@gilm0114 - "Ancient Storm"
First off, I'd like to quickly mention that I really love that you based your film entirely off of a piece of music. Music is really incredibly important to Pixar shorts, so this definitely fits the bill.
It's very interesting that you set this short in the dawn of civilization. It seems to make for sweeping visuals and music, but, to me, I'm not entirely sure it feels like a Pixar short. Perhaps if you went a slight bit brighter. This does seem incredibly breathtaking visually, but adding a face to a cloud doesn't necessarily make it a Pixar film.
As Tiki mentioned, this definitely has hints of a few different Pixar shorts, which isn't a bad thing - it's just not quite as original as it could have been.
This is definitely a great proposal - I just feel that there are a few relatively easy fixes that could have set it over the edge, and possibly made it the MOST Pixar-y film here.
Creativity - 7/10: Certainly creative; I just think that you could have possibly used a few less ideas we've seen in Pixar shorts before.
Detail - 7/10: Fine amount of detail. Maybe a little more?
Realism - 9/10: Despite this not necessarily being entirely original or groundbreaking, it certainly felt like a Pixar short.
Presentation - 7/10: Pictures were nice. Music was certainly welcome.
Total - 30/40
@brinneydee - "Different"
To say I am torn is an understatement. On one hand, this is an incredible look at what it "feels" to be an autistic child - something that I don't believe has really been shown on film before. On the other hand, it doesn't really go anywhere, and, more importantly, doesn't feel like a Pixar short. Through reading this, I could certainly tell that this, I assume, is something very close to you. It absolutely showed as there was a ton of detail and a surprising insight into how autistic children operate.
Let me first say that this was the only film of the four presented that I could, without question, picture in my head. I saw this perfectly. I could hear how the music and sound cuts out as the child deeply focuses on what he's doing, I could see how the living room was set up, I could see it all. As a filmmaker, I want to make this film. Immediately. However, this doesn't feel like a Pixar film to me. While it certainly has the experimentation that many Pixar shorts have, this feels more like an indie film, or a college animation project to me. Not to discredit what you've written - I mean this in the most flattering way. This sounds absolutely...incredible - just not a Pixar short.
Really my only real criticism is that this doesn't seem to go anywhere. Perhaps that was the point, and it totally fits if that was your intention, it was just really more of a vignette than a story. Overall, spectacular job - it just didn't seem like a Pixar film, and could have used a bit of resolution in the end.
Creativity - 10/10: Absolutely out of the box and spectacular.
Detail - 8.5/10: A fine amount of detail. Almost everything explained. I only wonder if you intended this film to be shot in first person or third person.
Realism - 5.5/10: This is where you lost me. It doesn't feel like a Pixar film to me. While the film was certainly realistic, the project was to make a Pixar short.
Presentation - 7/10: No problems. Could have used some pictures perhaps.
Total - 31/40
@Basketbuddy101 - "Beyond"
Great film. This certainly felt like a Pixar film. It was perhaps a bit macabre, but it the book was still a very fun plot device. The art was great, as usual, and certainly helped give an idea of the story. If I have one suggestion, it's that you perhaps make the film silent. It doesn't need dialogue. The story plays just fine without.
Creativity - 7/10: While I love the idea, ghosts aren't exactly original.
Detail - 8.5/10: Fine amount of detail. Nothing was really confusing, or felt left out.
Realism - 9/10: Honestly, this is the film I could see Pixar making.
Presentation - 8/10: Fine presentation. I just wish you'd like to "The House by the Railroad." Also, you mentioned that Dennis Hopper painted it. I didn't deduct points for it, I just found it amusing.
Total - 32.5/40
@brb1006 - "Meowloween"
Certainly a good start. As Sam mentioned, this feels much more like Hotel Transylvania than a Pixar film, probably because of the subject matter. I can definitely picture it in Pixar style rather than Tartakovsky's, it just doesn't quite feel like a Pixar film.
Really my only problem with this is that it's not a short. The story isn't self-contained. There's a ton of backstory and set up, you have a three act structure (which you haven't set up properly, I might add), and you just wrote too much for a five minute short. That said, this could be a charming film. With a few tweaks (you forgot about a few plot points and seemed to stop in the middle of the story you seemed to be setting up), you could have a pretty damn charming animated film, or hour-long special. Just not a five minute short.
Creativity - 7/10: Though rooted in Hotel Transylvania, you did put together a rather nice story.
Detail - 9.5/10: A ton of detail. You went beat by beat through the story, which is greatly appreciated. Perhaps there was too much detail? Not that you shouldn't continue to put that much detail in your projects.
Realism - 6/10: Again, this doesn't feel like a Pixar short, or any short. This would probably be a TV special.
Presentation - 3/10: I don't usually grade this low because, frankly, I don't care about presentation, but half of your project is underlined, with the other half bolded. Couple that with quite a few instances of missing/ misused words, and you have a project that's difficult to read. I would suggest proofreading before posting.
Total - 25/40
Great job, everyone, as usual. Apologies for taking so long, my internet has been weird today.