ok, let me get his bit off of my chest. the people who are rankled about not being able to reserve rides at other parks during the day(hopping), seems to be under the impression that this programming should be easy based on the legacy system. the new system does not work like the old system in the background. legacy pulled vacancy slots from a bucket. each ride with fp had a 'bucket' with a number available in each time slot. no problem hopping and getting fp because it was self contained and separate from other things going on in the park. this new system is more complex because of what the system could actually do.(IMHO here guys) this system in its current form can help crowd control by opening and closing availability on command.(to move people around the park and not clogging a certain section.) this system is more like 'control' dispatching a random parade to lure people from an overcrowded land to another. NOW as opposed to legacy hopping... the way the new system works, it can predict and control guest count in a single park, because that is what they want it to do. each park is running independently of the others. i believe that in the beginning stages they were going to run it as all-in (all four parks running together) but that was putting too much stress on the systems and all kinds of errors were popping up, and had to break it down to separate parks to function normally. once they get a good baseline on peak times and what the max load can be per park, then they will start to consolidate the parks back into a single system, thereby allowing you to pick from all buckets, pulling an early EE, then to space and then a late TT. they likely underestimated the processing power needed to roll it out resort wide to begin with. HENCE the continued moniker 'NOW TESTING' JM2C, though