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There is something in meat that makes people grow taller. All those countries where they eat little to no meat...the people are short.
If you go to Chinese cities now, you can see the difference all around. All the older people are short. The younger a group, the taller they are. As the country began making money, they could afford meat. It is really fascinating to see the impact it had all around, just looking at people. In about one more generation, they'll be as tall as Americans.
You can eliminate meat and be totally healthy, no doubt about it. But if a population wants their children to grow tall and strong, they must include meat in the diet.
this us about amount of calories not meat eating. I would recommend a book called The China Study this is the results of a 30 year study on the people of china. the scientist have explored all of the areas of nutrition and activity to get to some real results. because the country is mostly racially homogenous they were even about to account for that. it is really interesting and the scientist who started the study was originally working how to increase animal protein into the diets of poor countries. He was shocked by the results that higher levels of animal protein did not solve the problems he thought it would and in fact only introduced new ones