it had to have been early 1995 when they made the first change, because the first time I rode was February 1995, and the 2nd sequence was already in place. Also, the shaking must have been added very soon after Fear Every Drop was put in, because the little comic book thing they have on the official website announces the shaking and the extra drops as being new, and this was put on the website soon after Fear Every Drop began. Regardless, it seems the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th sequences were in use the longest. One order to add the Random Drop Sequence, no work should be necessary in the drop shaft, right? I's just a computer program. And yet there is an apparent plan to change one shaft at a time, which to me means we will see added effects in the drop shafts...judging from the changes we saw with Fear Every Drop, this could be the best change ever for the Tower! Do you think the Towers to be built at Cali Adventure and the Studios in Paris should start with our original drop sequence or go immediately to the Random Drop Sequence???