HHN is advertised & widely known to be adult-appropriate.
Rob is right...beer is also served at EPCOT, so....ummm.....?????
Not to mention, just because beer is offered, that does not mean that people will automatically be drunk, ill, stupid, dangerous, etc. Most people of drinking age do have self control & know their limits. Personally, I've never known anyone to go to a theme park & chug a keg or anything. By the same token, I don't know anyone who gets obnoxious on one or two beers. Those who have a particularly low tolerance usually know that & don't drink. Beverages with REAL alcoholic content are served in most restaurants (even Denny's), many amusement parks, holiday gatherings, etc., but that doesn't mean automatically that anything negative will happen due to that! It's a bit extreme to think this signifies certain disaster! Even with thrill rides! Heck, people COULD be dumb enough to eat a large lunch & then ride IOA's The Hulk back to back 5 times, but just because IOA serves food doesn't mean you'll get puked on!
Seriously, you are blowing this out of proportion just a bit.