Well-Known Member
Let's hold off on that assumption. Let's see if Disney will finish the series of movies. If they do, then chances are good Disney will see it as a profitable franchise. From what I heard, they weren't sure if they were going to do the third movie. Caspian is starting strong, let's see how they all do first.
The third film has already begun filming.
"Books," hardly warrant attractions. Franchises do. Suess Landing probably wouldn't have been built if the shear number of books and nostalgia surrounding them hadn't been as strong. Potter wouldn't have been made an attraction if the movies had flopped. Middle-Earth HASN'T been built because, outside the movies, there is little commercial appeal.
For the sake of discussion, I'll point out that Middle-Earth would be a fascinating theme park environment, regardless of whether or not Guests were familiar with the source material.
If someone wants to use the franchise argument, who still watches the original "Twilight Zone"? That doesn't make ToT any less enjoyable. "But the Twilight Zone is a cultural force to a lot of people!" So are Narnia, LoTR, and Potter.