New Star Wars Fireworks Show - 'Star Wars: A Galactic Spectacular'


Well-Known Member
Hope this embed code works, I did not have a photo or video but found one on Instagram.

<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-version="7" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:37.4537037037% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div> <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;"> <a href=""

Whoa! Those are huge! Not what I was picturing at all! Now I need to find a video of this performance...

Mike S

Well-Known Member
Just noticed the dessert party will be moving to Launch Bay starting July 10th. Looks like they realized they needed more space in the front part.


Well-Known Member
Hold on, before we get too excited, Isn't Launch Bay the old Magic Of Disney Animation? You can't see the Theatre and the projections from there, can you????? I'm thinking you can only see the pyro and the fire from there.
Dessert Party is there, they have a reserved section it says but it gets rid of the tables and food stations.


Well-Known Member
Dessert Party is there, they have a reserved section it says but it gets rid of the tables and food stations.
At least it will take up less space.

Now they just need to prevent everyone from sitting all over the midway. I got to last night's show over an hour early and the entire midway was full with people lounging all over the ground. If people had been standing, three times as many people could have found a place to watch from.

The show was absolutely stunning, btw!!! Like, truly incredible.

Walter Yensid

Active Member
Saw the show last night for first time. My family and I did the dessert event, less for the dessert and more for the easy seating with a tight schedule and a young son who was not going to sit around for a few hours while we marked our spot.

Included some photos from the show below (sorry for the low res...took from phone with no flash). Like everyone has said, absolutely amazing show. The use of different tech (projection, pyro, laser, lights, fireworks, etc) was the best use of the tech so far (although the projections on the Tree of Life at AK I think is the best projection anywhere...saw that Wed night). But, show is worth the wait and definitely want to get up front. Favorite part for me had to be the Emperor scene (really cool stuff) and of course how they showed the space combat.

But, another big surprise was the quality of the dessert party. Never done one before and I know it is expensive, but wow, Disney really does a great job with it. Although my wife and I are not big dessert people, our kids went crazy. So much food and desserts, great service, all-inclusive drinks (alcohol and non-alcohol). See photo for one of the tables (non-dessert) and one of a few desserts...there were 10 of these tables with so many different things...liquid nitrogen ice cream, all Star War themed desserts, etc. You do get a Chewbacca cup for each person. I mean, if you add that up and everything else at normal prices, even if you do not eat everything in sight, it is not far off. Of course, it is a little gluttony and saw a few people taking the all-you-can-eat to the next level.

The view with the dessert part, as it was last night, was great and worth it. But, no chairs is rough for kids (and the parents running through the parks all day). It would be better if they went with low tables and seating, but I get that they want to maximize numbers and chairs suck up space. Most kids sat on the ground. But, with the walkway in front, there is no blocked view.

Just very impressed.







Well-Known Member
Given theat the show seems to be popular and well received when viewed from the DHS hub, which limits the number of guests getting the full show, is there any talk of running multiple showings? At least during busier times? I know it would have to be staggered with Fantasmic! but it could be possible.


New Member
The new show is a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT!!!!! IMO, Symphony in the Stars was the best fireworks show Disneyworld has ever done, great musical score, the fireworks were LOUD and they told a great story. The new show is just lame, the fireworks have moved so far away they have nowhere near the same effect, and the laser/projection/effects just fall flat. It used to be a fireworks show, now it's a (lame) show with fireworks. A sad day for we, the fireworks fans.


Well-Known Member
I've seen it twice now and absolutely love it. That said, I also totally agree with the criticism here. My first viewing was just behind the rather ugly and bland towers which basically blocked all of the large pyro but I had a great view of the projections. The second time was more in the hub and Amazing. Ditch the dessert parties and that will help big time for space. Ironically, getting the stupid stage out of there entirely would help as well. Overall though, it would seem the regular crowds eat this thing up. There was lots of screaming and cheering both times afterwards.

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