non disney people...


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Original Poster
ok i know i can't be the only one who gets that moronic question if not at least once or twice a day..(mind you , the person asking with a disgusted look on their face)" your going to disney again?? don't you get sick of that place??"....or i like "well i guess you do have kids , so what else are you gonna do." know even if we did'nt have kids we'd still go...we went times before we had them and of course its a tottally different experience..(went for our honeymoon and had such a blast!!) but yes we could go other places but you know why??? i have absolutely no desire to do the european thing... or do anything educational such as washington or anywhere esle that i actually have to only thing i'd love to do when the kinds are old enough is do the disney cruise ...but thats's i would not mind doing but somewhere in there i'd have to fit a disney vacation within the year .....i need my fix!!..but really i know i'm not the only one here who gets that foolish question ..oh i also love getting "oh your that disney nut...." yes i am and dam proud of almost want to say "well at least my friends at wdwmagic understand"!! but then again.. i'd get that moronic look on their face..DISNEYWORLD MAKE ME HAPPY!!!!!!! thats it plain and simple...

Hello i'm dixiegirl and i'm addicted to disneyworld. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
It is incredible but some people don't like or understand Disney. I only have to mention that I've booked my holidays and I usually get
"Don't tell me, let me guess........................ Florida"
Well. of course its Florida. That hot Florida sunshine and of course - The Entertainment Capital of The World - WDW :sohappy:


New Member
I have this same problem. The folks I work with always give me a hard time. They think I am wasting my money. They also don't realize that there is plenty to do besides go to a park.

My family sometimes gives us a hard time, but they are also Disney freaks and understand the need. They just wonder if we would rather go some place else once.

I don't have kids.....but my husband and I are big kids at heart.


Well-Known Member
I got the "AGAIN?!?!" at work a couple of weeks ago ( i just went in march and im going again on the 25th.) It always makes me feel sorta...i dont even know...guilty.

oh well
Im going to do what i want to do
I can totally relate with you. My co-workers tell me that they can't wait for me to come back so I will shut-up about it. My wife used to say the same thing before we got married, "Why do you go to the same place every year, it must get so boring." Well, now she gets just as excited as I do. I have found that if you can just get those "nay-sayers" to the parks it will completely change their mind. Disney has a way of wrapping their magic around you. And this year, our 2 year old gets that first experience, a future WDW addict I'm sure!

For you Dixiegirl....Hello, I'm Kevin and I'm addicted to Disney World!


Active Member
Yup, my co-workers and friends who haven't been there really don't get it, either. I get mocked rather heartily by them all, and the "again"s sometimes make me feel a little dumb. *sigh* It's why I don't really say much about it anymore.


New Member
Simply put... WHO CARES!!! :eek:
To each his/her own. Before I had to seek help for my Disney addiction :lookaroun I used to be amazed that my relatives went to WDW every-single-year. I could not understand how doing the same thing every year could be fun. And then, after not having been since I was a kid, I returned. And returned. And returned again and again and again. And when my wife and I decided we would honeymoon in Hawaii, we included a stop at Disneyland. And when we traveled to Paris, we included a stop at Disneyland Paris. And when we wanted to see the Caribbean, we took the Magic.

Even I can't explain it but you just get addicted to having a great time. So when those co-workers, friends and family mock you for your constant desire for all that's WDW, WHO CARES. They're just more people who we would otherwise have to wait in lines behind! :D

Globe Girl

New Member
I have had similiar reactions. My husband and I will be married two years in July and we have already been to DW 5 times. People think we are nuts, especially because we don't have any kids yet, but we love it. My feeling is that if it's what you like....who cares what people think! :rolleyes:


I get the same thing from coworkers and family. My family doesn't make fun of me much anymore, they understand how much I love it now, but I do feel guilty and "dorky" when people at work give me that "again?!?!?!" response when I mention I'm going back.
I have been ridiculed constantly by coworkers when they ask where I'm going for my honeymoon. I simply tell them that if I'm going to spend money on my vacation, we're going to go somewhere we love, not somewhere everyone else thinks we should go.
Being in a long distance relationship for about 5 years with my fiancee, it seemed we were always saying goodbye to each other or being sad while we were apart. Planning our trips to Disney together over the phone or on the chances we got to see each other, gave us something to look forward to, and something to do together.
Anyway, I'm glad that I can come here everyday, where I don't have to explain to everyone why I'm going for the 3rd time in a year! :wave:


Well-Known Member
I find that a simple "YEP!...and I can't wait!" response usually shuts them up.

I then follow it up with a little "Have fun on your back patio all week!"



New Member
We're going in Sept. with some first timers for a week and they're worried there isn't going to be enough to do, I asked them "are you kidding?!!!"

Some peolple just don't understand


New Member
lawyergirl77 said:
the "again"s sometimes make me feel a little dumb. *sigh* It's why I don't really say much about it anymore.

I hear ya on that one. I LOVE Disney like all of my fellow posters here which is why I LOVE coming to this board every day. It gets annoying having to explain to people who don't get it about WDW. We are going 4 times this year and staying in 4 different deluxe resorts and my friends are just in disbelief and slight disgust over the money we will "waste" there. I always defend our position, but you can't help but feel a little dumb when so many people just don't agree with you. I NEED my Disney World even if they don't!!

I agree with brich!! We don't need the lines to be any longer than they are!!


New Member
I just reminded my boss that I was going to be out Jun 11-20th. He said "Let me guess, you're going to WDW." I said. "Of course, where else would we go." He said. "Don't you ever get tired of that place?" "Of course not, I said." and he just shook his head. He doesn't understand why we go there so often. We are able to go about every 3 months, as we have AP's and my wife travels during the week for her job and gets to keep her skymiles and hotel and car rental points, so that makes it very affordable for us.


Hey, obviously the people who don't understand WDW & have a bad attitude about it obviously don't go there. So that's one less bad attitude we have to deal w/ @ the parks.


New Member
We get the same stuff. I would think anyone who has been there would understand, but not so. WHY would we EVER want to go anywhere else? Where else could we get such great service, meet such nice people, have so much fun in such a CLEAN and amazing place? NO WHERE! We have a family expression when we're anywhere else, "It's just not Disney is it?"


New Member
Although I love to travel--and plan on going to places like Africa, Austrialia, Italy, etc., Disney is home to me. (even though I live in VA :) ) People who think it's only a children's world have missed the mindset of Walt by a longshot. They either haven't been there, or have forgotten how to have fun.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I think we all have felt your pain at one time or another I just remind myself of a signature I have seen on this site. "For those that don't understand no explanation will do."


Active Member
OMG , this topic came up . It is unbelievable what people think about Disney . The thing I dont understand is why care where someone else goes . They work all year and want to spend their vacation their way !!!

I mostly get the its "TOO EXPENSIVE "to go there reason !! Obviously it can be as much as you want to pay , just like buying a car !! ;)


Well-Known Member
brich said:
Simply put... WHO CARES!!! :eek:

Exactly. If you have to explain it to these people, then they are already a lost cause. I never understood why people would care where you go for fun. What business is it of theirs?

To me if they are annoyed, they care and are jealous you have such a passion for something, they feel like they are missing out in their own life. :D

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