Well-Known Member
Right, because unlike you *I* burst into tears when I walk into the land.I think theme park aesthetics matters more here than you armed with a ruler. Rex to the scale used in the movies would look ridiculous here. He’d be like 5x longer than he is here.
But we aren’t going to agree on this. I’ll just keep on enjoying the land (and not eating in the land because there aren’t enough tables and that’s a legitimate issue) and you’ll keep on being upset. Enjoy.
No way I could just enjoy it for what it is while I'm there, but still recognize that this one element (that I've only had to belabor because so many people simply refuse to comprehend what's actually being said) is a symptom of larger problems in the land and the company.
How will I ever make up for all the sleep I've lost over Rex being too small?

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