Norway Pavilion Frozen construction - Frozen Ever After ride (Part 2)

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
hard core frozen fans will be:


(aka knocked by Disney's management) if it doesnt open on time lol.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity how did you do that? I've tried a few ways but it either doesn't detect it, or it days that the file is incompatible.
You have to hot the gif files elsewhere, like imgur or photobucket.

Can't wait till tomorrow



I still really wonder.. Did the cost custs cause these silly delays? or just we're seeing the worst rotten parts of WDI ?


I wouldn't be surprised. This is the new Disney....where everything is about the corporate $ and no longer the guests

I'm guessing Walt is dizzy from rolling around so much


Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Question for any show designers here (casual park fans please ignore as this will seem like nitpicking):

Why doesn't WDI theme exit signs anymore? (e.g. The ones in the nearby China pavilion are in an 'oriental' font or the Tower of Terror boiler room ones encased in "iron"). All the ones I've seen from recent developments look like they were bought at Target, and it's become a pet peeve of mine.

Is it complying with a regulatory change (and the older ones are grandfathered) or is it a cost issue or simply a design oversight?

They could have themed the trashcans as well.

I heard similar things but it was referred in a more negative fashion....
as in "barely limping with disco mode AA's" ?


Well-Known Member
So is it opening at park open of 9am? Or will it be at 11am with World Showcase?
It's definitely opening at 9am, but technical problems may cause it to break down, but I highly doubt that the ride itself would have issues as it is just reusing the same path. What could break down are the AA's. Mexico is going to open at 9am as well along with the ride, and the restaurant inside which will now serve breakfast.
It's definitely opening at 9am, but technical problems may cause it to break down, but I highly doubt that the ride itself would have issues as it is just reusing the same path. What could break down are the AA's. Mexico is going to open at 9am as well along with the ride, and the restaurant inside which will now serve breakfast.
Saw the breakfast thing and thought 9am too. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
So its just a few hours away from the grand opening now! Im exited for the chaos to break out, anywhere this will be live streamed?

As a former cast of the ride I hope that they have done some grips to make the ride not estop all the time. The biggest reason for the stops is overweight in the boats, since people are way more fat now than in the 80's the ride had like atleast 2-3 estops during the day. With FEA it will be more pressure on the casts to make the numbers and more likely alot more estops than earlier if they havent fixed this problem somehow. The problem is with a heavy boat front row the boat dosent go completely into swing 1 in the correct time with makes the sensors shut down.

Will there be more boats running? With Maelstrom the boat numbers were cut by 1-2 due to sensorissues which caused estops cause the boats stopped going at the speed they were suppose to (most likely due to overweight). This resulted in us only having a capacity of around 1000 guests per hour. Even with 12 hours operation only half of the Epcot guests will be able to ride this.

Its going to be an interesting day!

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