The 'collecting' thing....
I have always held on to things i liked, and WDW / EPCOT Center items were a favorite of mine.
I would buy what i liked, not what i thought would become valuable in the future or just buy to collect a set.
From the late 70s, to the early 80s, to the early 2000s....if something struck my fancy i would make the purchase.
Same holds true for today, but i find i'm being more selective now about what i bring home...mainly, because i am running out of space !
Despite amassing things since i was a kid, i never really considered myself a 'Disney collector' until the Trading Pin concept was introduced within the Parks.
Even with that, i just purchase things that strike my fancy from a artistic standpoint, or general core interest standpoint.
I have never felt the urge to 'collect em' all'...or pursue getting a 'whole set' or 'every version'.
That is probably a good thing, considering the insane amount of pins i already have....ha ha....but i digress......
Some serious collectors insist on having everything, but to me it's just not overly necessary.
To me, that is what has always equaled 'collector' to me....someone who pursues that more extreme aspect of the hobby.
I guess amassing a random group of semi-related objects could be seen as that too from other folks' perspective...and i can certainly fall into the 'Disney Theme Park' category.
Nothing else comes close...i surely have more Theme Park related items, and Disney characters in general, then anything else.
I went through a phase in the late 80s up into the mid 90s collecting up things related to Disney's then-brand-new animated features.
Starting with 'Oliver & Company' up to 'Hunchback Of Notre Dame', i amassed a charming collection of toys, plush, dolls, figures, paper goods, you name it.
These are displayed still at home, and in hindsight of those films' successes , i'm glad i picked up some of those items.
I have a slew of early 'The Little Mermaid' items...some of the first dolls and early promotional items.
If anyone is interested, i can share photos...but since these are more 'Disney film' related then 'Disney Theme Park' related i've held off until now.
Might get to snap a few more photos later this week....trying to think of things that might be of interest in sharing here.