I thought I read a while back, maybe 1 month or 1.5, that folks said they saw camera crews at WDW MK for a new Samantha Brown Disney show.
Any comments? Has anyone got new info on this? Did I miss it already? It's always nice to set the DVR up for stuff like this. I didn't really care for the latest David B. show that aired on 11/29/09 on HGTV.
Just wondirng, my wife and I really like the Samantha Brown shows.
Thanks for any info...and sorry if I missed another thread on this.
I thought I read a while back, maybe 1 month or 1.5, that folks said they saw camera crews at WDW MK for a new Samantha Brown Disney show.
Any comments? Has anyone got new info on this? Did I miss it already? It's always nice to set the DVR up for stuff like this. I didn't really care for the latest David B. show that aired on 11/29/09 on HGTV.
Just wondirng, my wife and I really like the Samantha Brown shows.
Thanks for any info...and sorry if I missed another thread on this.