I never said the Star Wars books as a whole didn't make more money than HP, I said that no single SW book has done as a single HP book.
Okay maybe HP and LOTR are tied, but both franchises (This includes books, movies, toys, etc.) are more popular than things like Pirates or even Shrek. I can't think of a franchise besides SW thats more popular than HP, except maybe LOTR (but it's close), so please tell me what these franchises are that you're talking about.
Spider Man. Higher grossing movies. Not to mention the 60 years of comics and cartoons.
Toy Story. Extremely popular. Next movie will make boatloads.
Indiana Jones will gross more than any HP movie when that film comes out.
X - Men. Comics are extremely popular. Movies did extremely well. Spin off movies will do well too.
Pirates is more popular, both moviewise and merchandising wise.
LotR is a more popular franchise, and its long term legs are proven. Another 400m+ is guaranteed when the new movie based on 'The Hobbit' is released.
Heck, you can even mention Mickey.
I'm with the camp that thinks this is a better move for those who enjoy the Harry Potter series (fits w/ Universal, Universal will focus on it more than Disney would have, it promotes competition, etc.)
Also, as far as a long-lasting franchise, I would say that Potter works much better for longevity than Jurassic Park.
I hate to see the re-theming of Dueling Dragons only for the reasons that 1) a new coaster for HP means more coasters and 2) DD is actually well-themed as it is... Plus what are they going to do with that castle? Tear it down? Have two castles? Will it become part of Hogwarts???
Universal will focus on it, but saying Disney wouldn't is wrong. They always do big pushes on their newest big attractions, like they did with EE.
Yes, its a better franchise then Jurassic Park, thats for sure. And Jurassic park has a HUGE presence at IoA, in fact, I would say too much of one, so yeah, they have, at Universal, given one property a huge portion of the park. Would Potter be a better choice for giving it too much land? Yeah, I can agree with that.
Re-theming DD is kind of odd, because they are going to theme it to HP, which has a huge young audience. A lot of these children aren't going to be able to ride DD, so I don't quite understand why they would do that. Well I do, its to get another HP themed attraction without spending as much money as building a whole new attraction, but that they are going to do it with DD is odd.