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Le Meh
Premium Member
No government controls bears. And regarding the "tyrannical government", that's why the three branches have checks and balances, so that one can never take control over the other two. Furthermore, the Constitution can be changed. Jefferson himself said that Constitutions are not fixed.
I'm assuming the Bears comment was a typo.

The three branches of govt are supposed to work as a checks and balances system with the "press" acting as a watchdog over them all. Well the press has become a lapdog for the most part and the executive branch of late has taken way too much power while the legislative branch is inept.


Premium Member
I disagree with this. I had a friend that worked in a crappy part of Roxbury Massachusetts. There are plenty of bad cities/towns/neighborhoods in this country and the world. He got a concealed carry permit after being robbed at gunpoint. I have absolutely no reservations about a responsible gun owner going through the necessary steps and appropriate training to protect him/herself.

Does your buddy need a 32 or 50 round clip to protect himself? Or a fully auto weapon?


Premium Member
That isn't my responsibility. You should have learned that in high school. Enlighten yourself.

So you bring to a debate 'oh I know what you don't know' - very skillful.

Maybe your version is just dellusional and you don't want to share it?

I'm not finding any point in our history where citizens in large have used military grade weapons like grenades and RPGs to legitimately protect themselves in self-defense.from other citizens or even the government.

And relying on 18th century frontier living as justification for actions in a modern society is just as stupid as arguing slavery is still just as important to protect as a way of life.... because some people needed it 300 years ago. The beauty of our government is its ability to adapt and update.

Andrew C

You know what's funny?
So you bring to a debate 'oh I know what you don't know' - very skillful.

Maybe your version is just dellusional and you don't want to share it?

I'm not finding any point in our history where citizens in large have used military grade weapons like grenades and RPGs to legitimately protect themselves in self-defense.from other citizens or even the government.

And relying on 18th century frontier living as justification for actions in a modern society is just as stupid as arguing slavery is still just as important to protect as a way of life.... because some people needed it 300 years ago. The beauty of our government is its ability to adapt and update.

I figured the moment your entered this conversation, civility would go out the window. Bravo.


Well-Known Member
So you bring to a debate 'oh I know what you don't know' - very skillful.

Maybe your version is just dellusional and you don't want to share it?

I'm not finding any point in our history where citizens in large have used military grade weapons like grenades and RPGs to legitimately protect themselves in self-defense.from other citizens or even the government.

And relying on 18th century frontier living as justification for actions in a modern society is just as stupid as arguing slavery is still just as important to protect as a way of life.... because some people needed it 300 years ago. The beauty of our government is its ability to adapt and update.
Do yourself a favor...Stick to Disney talk.


Premium Member
are you denying hitler did this?

Do you really think you being holed up in your house with an ak-47 is going to stop tyrany in it's tracks? Ask David Koresh how that worked out.

The protection of the militia was to protect against runaway federal government... because people trusted the idea of a state government more than a federal one.

I know what you are saying about disarming the populace is one of the first moves to control the population... but you should also pay attention to modern times where you look at any civil war... it's not fought with rebels with the guns they had stashed in their closets or lost because the population had no guns... the military grade weapons always come into play from non-citizen stashes.


Premium Member
I'm no constitutional scholar but the founding fathers allowed for the second amendment not so much out of a self defense against crime but as a self defense against a tyrannical government, which I would argue is as just as important today as it was when the country was formed.

When its you verse an army - it doesn't matter what kind of fully automatic gun you have. Drone strike = done.
If you want to wage gurellia warefare with your closet ak-47... that is no longer a deterant. Thinggs have changed since the 18th century and even in the 20th century and later. The idea of an armed population is not sufficient to balance/deter our modern local, state, and federal governments.

The idea of the militia was about anti-federal - not anti government.


Premium Member
Really, The executive orders signed by Bush and Obama which went around the checks and balances, No the checks and balances against untrammeled executive power no longer exist except in obsolete civics books.

Executive Orders are not above Judaical Review - the checks and balances still exist.


Well-Known Member
The real issue.....



And here is where we are at......




And here is where I am at....


Premium Member
I would imagine that when the time comes to need to defend yourself you would like to have the most ammo legally available to use.

So why not let him use the most leathal weapons we have available? Should the streets of america simply be an arms race?

Did no one pay attention to what the militarization of our police departments did? And you believe having each person have unlimited power is the answer?

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