossible due the fact that I've read on here that every person in the room must be on the same package? :shrug: They would be buying their own tickets at the resort and/or parks and would only be spending one, possibly two, nights with me.



Well-Known Member
Man.... you just blew it!!!!:ROFLOL:

I would think the extra person charge should cover it but I really don't know. Interesting though... I'll wait and see the answer too.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Man.... you just blew it!!!!:ROFLOL:

I would think the extra person charge should cover it but I really don't know. Interesting though... I'll wait and see the answer too.

Shhhhhh. . .:lookaroun:animwink:

Yeah I didn't here/read that did you LOL:drevil:

Um, ok ... I've got the flu and my head's a little muddled but I'm still not quite sure what you mean. :confused:

I just need to know whether they can stay with me or if they will need to get their own room or drive back to Clearwater the same day.
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Well-Known Member
There is no reason for you to tell OKW that you are going to have guests for a night or two unless you are planning on bringing them to the EMH that day. Bringing guests in when you are still within the occupancy limits should not be an extra charge as far as I'm concerned.
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Well-Known Member
If you're looking for Disney policy, which it sounds as if you are, then you are correct that all guests staying in the same room must be on the same package. My grandmother went with us in April and she didn't want to do everything we did, but she still had to be on the same package as we were.
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Well-Known Member
Can my parents still stay with me in my room for one night and pay the $25 for the additional adult in the room? Or is this impossible due the fact that I've read on here that every person in the room must be on the same package? :shrug: They would be buying their own tickets at the resort and/or parks and would only be spending one, possibly two, nights with me.

While I don't know the answer to your question for sure, I *have* heard of people who have been able to add family/friends to a room for just one or two nights, even when on a package like the Dining Plan. The front desk just issued them extra key cards to the room that didn't have any tickets or other package entitlements on it.

To be 100% sure, your best bet is to call the front desk of the Polynesian and ask them yourself. (Don't go by what Central Reservations says, as they will only be able to quote you the package policies. The front desk has more leeway) Explain it to them just as you have here, and see what they say. (perhaps even mention that you're aware of the $25 fee for an extra adult and that you're willing to pay it) If they say yes, I'd suggest getting a name so that you have it in case there's problems when you're actually there.

I don't have the Polynesian's number, you can call the WDW Main Switchboard at 407-824-2222 and ask to be transferred to the Poly's Front Desk.

Good luck! (And make sure to let us know what happens!)

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Active Member
Here's the policy as I understand it ....

You are correct, you cannot IN ADVANCE schedule your parents to stay with you, as everyone on the reservation must be on the same package. HOWEVER, once you check in and (in Disney-speak) "explode" the reservation, then all bets are off. At that point, you can add someone for a night or two with no need for them to be on the same package.
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Well-Known Member
We've had family come out to join us for EMH's at Disney and stay a night while we were there before. We just went down to the front desk, explained the situation, and extra room keys were issued. I'm going to do the same thing when my aunt comes down to stay with us for a few nights this trip, too. They're usually very nice and understanding. Just be prepared to pay for them to be on a "plan" if need be. I always hate to ask people to bend rules for me because it could potentially get them in trouble. I don't want to get anyone in trouble. :) I usually explain it that way. I guess the consideration for them makes them feel better. I always leave an "out" for the CM to follow policy if they feel they need to, tho.
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Well-Known Member
Don’t call the front desk number posted above because it does not actually go to the Polynesian front desk but a call center (that I find is less than knowledgeable). I would just tell them at check in and I am guessing one of thwo things will happen. Either they will charge you the $25 (but remember the $25 is for the 3rd – 5th person in the room, or they will not even charge you that and just tell you to have them come and stay.

That is not the official policy but I would place my bet on one of those things happening.


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Original Poster
Thanks everyone :wave:

My parents actually honeymooned at the Poly back in 1971! While my mom is just as addicted to Disney as I am, my dad is the "Disney again?" type, but he puts up with it. We don't really have a "plan" for them to come meet me at all, rather if they get the Disney itch, they'll come with a 90-minutes drive's warning :lol:

This is a once in a lifetime trip for me (solo, grad/bday, at the Poly) so I will not be able to afford putting them on a package with me. I guess my best bet would be to let the chips fall where they may and deal with it when/if they decide to come and, of course, offer to pay the extra $25 for the additional adult. Push comes to shove, they drive back the same night or get a room at Pop or something.

Thanks again!
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Well-Known Member
My mom and stepdad stayed 2 nights with us at POP last year after they did 4 nights at UIOA. Nothing happened and no one was charged. They got dropped off at our resort, walked their bags to our room and stayed, they had 2-day park hopper tickets that my mom purchased online prior to our trip.
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