New thrill rides


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Hi. I've been going to WDW my whole life and every time it gets better and better. I love the older dark rides but some of my favorites are the newer thrill rides like rock'n rollercoaster, mission space, and test track. I've noticed a lot of people don't like the direction disney is going with their newer rides. I was just wondering why you feel this way?


New Member
new rides

I like rollercoaster and test track but I think simulators are a joke that includes mission space , Also I wish the neww rides didn't come at the expense of a classic , ticket prices keep going up so should the # of attractions


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Original Poster
I see what you mean but i think disney is just doing what it has to to stay in buisiness. Don't get me wrong i loved horizions too, and i think it is great for disney to keep that originality, which i think their doing with mission space. and it will draw in more people than the AA rides did.


Well-Known Member
i don't really think it's that we don't like them. personally, i really like the thrill rides. but i think it's because Walt made dark rides what they are today. he was sort of like the father of dark rides; THOSE are the attractions that set Disney apart from the rest. sure, they have nice thrill rides, but so does every other theme/amuesment park. Disney's just has a Disney flair. i can't speak for everyone, but my problem with it is, is that thrill rides is ALL they seem to be producing anymore. i wouldn't mind so much if they put out a thrill ride, and then balanced it with a dark ride (although, when they added Mickey's Philharmagic, that helped), and i don't think i'd mind so much if they spread them out a little more. but recently, thrill rides seem to be focused mainly on Epcot and MGM (with the exception of EE). and have you noticed how quickly these thrill rides have been going up? i wish they'd just slow down and take their time with them. give them all the detail and magic they can. that way maybe they'd have more time in the spot light, and maybe they wouldn't seem like they're suddenly overtaking the parks. i just think Disney's adding too many too soon. and if they're trying to turn Epcot into a thrill park, then that greatly saddens me. i hate thrill parks...they seperate the family too much, and they always seem so a trend or something.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by conor-o-man
I see what you mean but i think disney is just doing what it has to to stay in buisiness. Don't get me wrong i loved horizions too, and i think it is great for disney to keep that originality, which i think their doing with mission space. and it will draw in more people than the AA rides did.

sorry for posting twice, but....that's the thing! Disney's just keeping up with the Jones'! that's not what defined Disney...that's not what made it what it is today. it is what it is today because they went ABOVE the rest...they didn't just meet their competition, they went above it! why do you think AA rides drew in such a large # of crowds way back when? because they were new, and no one had ever seen them before. and that still doesn't explain why some of the most visited attractions on property are still AA attractions: HM, PotC, PPF, IASW, etc. like i said, thrill rides are a trend...within 10-15 years, i'd bet that TT and M:S will be replaced....HM and PotC, on the other hand, i believe will be around a lot longer!


New Member
Rides with true imagination, story, and heart will always outlast a cheap thrill.

Don't get me wrong, I love ToT, Dinosaur, and M:S.

However, rides like Horizons and Haunted Mansion do much more than entertain....they inspire your imagination!:)

Roller Coasters have their place. However, the attractions that define the Disney Exprerience should be much more than towering metal monsters that intend to impress with statistics.
Instead, Disney rides should be--for lack of a better word--MAGIC!:D


New Member
Disney "its all about the shareholders"

Let me tell you I don't know about you guys but when I drive to walt disney world every year with my wife and my two boys ,ages 3 and two . The first thing I look forward to is going to the magic kingdom and getting on the rides with my whole family, rides like POTC,The haunted mansion,jungle cruise, buzz, cop,tHESE ARE THE RIDES THAT i THINK tHE AVERAGE DISNEY VISITOR ENJOYS THE MOST , i MEAN THINK ABOUT what do keep coming back for what rides give you those magical memories , I don't think its a 5 min cheap to run simulator like mission space , It would have been a fine addition to epcot but not at the expense of a classic its all about operating costs sure MS was expensive to build but it will pay for itself in operating costs, and those kind of figures are what makes corporate america happy!!


Well-Known Member
I don't do thrill rides. If I did there are alot of places closer to home. I go to WDW for the Disney brand of magic and thrill rides (for me, anyway) just isn't what its all about. :wave:


New Member
Thrill rides are everywhere ,Lets keep the Magic at Disney

I am sure alot of people feel this way come on gang speak up let us know how you feel!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I agree that there are certain types of rides that Disney does best. For example, the dark rides. But I think I also enjoy rides like ToT because it's a combination of both the thrill and the theming. I agree that Disney shouldn't just plop a thrill ride in the middle of the park. Everybody does that. It's thinking up everthing that comes before and after the ride that makes it special.

And to that end I really wish they'd stop exiting the riders into stores and perhaps continue the theming on those attractions, and then have the store some place after.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by conor-o-man
Hi. I've been going to WDW my whole life and every time it gets better and better. I love the older dark rides but some of my favorites are the newer thrill rides like rock'n rollercoaster, mission space, and test track. I've noticed a lot of people don't like the direction disney is going with their newer rides. I was just wondering why you feel this way?

You have to understand that most of the people on these forums are diehard Disney fans. They do not represent the majority of the guests and are instead the vocal minority. I, myself much rather the newer thrill rides to the older, outdated attractions they replaced (if an attraction was replaced at all).


Park History nut
Premium Member
Dreamflight, Horizons, World of Motion, Journey into Imagination...
And also TOT, RnRc, Dinosaur, Splash, AA (r.i.p.).....


Active Member
The only reason, in my opinion, that Disney has been compelled to change these parks into "Six Flags type parks" is do to inproper promotion. They think that people will just understand what a park is about such as EPCOT and will pay high prices thinking that it is something that it isn't nor should it be. I'm not sure where I'm headed here but I believe that attractions should be added without removing the classics but they should fit. I can only imagine what "The Land" is going to be like when Soarin opens. If people want thrill rides, built another park. Not to mention DisneyQuest which seems to have failed miserably. No one even knew what it was when it opened so they closed 1 and never built the third. Sorry for the rant but it tears me up every time I hear of another attraction being replace by a new "ride".:hammer:


New Member
Its all about the overhead!!!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to corporate america world , where family values and imagination play second fiddle to operating costs and stock returns , Ya walt would of loved this place!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Re: Its all about the overhead!!!!!

Originally posted by greg416
Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to corporate america world , where family values and imagination play second fiddle to operating costs and stock returns

That's the way it has to be. Stockholders are the number one responsibility for any publicly traded corporation, because they are the ones that really matter.


Well-Known Member
A new ride does not mean a thrill ride. I agree that Disney needs to change and has to add things (including the occasiona thrill ride). But I am woried that there has been such a focus on theme rides that Disney is in fact becoming just another Six Flags. And if that happens, then why spend all that money for one week in Florida when you can spend a summer at your local Six Flags and enjoy the same rides.

Disney's strength is in their storytelling and that they do something different. Right now, with all the problems they face, they need to focus on those, not on short term attendance gains.

Think about the thrill rides they have added - and how many of them quickly loose their appeal. Anyone remember Body Wars - heck that is rarely even open anymore, yet at one point it was the biggest thing in Theme Parks.

If you are going to add a thrill ride, don't create it at the expense of those that set you apart.

If Disney is really creative, then do something different. Repeating what everyone else has done only wastes creative effort.


New Member
My Sentiments Exactly

Simulators are joke , they quickly lose there appeal , They have the technology to build rides like pirates ,or haunted mansion that would blow us away , but the truth they don't have the imagineers that put that type of heart into a project , we are a mcdonalds society and that seems to be direction that disney is headed in . Its pretty bad when these new rides don't hold a candle to technology thats thirty years old.

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