Nice Cast Members

The Mom

Premium Member
I have encountered so many wonderful CMs over the years that I am unable to pick out just a few.

However, I've noticed that most complaints have to do with guests not having their special requests met, ie a CM did not alter the standard operating procedures to accomodate them. Seating someone out of turn on a ride comes to mind. It seems like a small request to one individual, but if it happens hundreds of times over the day, it can really slow things down, making other guests wait longer.

I suppose it's because WDW has such a history of service above and beyond what is "standard" , that when it isn't done, it comes across as rude.


New Member
Rude cast members are few and far between but they do exist... Ive had some experiences as have my family but nothing just horrible maybe just a "stressed" tone or something.


Well-Known Member
Our first experience with Extra Magic Hours was on our Thanksgiving trip. We were at the MK, and after Wishes, hopped on down to see Cap'n Jack Sparrow again. There was virtually no one in line; the CM on duty was explaining to a large group in front of us that they could not ride without the EMH bracelet. She must have gone through the spiel, all the time in her pirate brogue "Sorry maties, EHM guests only, the ride is closed to the general public, go to the bracelet distribution location......" three times before the group finally got it through their heads that THEY WERE NOT GETTING ON!!:brick: I had to give the CM credit, she never lost her smile or raised her voice. I wanted to knock their heads together!!


Well-Known Member
i was in line of the haunted mansion and i was alone at night 3yrs ago must have been.... and i was afraid to go in by my lonsome and a cast member off duty came strolling along and i said im scared and she offered to go on the ride with me.... then my mom and brother came so she rode with an other cm off duty how nice!!


Well-Known Member
Like I said in my previous post, we've never encountered a rude CM at DW. We've encountered many rude guests but never CMs. We were having dinner at the Rose & Crown on our recent trip and I got snapped at by another guest because she thought I was staring at her loudly speaking husband. I wasn't even paying attention to them, I was simply looking out over the lagoon when she snapped at me, snapping me out of my musings. My mom could tell I had no idea what the woman was going on about because of the confused look on my face. I felt sorry for the CM that was serving them. It was the same CM that was serving us. This rude guest was being a pain, demanding to know what each of the menu items were. This poor girl was so frazzled (it didn't help they were trying to get the CP dinner package people through the restaurant) that she forgot to refill my drink for me until our meal was almost over. Realizing the state the other guest had put the CM into I never complained.

We had a wonderful CM serving us at LTT on the night we attended MVMCP. He was great. The service was excellent. When we asked about purchasing the souvenir mugs he told us that if we took them to the Christmas Shoppe next door they would ship them back to our resort for us. We were so happy to hear that as we didn't want to lug them around the party with us.

We had a CM bus driver that was going from WL to MK call in and ask his supervisor if he could make an unscheduled stop at the TTC to drop off a bunch of stranded guests because the EPCOT bus had broken down. He went off his route to make sure we made it to our park of choice and the little girls heading to the princess dinner in Norway didn't miss out.

We've always had CMs that go above and beyond. That go out of their way to make our stays magical. Like when they forget to "Welcome us home" to the Wilderness Lodge they always call the room to say it. We have tons of memories of the wonderful CMs we've encountered. Keep up the good work guys! I can't wait for my next trip down in October!


Well-Known Member
CMs are only human and subject to mood swings, they can't be perfect all the time. I'm happy to say that I cannot remember meeting a rude CM


New Member
one time

I have only had one time that a cast member was rude. it was at downtown disney My family and myself were shopping in the christmas store and i took my daughter who is 2 aqnd my son who is 2 months old to the restroom, while my wife, father, mother, and sister in laws were still shoppoing. I get back at 5 till closing and the door is unlocked, i go to walk in and a cast member tells me I cannot come in because they are closed, first the doot is about 6 feet from my family. Second it's acrually seven till, not according to my watch but my cell phone. I tell her both of these nicely and she says you cannot come in and grabs the stroller containg my 2 year old and 2 month old and start to push against me to push it out of the store. I say stop. she finally see's how stupid she is being especially for pushing the stroller out, and lets me come into a minute, i hear her say something about me being an a-ho%# and walk away and tell someone they can go home. I understand she wanted to go home, but pushing the stroller was just not right. i thought about customer service, but it wasn't worth her getting in trouble over. That is the only time. it didn't stop me from going and I was angry for about 30, but it's in the past now. I will say I had a really great cast member at DTD guest relations. My daughter lost her toy sally from cars and we just wanted to see if someone had turned one in. they hadn't which was fine I was about to go but another one, and did buy one. The cast member then brought out a brand new mack the truck playset and gave her that. i was amazed and so was she. she is almost three and loved it. I bought her a few extra cars too so she could play


Well-Known Member
Add me to the list of those who've never encountered a rude CM. :lol:

I had one who seemed a bit tired once, but she was still nice. :lol: :lookaroun

Some of my favorite people in the world (and the World) are the people who work the desks at the concierge building at the Polynesian.


Ok guys sorry but I am going to break the trend of perfect CMs. However before I say it, I would like to state that we have gone to WDW and DL several times and I have only had ONE bad experience. The rest of the time it has been wonderful. I also have to say I wasn't wanting more than I should, and it wasn't late in the day when CMs have probably had it.

This last trip to WDW my girls were going on Dumbo. The park had just opened. So we thought lets go to beat the rush. Anyway, my oldest likes to ride in her own elephant. Note:she has done it before. Anyway, we had some friends with us that were taking their kids on so I thought great, I am not going to ride and actually get some pictures. My youngest can go with my oldest. So I look over at the line to see when they might be getting on so I can get ready with the camera and I see everyone waving me down. I go over and my friend informs me that my daughter is not big enough to ride alone. So I ask the CM that was there about it, maybe they just misunderstood what she said. I was thinking that maybe my youngest just couldn't ride with her or something. I explain that she rides the rollercoaster without anyone, Dumbo should be fine. I get this in response, no lie, and I was not being rude, I seriously was just talking to her normally. I didn't care if I ended up riding Dumbo. " I really don't care if she rides the rollercoasters alone, she isn't riding Dumbo alone." This was said with a lot of attitude. I was stunned! So I look at the other CM that was there and she looked a bit stunned as well. So she says I can just hop in and get in an elephant with the kids. OK, that was tight. Anyway. They never gave my daughter one of those card things you put on the ear. So witchy woman comes over to get it-I say that they never gave her one. She walks off, really upset, and under her breath says "Some freaking-change the eaking to iggin- people". Then to top it all off, when we got off, we were behind a girl that had been riding alone that my daughter was easily an inch and a half taller than. By the way that night at the christmas party she rode alone with no problems. Funny how she grew so much in the same day.

Well, that was longer than I intended, but that is my ONE AND ONLY bad CM story. So if I think about how many CMs I have come into contact with that is a darn good %. We really love all the CMs, and we saw a ton of great ones while we were down in December too. Going back in Oct. and can't wait.


New Member
Adding to what Mystic and quite a few others have mentioned - I have never experienced a rude CM. I, like many others, am polite and inquiring. These people work very hard to make WDW magical and they should at least be treated with respect and dignity. Part of what makes my family's trip so special is we ask the CMs where they are from and what they like about the States (this is usually in Epcot). I talk with the CMs because they are just doing their job, usually have enough idiot people to deal with, and deserve to relax and enjoy their jobs just as much as the rest of us.


New Member
I don't think we've ever experienced a rude CM's but I would say the service at the California Grill is severely lacking. We usually go to there at least once or twice every trip because we love the food, atmosphere and the view. I love watching the fireworks while we're eating dinner!

It's one of the more expensive restaurants on property so we usually get dressed up and look forward to our dinner. But, our servers have been terrible every single time. We were so disappointed on our last trip, that we probably won't go there on our upcoming trip. They really need to get their act together.

P-3 FE

As a former CM at the Magic Kingdom and also at the Swan and Dolphin, it can be a struggle to be happy all of the time. When the weather is hot or rainy or cold, it can truly suck to be standing outside for an 8-10 hour shift. However, I always found that when i interacted with a happy guest or helped someone experience some "Magic", it really made my day better.
As I have psoted before, if you take care of your CM, they will take care of you!! There are though some very rare occasions when someone is going to have a bad day.



Well-Known Member
In the times I have been to Walt Disney World I have never met a cast member who was rude. They are all friendly and helpful.


Active Member
As a former FT now a Seasonal CM, is a pleasure for us. Someone asked how do we do it. Simple, a Spoonful of Sugar.

Sometimes seen the kids smiles helps the day. Or seen a Kid screaming their lungs off to Mickey. That is Just pure magic at their best.

As CM were are as Human as everybody else. And we are aloud to make a mistake or 2.

Like the 25th of December, between the 12 and 3 rain shower, like 10,000 passed by going out (there where like 57,000 guest on property.) security, turnstiles and strollers cast members are trying to have a flow of people and keeping strollers moving in and out, just imagine the chaos. Well if you rent a stroller, they are not allowed to leave turnstiles and it was full of them at that time, This poor CM is directing strollers to the return area, and this guy starts to complain why he has to return his stroller, when he is leaving the park. The poor CM was doing his job, and the guest consider that rude.

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