NEW Tower of Terror Drop Sequence...and more...


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Original Poster
it had to have been early 1995 when they made the first change, because the first time I rode was February 1995, and the 2nd sequence was already in place. Also, the shaking must have been added very soon after Fear Every Drop was put in, because the little comic book thing they have on the official website announces the shaking and the extra drops as being new, and this was put on the website soon after Fear Every Drop began. Regardless, it seems the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th sequences were in use the longest. One order to add the Random Drop Sequence, no work should be necessary in the drop shaft, right? I's just a computer program. And yet there is an apparent plan to change one shaft at a time, which to me means we will see added effects in the drop shafts...judging from the changes we saw with Fear Every Drop, this could be the best change ever for the Tower! Do you think the Towers to be built at Cali Adventure and the Studios in Paris should start with our original drop sequence or go immediately to the Random Drop Sequence???

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
this is going back in the thread a bit, but i think we should all take what bdis says and believe it. he has a better connection to the disney company than probably everyone on this site. he IS bill nye the science guy afterall! he has to know! he is a smartypants!:)


New Member
Is he REALLY Bill Nye...err...the person who portrays Bill Nye (the science guy)???

...or am I being overly naive?

If he REALLY cool is that! :cool:

btw...dizpins14...TOT IS NOT RANDOM!!!! Do you understand??? :hammer:


Account Suspended
I posted this reply
to let you know still
that my profile doesn't lie!
I'm not the real Bill Nye the Science Guy
Just a big fan named Bill
But I'd like to meet him though, still


Oh well, I still say that the Tower of Terror isn't random... yet.

And by the way, don 't always believe Cast Members. They are right most of the time (80%)

Bill Nye isn't right all the time either: Remember the Haunted Mansion? lol I think Disney made him do that though.

As Miss Piggy would say, "Nobody's perfect, but I'm about as close as you can get!" lol

Your hotel room awaits...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by joho0
Is he REALLY Bill Nye...err...the person who portrays Bill Nye (the science guy)???

Am I Robin Williams>?????????:veryconfu :veryconfu :veryconfu

~ Robin... lol..


For whoever asked about Paris and DCA's Towers opening with how many drops, the asnwer is "who knows" far as it seems, there will most likely be THREE drop shafts, as opposed to our 2.....some say the elevators wont move forward, some say they will.....We really dont know how similar or different the rides will be, but i have a feeling the DCA and Paris ones will be similar to eachother, and they'll most likely be better than ours....just my opinion. Also, i wouldnt expect it to open with only 1 drop, but not random or 3 either.....i would expect maybe 2, so they can slowly update it, in order to get people back on it.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
not so confident that they will be better than ours...different, yes. But look at Rock 'n' Roller Coaster. Our version is much better than the one that opened last weekend at the Studios in Paris.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DogsRule!
not so confident that they will be better than ours...different, yes. But look at Rock 'n' Roller Coaster. Our version is much better than the one that opened last weekend at the Studios in Paris.

The beginning of the ride (launch section) looks like a disco club.


Well-Known Member
I dont see it being much least them wise. With TOT you have less creative "Headroom" than you do with something like RnR...

The ride system itself may be different and more "thought out" to provide a better person per hour turnout..who knows ;)

Lee L

Has anyone else who has ridden ToT many times looked up during the ride? I was there in Early Feb and I realized I could see up to the top while the ride was going. The top of the car is just expanded wire mesh and it looked like one of the doors was not shutting all the way or maybe they always let light in. (I've never looked up before) It was way cool to be able to see up there coming and going.


Well-Known Member
Iv'e looked up like 3 times before... Its neat seeing how close your getting to the top.... I like doing that..
~ Justin...

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Lee L
Has anyone else who has ridden ToT many times looked up during the ride? I was there in Early Feb and I realized I could see up to the top while the ride was going. The top of the car is just expanded wire mesh and it looked like one of the doors was not shutting all the way or maybe they always let light in. (I've never looked up before) It was way cool to be able to see up there coming and going.

Hmm, Ive never done that, but I do know that on certain parts of the drop, the doors stay open because by the time they shut, they'd have to open again.

With the addition of all these drops, the effect of the doors has kind of been ruined. They used to make it really dramatic because you'd see a door open with an elevator arriving slooowly. Then, once it fell, they'd shut again and remain closed until the next elevator 4 minutes later. Seeing a door open would often make many people go "oooh, look, there they go!" But now, people just seem to ignore it because they open and close so much.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Lee L
Has anyone else who has ridden ToT many times looked up during the ride? I was there in Early Feb and I realized I could see up to the top while the ride was going. The top of the car is just expanded wire mesh and it looked like one of the doors was not shutting all the way or maybe they always let light in. (I've never looked up before) It was way cool to be able to see up there coming and going.

Thank You!!!!!
That Explains Everything!!!!!

LOL I took a Video of TOT last year(the whole ride), during the drop, I kept noticing a weird sliver of light coming from the top of the cab, I never noticed that they dont close fully, but now I know what that light is!!


That has been bugging me for a Year :D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ignore the doors opening and closing? I don't! You hear people screaming from the ride every 15 seconds! IT'S GREAT!!!! How can you keep from looking up when you constantly hear screams echoing down Sunset's MAGIC! Disney is awesome!

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Yeah, but it used to be more dramatic and effective. It was like:

*Doors open, noise from elevator is heard*
*Everyone near ToT stops what they are doing and stares at it, especially if you hadn't been on it yet.*
*elevator drops, doors close*
*many people in the crowd comment on it*

At least, thats what it was like when it first opened. Picture many people on Sunset Blvd pausing ala Matrix style to stare at it.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
everyone still stares at it! Whenever I'm walking back toward Hollywood Boulevard, people constantly almost slam into me b/c they are looking up and not at where they are walking!


Well-Known Member
I cant get a Good Wide Angle Picture of ToT, because people are awalys standing near the ToT fastpass and bathrooms watching it!!!!!!!!

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