My goodness. I haven't seen this much nonsense since... our last FEBT Work Session.
OK: For starters, The Friends of the East Broad Top RR does
not own or operate the East Broad Top RR. We are not the Railroad; the Railroad is not us. Nor is there an interlocking directorate. The EBT is a privately owned, for-profit corporation. The
FEBT is a non-profit (501c3) corporation. Membership is available; our website is FEBT (dot) org. There is also an "East Broad Top Preservation Association". That's not us either, it's one guy.
The EBT RR (EBTRR dot com) is currently closed. They ceased operating at the end of 2011, for reasons too complex for this post. The railroad still exists, and could be re-opened if there were a "sugar daddy" to finance it. If you know anyone, we'd be glad to elaborate in private. (Not holding my breath, but hey... it could happen.)
No one has heard anything about using the EBT's tracks for test running any locomotives, like the Lilly Belle. Of course, since
we are not the Railroad, it's not certain that we would. It's entirely possible that something like that could happen, once the weather breaks this spring. It's been done before, and both the Railroad and the Friends are on good terms with the folks at the Strasburg Rail Road.
As for locomotives, steam, Diesel, and bogus, there is nothing that sounds the way that a real steam locomotive does. And it's got nothing to do with "air flow"; it's the exhaust steam released from the cylinders. You can use any heat source to fuel the boiler that makes the steam; coal and fuel oil are common, wood was common 150 years ago, and propane (etc.) burners are certainly possible. The Swiss even rigged a few steam locomotives with electric heaters during WWII ! I'm not sure what Lilly Belle burns, but it's not a big deal unless you're shoveling the coal yourself.
If you have something you'd like to
sound like a steam locomotive, they make sound units for model railroad engines. Hook that to a big PA system, and you can make any kind of noise you want: I've heard of someone who made their van sound like a big Diesel locomotive, horn and all. Of course if you do that with a bogus "steam" locomotive, you'll still be able to hear the Diesel motor running, and the simulation is just that - not perfect. And I've heard steam whistles "blown" with compressed air - it's clearly different. Steam is
not an "ideal gas", if you want the physics...
As for me? I'm an early member of the Friends of the East Broad Top, sometime volunteer at the Railroad, and will be attending our Work Session at the Orbisonia yards next weekend. We're restoring an old combine car; it should be done in a few years.

If I see any shiny rails or stray locomotives, I'll let you know.
FEBT Member #17