New Year @ WDW - cold or reasonable?


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Original Poster
Hi Everyone,

I'm going to WDW for two weeks from the UK on New Year's Day. Will we need to take "winter" clothes or just two or three layers as it warms up later in the day?

Can you usually buy xmas sale goods straight after Xmas and, if so, what bargains should I look out for?

Is it worth even thinking about visiting the water parks in January?

Thanks Guys!


Trophy Husband


I'd like to hear more from people who have actually been there, but based on my experience in early December and things I have heard and read, it should be cool in the mornings and evenings but comfortable during the day, but the temperature can drop pretty low on occasion. I would think 1 light and 1 medium jacket along with a few sweatshirts and/or sweaters should work.

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The Mom

Premium Member
Definitely plan on layering! Sometimes,(before I started staying on site every trip) I would even pack a pair of shorts, and change during the day. Then I could change back in the evening.

I usually have a short sleeved top, lightweight wool cardigan sweater, and one of those flannel lined windbreakers with a hood. I also pack a couple(more or less depending upon the length of trip) of long-sleeved tops, and at least one sweatshirt. I have the advantage of living nearby. :)

I ALWAYS bring a bathing suit and coverup...even if it's cool, most resorts have a heated pool or even a hot tub. And if it's sunny, with no breeze, you can still enjoy the pool. I personally, don't go to the waterparks very much, but might try it this trip...Oct at YC, so it'll just be Stormalong Bay. It's not that I dislike water parks; I just like to spend my time in the theme parks.

Winters here are more or less like Spring/Fall in other areas. Cool mornings, with warm afternoons, but also an occasional cold snap.

BTW...I've been there every month except April. And I was here, but not at the parks, the year (1983) the temperatures were in the 20s-30s at WDW during the week between Christmas and New Year's Day.


Active Member
Originally posted by The Mom
Definitely plan on layering! Sometimes,(before I started staying on site every trip) I would even pack a pair of shorts, and change during the day. Then I could change back in the evening.

I usually have a short sleeved top, lightweight wool cardigan sweater, and one of those flannel lined windbreakers with a hood. I also pack a couple(more or less depending upon the length of trip) of long-sleeved tops, and at least one sweatshirt. I have the advantage of living nearby. :)

I ALWAYS bring a bathing suit and coverup...even if it's cool, most resorts have a heated pool or even a hot tub. And if it's sunny, with no breeze, you can still enjoy the pool. I personally, don't go to the waterparks very much, but might try it this trip...Oct at YC, so it'll just be Stormalong Bay. It's not that I dislike water parks; I just like to spend my time in the theme parks.

Winters here are more or less like Spring/Fall in other areas. Cool mornings, with warm afternoons, but also an occasional cold snap.

BTW...I've been there every month except April. And I was here, but not at the parks, the year (1983) the temperatures were in the 20s-30s at WDW during the week between Christmas and New Year's Day.

I totally agree here. Definatly bring a jacket or a heavy sweatshirt for the nighttimes. I made that mistake once.....burrrrr...

and, just as a sidenote.... do NOT go on splash mountain twice at night during the parade just because there is no line. And then go on air conditioned rides (aka- pirates of the carribean). My college education failed me on that one..... :hammer:


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by FanofDinsey1981

and, just as a sidenote.... do NOT go on splash mountain twice at night during the parade just because there is no line. And then go on air conditioned rides (aka- pirates of the carribean). My college education failed me on that one..... :hammer:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I feel your pain!


Well-Known Member
We've gone the first week of January three times now. The first time it was perfect. It was a really warm year and we were able to wear short and T-shirts the whole time. The second time we went, the parks sold out of gloves and scarves because it was so cold one of the days. That trip, we spent most of the time in winter/fall clothing, but it still warmed up enough one of the days that we could go to a water park. The third time was a combination of the first two trips--we needed to be dressed warmly in the morning and at night and wanted shorts during the day. On all three trips, though, it has been warm enough at least one day to enjoy the water parks. So, bring layers and plan on getting a locker or carrying a backpack to hold changes of clothes. The short lines make up for the unpredictability of the weather though. It's a great time to go! If the Osborne Family Light Festival is still up when you get there at MGM--make the time to see it. It's really great!


New Member
We have been in February (96 I think) and it was one of the coldest Februarys on record. However, we also went in January 2000 and the weather was fantastic. Hot during the day but cool at night so take a fleece or something.


New Member
Original Poster
Thanks guys! I'll leave the winter coat at home then! Sounds as though we'll be okay. Does anyone have any comments about after-xmas sales bargains? Does Disney do this?:wave:


Well-Known Member
The weather can be either way, NYE 1999 it was shorts weather, NYE 2000 it was like 20 degrees outs especially when it got close to midnight. I went NYE 2001 and it was chilly but not like NYE 2000.

The Mom

Premium Member
Originally posted by ptay39
Thanks guys! I'll leave the winter coat at home then! Sounds as though we'll be okay. Does anyone have any comments about after-xmas sales bargains? Does Disney do this?:wave:

I remember going to the Disney Village (Downtown Disney, now, I think) and getting a great buy on a kid sized plush Christmas Minnie once. I'm not sure if the shops in the parks have any post-Christmas sales.


New Member
I wouldn't necessarily leave the winter coat at home. When we went last year the week between Christmas and New Year's, it was pretty cold. You could tell that people went to the outlets and bought sweatshirts and warm clothes. The cast members had overcoats and scarves and stuff like that on.


Well-Known Member
During the winter time, it can get quite cold in Orlando, despite popular beleif. Part of the reason I transferred out of Monorails was because we had to stand out on the weather-exposed platforms all day. During the winter, it got VERY cold. I'd be sporting my Pimp Daddy jacket, with the fuzzy collar up, and trying to protect my ears from falling off. During the nights, it would get mighty cold, and windy out there.

Word of advice... bring layers... you'll want them!


Christmas Sales

Looks like you have a full weather report with advise that I agree with. As far as the after-Christmas sales, I have never seen that at the park shops, but things could change from year to year & park to park. Do check out the wonderful year-round Christmas shop at MGM Disney Studios. You'll go nuts! I'm sure there won't be any sales at that store as they have the stuff all year.

One hint about jackets though, the lockers at the entrance to each park are a great place to stash your warm clothes to grab after dark. In the heat of the day, you will be tying them around your waist if you wear them, but after dark you will be miserable during the fireworks if you don't have something warm to wear.
One more thing, please wear good athletic shoes and socks! I see people in the craziest shoes. Sore feet can ruin your fun.


New Member
Just my two cents on Florida winter weather:

It's weird. Some years it's freezing, like the year they had a cold snap while my family was visiting relatives and there were rolling black outs through central florida, and sometimes it's positively gorgeous. I've spent a lot of time in Florida in the wintertime around the holidays, and always pack shorts, t-shirts, long sleeve shirts, and a light jacket. that should be sufficient. And if you're from Ohio, like me, take pleasure in pointing and laughing at the natives trundling about in their parkas.


We were at WDW for a week around New Year's 2000/2001. The weather was very unpredictable. One day it was warm enough to walk around in a t-shirt, then there were days where it was difficult to be outside. New Year's Eve in particular, I was wearing a t-shirt, 2 sweatshirts and a trenchcoat along with gloves and a hat. It was mind-blowing that I could be THAT cold in Orlando, Florida, but I WAS!!! :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
We were there last February, and it actually got below freezing at night! But by afternoon it was in the upper 70's. A light jacket or a sweatshirt was all I needed.:)


New Member
I've spent my past TWO New Year's in WDW. Last time I went, it was upper 70s or so. Two years ago, it didn't get above 45 or so. My advice is to watch the weather, and plan for both extremes!


Active Member
Originally posted by The Mom

I remember going to the Disney Village (Downtown Disney, now, I think) and getting a great buy on a kid sized plush Christmas Minnie once. I'm not sure if the shops in the parks have any post-Christmas sales.

The only time I remember getting stuff on sale while actually IN one ofthe parks or the resorts was on stuff that had years on it. IE-> In 2000, they had all of the 1999 stuff half off. I bought the stuff only because I was there in 1999 too. So right around New Years, check and see if they have any old years out!

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Jan 1-6, 2002 was really cold. It was 75 when we arrived, and on the way to 80 the day we left.

However, the days we were there the high was in the 50's. We were quite comfortable in the winter coats we had brought from Kansas. (we usually didn't need to zip them, however.)

I would suggest that you throw hats and light gloves in your suitcase, (and then put in your coat pockets). You can buy gloves at WDW (those super-stretchy, one-size kind that Target sells for $1) for $6, and well as a stocking hat for $6.

I second the locker suggestion, because it is common for it to warm up quite a bit by mid-day.

Also--check weather websites before you go to get a feel for what is coming.
Originally posted by ptay39
Hi Everyone,

I'm going to WDW for two weeks from the UK on New Year's Day. Will we need to take "winter" clothes or just two or three layers as it warms up later in the day?

You really need to keep checking a site like We've been three times for New Year's Eve. The first time and third time, we had glorious weather -- 70s and sunny. The second year (which happened to be the millenium) it was the coldest weather I've ever seen in Florida. Everyone was in winter coats and they were selling hats and gloves the way they usually sell ponchos when it rains. So just keep checking the weather before you go, and take lots of layers just in case!

Can you usually buy xmas sale goods straight after Xmas and, if so, what bargains should I look out for?
If they put stuff on sale after Christmas, it will be available. However, you have to remember that Disney has Christmas shops all year round, so they don't always have sale items. And much of what they put on sale has a year on it.

Is it worth even thinking about visiting the water parks in January?
Really depends on the weather. If it's over 80 degrees and you don't mind cool water, I'd go for it, especially if you don't think you'll be back anytime soon. The waterparks tend to be empty that time of year too, so during peak hours of the day when it's the warmest, you'll be able to do a lot without super long lines.

Have a great trip!

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