Friday Sept. 18
Epcot, again
Today, we decided to make the trek to Epcot again because we really hadn't spent a whole lot of time there in our trip, at least up to this point.
So, first things first, we got up and went a relaxed a bit by the pool. (Had to get a little relaxing done today!) Then, after an hour or so at the pool, we went back to the room, got dressed and then took the bus to Epcot.
First things first, we went and FPed Kim Possible in Innoventions and also Soarin and since I had a CS meal left, I ate at Sunshine Seasons. This was the worst meal I've had a Sunshine Seasons. And that's very hard for me to say, since I normally love the place. I got the pork and it was VERY tough to eat. (I really got a bad cut of the meat though, should have asked for a different piece, but didn't.) I needed something better than those wimpy plastic forks to tear into this bad boy. The problem, I had to make do with plastic forks.
So, after my displeasure in my meal, we headed over to the Kim Possible station. Our first mission was France. This was our first time doing Kim Possible and we had no previous knowlege of the attraction, since we've never watched Kim Possible. With that being said, we enjoyed it, although, I think we would have gotten a bit more enjoyment out of it if we were familiar with the characters and everything. France, I thought was only ok. It was neat, but I didn't love it.
We did enjoy a showing of Impressions de France though after saving the world and we enjoyed that very much. This was our first time seeing this as well. All we have left to see now in WS (film-wise) is the Norway film. I did think the seats were quite hard in France though. They should maybe invest in some padding.
After that, we headed over to the UK pavilion and did that Kim Possible adventure. This one I liked a lot more. I thought it was very well done. WHF however, didn't really like Kim Possible. I haven't asked him why, he just wasn't very enthusiastic about it.
So, after saving the world one more time (Geez...twice in one day...Kim's asking a lot of us) we caught one of our favorite World Showcase shows...British Invasion! I love them so much! They are an outstanding band and if you haven't seen them yet, go! The next time you are in Disney, you must see them!
After enjoying a great set, we booked it over to Soarin to use our FPes and then headed right back to WS for our LeCellier dinner ressies. (That's right, I did LeCellier twice in a row!)
This time, they told us it would be at least a half an hour wait...however, almost immediately, they came outside and seated us immediately.
This time, I got the coffee rubbed Kansas City Strip which I thought was pretty good. I would only recommend it if you like coffee (since the steak is smothered in coffee grounds) or bitter tasting things. Also, keep in mind, this will keep you alert, since it's full of caffine. I also got, once again, the heavenly maple creme brulee.
We also had the BEST waiter, Patrick! (This may or may not have to do with the fact that I thought Patrick was quite cute...) Seriously though, Patrick was so great. He was super attentive to us the whole night and always a step ahead. He was fantastic!
After that, we met up with a couple of my listners, Jay, once again, and Lynne and her family. Also with them was John Corigliano...whom I've never met before, but would definitely get to know through the course of the evening.
We watched Illuminations together and then had to say good bye to Lynne and her family, as her little one was getting it was me and the boys.
First things first, we wanted to see how long the line for TT was way long! So, we decided to go on SSE and play SSE Roulette again.
Now, the one thing you must know about John is that he has this dinosaur named Dino he brings with him. This will be important to the story later.
John and Jay rode in a car together and WHF and I rode in the car behind.
When it was time to take our pictures on SSE, John lined up Dino perfectly, so that it was Dino that you saw on the picture, not him which was CRAZY funny to us!!! Seriously, I don't think I paid a lick of attention to our future, it was all about Jay and Dino's! (I only wish they'd chosen English, so I could know what was going on!)
Here's the Pic:
After the hilarity that ensued on SSE, we went to ride Soarin together. Then we said good bye to Jay, so it was just me, WHF and John...this guy who I'd only met a few hours earlier. And we had a BLAST together!!!
Next we headed off to Test Track...where we took the most fun picture ever!
The it was off to Nemo, where John had us sit and watch the fish on the wall in the queue. We sat there for like 5 minutes just watching the animation on the wall, which was so simple, but so fantastic!!! Finally, we boarded Nemo, all squished together.
After that, the park was closed, but we weren't done, as we all talked outside of Epcot a good half hour or so. It was some of the most fun I've had a Epcot! A great way to end a great trip!
Saturday Sept. 19
It was now time to say good bye to our most favorite place!
This morning, I hurriedly packed the remaining stuff that needed to be packed (how full CAN a suitcase be packed before it bursts?!) and then hurried down to the Pop lobby to meet up with the last listener of the trip. Danette and her finace were getting married the next day and all 3 of us went and had breakfast (well, I had breakfast, they had tie-dyed cheesecake) and had a nice time.
From there, I had to get going. ME was to pick us up shortly for our trip home.
We boarded ME with no problems (although we were just a bit too close to use the Airline check in service...missed it by a couple of minutes) and had a safe flight back home.
Thank you to all of you who have followed along on my journey! Sorry it has taken so long to post, but I hope you enjoyed it!
As always, I like to try and reflect back on things I've learned and this trip, I learned just how great relaxing can be. It's hard to wrap your mind around letting go just a bit, but once you manage it, you can find a ton of wonderful surprises around the corner. Also, take in something you'd never thuoght you'd do. It can be so rewarding. So, on your next trip, take the time to do something you might not have thought you would ever do. Go visit Circle D Ranch, take a bike ride, enjoy your hotel's pool, eat places you never thought you'd like. So what if you didn't enjoy it totally. You'll have the experience (hopefully with the people that you love) and that's what matter the most.
Until next time, See Ya Real Soon!