non disney people...


Active Member
To me if they are annoyed, they care and are jealous you have such a passion for something, they feel like they are missing out in their own life.

Thats exactly it !!!! :wave:


New Member
Disney is home to me.

I know what you mean!! I am lucky all my friends & family love Disney!! I do have co-workers who pick on me when I go. They say, "wow you don't have any kids yet and you are going to disney again??" My husband loves to wear his Disney world/ Disneyland/ Donald/ & Mickey wear to work all the time and they always pick on him. "You must really like Disney!" It sad that some people can't respect the magical feeling you get when you go to Disneyland or Disney World.

When I have kids that will be just another reason to go more!!


New Member
We are lucky enough to live here and we go literally every never gets old, we love seeing our CM frineds....we have learned that people either *get it* or they don't, not much in between....we adore everything to do with Disney, our world otherwise revolves around mine and my daughter's medical issues, so weekends we can escape from that.....I don't know what we would do without Dinsey....


Active Member
The absolute worse "non-disney" comment came to me from an ex-boss of mine. I left the business on good terms, but ended on bad terms with him. Long story. But anyway. We had a trip scheduled for May 2005. About 5 days before our trip I ran into the a*****e. He asked in a snooty way if I had been to wdw since January. I informed him that we were leaving in 5 days.
I got the typical "You know, there are other places in the world to go?!?!?" I kindly told him that there are plenty of places in the world. But Magic Kingdom was my favorite! He gave me a mean look and walked off.


Well-Known Member
OH man! I was almost to embarrassed to tell my friends and co-workers that we were going back in May as we went in June of '04, Dec. of '04 and then in May. Aside from a grand trip to England, Scotland and Jersey Channel Islands I have no desire to tour outside of the USA. Now I do hope to get the kids to Niagra Falls, Grand Canyon and a few other places, but we do have to get our Disney fix in!
The funny thing is how quickly people change after they have made their first visit!
The one thing we do get is "How can you affoard to go? Its so expensive" and I just reply...
"Well, not really. A kids meal at the St.Louis Zoo is $5.99, a beer at Busch Stadium is $7.50 for a small or $9 for a large, a hot dog or brat is $5. I can get a kids meal in WDW for $4" they never seem to believe me though...


The snootiest one I got was from a friend who said, "You know, I've been to England, France, Germany, and many of the other countries at Epcot. Why would I care to go see little miniature versions of them?"


New Member
AliciaLuvzDizne said:
I got the "AGAIN?!?!" at work a couple of weeks ago ( i just went in march and im going again on the 25th.) It always makes me feel sorta...i dont even know...guilty.
You are guilty and must be spanked :lookaroun


New Member
I get the whole non-Disney thing all the time. Though I had to laugh recently. Someone who has questioned my spending good money to go to Disney has just spent as much as I do for two weeks in Florida to go to a football (that's soccer to our American friends) game in Turkey!


New Member
DisneyMarg said:
The snootiest one I got was from a friend who said, "You know, I've been to England, France, Germany, and many of the other countries at Epcot. Why would I care to go see little miniature versions of them?"
I've been to the real America, why would I want to see a movie that was set there? :rolleyes:


New Member
I used to brush off comments like these, but finally got fed up with one person who asked.

"Do you ever see a movie you really like again?"
"Do you ever read a book more than once?"
"Listen to your favorite music over and over?"
"Of course."
"Thats why I go to Disney every year."

They shut up after that.


New Member
To me Disney is a magical place and always shall be. It brings fond memories back of being there on my honeymoon and then returning year after year with my husband and finally now we go w/ our kids.

:wave: To heck w/ the Naysayers....I have them at my office too, except for one man who shares my Disney enthusiasm. Every now and then he and I start to daydream and gab about helps to keep us fueled until we can be there again.

Heck, Im looking forward to my next time....I can never get enough of the Disney magic in me...I guess my appetite for Disney is insatiable. :D

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