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Premium Member
I figured the moment your entered this conversation, civility would go out the window. Bravo.
This coming from the guy who tried to debate with 'You should have learned that in high school. Enlighten yourself'. If you want to debate, you should actually try supporting your points..

And you think if Jews had legal guns it would have stopped the Brown shirts and SS?? It was the unchecked authoritian power, and propoganda, not lack of guns that lead to Germany turning on its fellow citizens and mass genocide. Plenty of jews had guns and resisted... but when its an ARMY vs individuals... they generally are suppressed. Try reading up on some of the ghetto uprisings and how Germany responded to those.

Andrew C

You know what's funny?
This coming from the guy who tried to debate with 'You should have learned that in high school. Enlighten yourself'. If you want to debate, you should actually try supporting your points..

And you think if Jews had legal guns it would have stopped the Brown shirts and SS?? It was the unchecked authoritian power, and propoganda, not lack of guns that lead to Germany turning on its fellow citizens and mass genocide. Plenty of jews had guns and resisted... but when its an ARMY vs individuals... they generally are suppressed. Try reading up on some of the ghetto uprisings and how Germany responded to those.

There is no point in trying to debate with you. I know where it leads and shouldn't have engaged with you to begin with.

Andrew C

You know what's funny?
I'm out. I may be back to reading this thread if this train ever gets back on track. ;)

I am sorry if you didn't like what you saw here. I'm am thankful that everyone was civil for the most part. I think everyone feels horrible about what happened and feels passionality about the way they see things that could help preventing horrible acts like that from occurring again.


Well-Known Member
The issue is that Isis and their twisted ideology are so strong globally that they continue to inspire people to join their cause

Try to ban one tool and they will just find another. And so on and so on.

I'm not willing to cave to any terrorist group by restricting any of my liberties. Speech, religion, guns. That's exactly what they want.

No, a terrorist goal isn't to restrict your liberties. Its to condition you to react a certain way to advance their cause i.e retailiate against them, make people hate people of muslim descent, have people attack mosques etc.

They really don't give a crap about your religion, your guns and your speech because it doesn't help them at all.


Well-Known Member
Is there some stack of reports of people using cars as battering rams as a form of inflicting mass casualities we aren't aware of? Cars have many uses that justify the balance of their risk vs gain in daily life. We all know moving at 55mph can be deadly... but we have enough regulation and training to ensure the positives outweigh the risks. Cars are also not very effective as a concealed weapon and generally... cars don't fight back.
Had one guy take out 9 bicyclists, 5 dead/4injured, near me this week. Motive and influence not known yet.


Premium Member
Had one guy take out 9 bicyclists, 5 dead/4injured, near me this week. Motive and influence not known yet.

I know it happens... but there is something to be said for the topic of frequency... hence my comment 'stack of reports' :)

People ram people, run people over, drive into a crowd... happens. But its still far less efficient, and far less frequent of an issue.

Travel Junkie

Well-Known Member
The following statement doesn't apply to everyone, but does apply to some. This particular tragedy brings to light there are many people that proclaim they should be allowed to own any firearm because the government doesn't have the right to legislate what they can do or own yet also want to legislate and discriminate against those who simply want the right to be who they are.


Well-Known Member
:( It is quite sad now knowing that the inevitable has happened at the WDW Parks... metal detectors. Currently "selecting" people to go through them ( my husband was selected every time... myself only once). What has our world come to?:cry:

Brad Bishop

Well-Known Member
I agree, if you could gauarentee that they're 100% unavailable. If they're still accessible through illegal means, then problem is still the same, just no means of defense.

That always scares me when people say that because the rule of, "people shouldn't have guns," isn't adhered to by governments and they've been known to kill millions of people (even when guns in their districts were illegal - imagine that).

Brad Bishop

Well-Known Member
No call for being sensible round here.;)
After Dunblaine handguns over .22 were banned in the UK and after Hungerford automatic type weapons were banned/restricted. Seems to be lot lower number of multiple shootings over here since then !
And no i am not anti gun, having grown up in a competition shooting household with rifles in the house.

I contracted there for a number of years and shootings were swept under the rug. At the place I worked there was a shooting in the parking lot. How can that be? No guns! It never made it to the papers so that the façade could continue. No guns! They cleaned up the crime scene and never mentioned it. The people have never been safer.


Well-Known Member
Let's be honest, when most people talk about the religious right and Republicans they're referring to extremist Christian views.

The guy who just shot up the club was following an extremist Islamic ideology.

No that guy was following the rules of Abrahamic religions which Christian, Judaism, and Islam all share the basic books of. Its easy to be oh its Islam and not talk about the real root.

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