New Slides at Typhoon Lagoon?


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You'll notice that my contact said that he didn't think that the info was going to be made public for quite some while. They could just be clearing off additional land to put the boneyard in so that they can construct in the winter.

I just find it very, very odd that they would need to expand the boneyard in order to replace some trailers. Replacing usually doesn't involve expansion. Hmm...

Also, I believe with Crush they still dug and poured the footers in the Summer/Fall.



typhoonguy said:
I also want to add that in the past, construction has always been completed during the winter when the park closes for 6-8 weeks. For instance with Crush, the parts were stored in the grass lot up on the hill next to the CM lot for quite a while, but the land wasnt cleared until the first close. Granted, there wasnt much clearing to be done for that one, the area was pretty flat as-is before hand, but it would be very odd that they would start construction right before peak... Just some food for thought.

They were clearing that land when I was in the park in Nov 2004 and there are pictures on here that people took at the time through the cracks. I think Merf took some at the time. They built CnG when the park was open and finished it off when the park was closed. So that isn't really correct what you posted is it?


Oh yeah and if you look at TL you can see there is loads on land around the park, why put the bone yard right next to a tall tower with guests going up it? Surely they would move it away not closer so everyone can see the crap sat their? Most of that gets dumped in the trash not next to a new ride. I think it's what the people on here call "bad show"


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This guy is going to great lengths to disprove something that would be hard to know much about at this point. I mean, even I don't know too much about it.



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Based on what my contact said, here's what I figure the layout is going to be:





New Member
Even you?

Even you don't know anything about it? Are you an RGSM at Typhoon? (meaning your initials would be DC, KT or BC). Or do you work for engineering services (meaning you work under someone who's initials would probably be JH)? Or WDI? (JR, DH, ect)... I understand that us Cast Members are not usually enlightened on these projects until right before guests (if we are before guests in the first place), but we are usually hearing rumors. At this point I have not heard any, other than those on WDWMagic and LP. (I know, it's a sin to mention LP, right?) I should rephrase and say that I do not disagree with the possibility of something new, however I doubt it. What I will say however is that my good friend and former RGSM is not aware of anything of the sort. She was, however, very aware of crush and informed us CMs MUCH before any announcements were made. Most of the time, recreation RGSMs are very well informed because RW, Water Park GM, makes sure they are. He's not usually one to keep something hidden from his Cast because he wants to create excitement and anticipation.

That being said, I'm just pointing out that this location being dozed is next to the boneyard (which by the way, you CAN see from the top of crush, as well as next to tilly on Mt. Mayday, couldnt tell you why they haven't covered it or something of the sort), an RGSM is not aware of any construction, lifeguards have heard nothing other than rumors from guests, and there are no parts in open storage for a slide. This is coming from a CM who still picks up EHH shifts at Typhoon about every other week... Blue, I understand your points, and they could be valid, but as a CM I am not seeing this coming to fruition in the near future.


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I think you will sometime over the summer. I don't think anybody was really given any details for Crush until mid-August. Like I said, I was transitioning out at that point, so I had more on my mind than a new waterslide.

BTW, it does make sense for them to build it by the Boneyard, because if they close off the back of it, it will hide it from all points of view.



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No, I was in PR with WDI. I actually never saw Crush until after I had left Disney and saw it as a guest.

By the way, you're right about Ray - he is one of the best guys at WDW as far as caring about his cast members. Great guy...



Well-Known Member
You know what they haven't built yet, which would be cool? A deluxe or moderate resort connected to one of the waterparks! I've never even heard this idea floated before. But it would be a nice draw to stay at that particular resort, and they probably could even save the money and not build a themed pool for the resort. Would make the bean counters happy, would make guests happy that they could just walk right next door to a huge waterpark.....they of course could tie in the theme of the resort to the theme of the waterpark. Mountain chalet themed resort next to Blizzard Beach, anyone?


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Back when I was with Disney, this was pretty much what we expected to happen with River Country. We thought that the entire Fort Wilderness area would get a refurbished RC as its big draw. So far that's not happened.



Active Member
I know this is kind of out of left field, but is it at all feasible to move the slides and various other attractions from River Country to Typhoon Lagoon and/or Blizzard Beach?

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
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ImagineerMMC said:
I know this is kind of out of left field, but is it at all feasible to move the slides and various other attractions from River Country to Typhoon Lagoon and/or Blizzard Beach?
I would say for the most part no. From what I remember of RC the majority of the slides were concrete structures unlike most of the water slides built today which are almost in kit form and could be disassembled, moved and reassembled somewhere else.(ie crush n gusher) There are a few things at RC that might be able to be reused but judging by the condition of the place it would be less expensive to build new rather then repair and relocate. I think it is a pretty safe assumption that RC is going to be left to rot for quite some time. But who knows, the tree house villas were left in the same condition as RC and now they are being used for CP housing so anything is possible.


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One of the slides at RC could be used, but it is older and not worth a move due to its high speed drop off, and the fact that it would have to be moved and then refurbished. Everything else is pretty much useless anywhere else.



New Member
ISTCNavigator57 said:
There's no reason to reuse the slides. Waterslides are not particularly expensive...

Indeed but neither are they free. I'm not sure that the company would throw away perfectly good kit if it could be used elsewhere.

I know the company i work for wouldn't and its bigger than Disney.


Well-Known Member
Yeah...I suppose Disney does reuse ride systems (e.g. Space Ranger Spin), but they could likely get a new slide of the quality RC had for cheaper than it would cost to remove the current ones, refurbish them, and move them elsewhere. That, and none of the slides there were all that ground-breaking anyway.


New Member

Have some good news and bad news...

The good news is I found out exactly what was being built. I picked up extra hours out at Typhoon today and found out there were 2 things being built. Yes I did say 'were'... they're finished.

The bad news is they're not for guests. They put up a basketball court inbetween reef gate and crush for the CMs there, and they also put in more fencing to better hide the storage sheds and the boneyard (since it can be seen from the top of both crush and mount mayday.

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