New Park in WDW

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Disneyowner182
how bout a yesterland theme with all of the retired attraction and shops

Nah. I want something new, with new statre of the art attractions (that doesn't neccasarily mean coasters)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyInsider

Nah. I want something new, with new statre of the art attractions (that doesn't neccasarily mean coasters)

I like coasters that go fast, but not ones that through you upside down all the time. So i like R'n'R, but not really the hulk etc. So if disney sticks with coasters like that i'll be happy.


For the person that said "Disney probably hasnt started working on the 5th gate" i BEG TO DIFFER.......Disney Imagineering is notorious for planning WAY AHEAD, and im sure there is at least 2 teams in Imagineering working on different ideas for a 5th gate as we speak.....Now, if any of these ideas come true, or when we'll see the 5th gate is a different story......


New Member
adr315, I think YoHo may have been questioning the clearing of the ground specifically. No doubt, Imagineering has developed loads of park themes, attractions, etc.

But, with as many amatuer photographers out there taking aerials of WDW and posting them on the web, if land clearance big enough for a theme park had already happened... I pretty sure there'd be a link to the photos here on this site.

It would be mighty difficult for WDW to sneak that one past us.


Im sure theres no ground clearance......Disney wouldnt even start clearing land until it 100% confirmed, and greenlighted the project, meaning it would be completely planned out.....I cant see a new park here until at least 2010


New Member
This was what I was responding to

I spoke with a CM, and we spoke some about Beastly Kingdom etc, then they mentioned a villian based kingdom. They mentioned land had already been cleared away, and plumbing had been laid. Though the project had currently stopped. I spoke with a CM, and we spoke some about Beastly Kingdom etc, then they mentioned a villian based kingdom. They mentioned land had already been cleared away, and plumbing had been laid. Though the project had currently stopped.

Clearly, no ground has been cleared and no plumbing installed. it would be impossible for Disney to do this without it being reported.


New Member
I can't see a new park here until at least 2010.
I'd have to agree with that, especially with the economy & Disney's personal financial battles as they currently are. Perhaps with an astounding economic turnaround (both the Country & Disney) 2008 could be possible, but those are big if's!

As for what would they build? That's tough. Disney was obviously hoping the DCA type park would be their American Park of the future (IMO) and that certainly hasn't panned out and while I personally (like most everyone) would love to see a Disney Seas type Park I don't see that huge financial outlay in a saturated market like Orlando either.

Where does that leave us? I'm not sure, but at this juncture I'd bet a "thrill" oriented park would be a top contender (even though that'd be low on my wish list) because of the relative low cost to build, plan & market. Just my thoughts, of course...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyFreak721
I heard a little tidbit about using the former Discovery Island in Bay Lake as space for a new villain park.

I doubt there is enough space for a whole new park on DI.


New Member
You could build a park on DI it would be a very small park.

Personally, I've always thought that Disney Seas would be a silly park to build in florida. My reasoning is that all of TDS's attractions could be fit in Future World, World Showcase, the new Tomorrowland, Fantasyland and Adventureland.
The way I see it, TDS has a wealth of attractions for WDW without bringing the whole park.


New Member
I agree Yoho

most of TDS could be dispersed (magnificently) throughout the existing WDW, but what then will the next Park be? Coaster? Your thoughts?


New Member
There were rumors about Discovery island turning into an interactive 'Myst' island,. where it's like you're in a video game..

As for what I'd Like to see..A theme park that is set in a world similar to Lord of the Rings, COMPLETE fantasy. The monorail trip over would have screens that would describe the world to you..Give the entire park it's OWN story..It's own plots..The orcs and elves always at battle, the dwarves capitilizing on it and building war machines for both sides...The pixies being....well...pixie like...You would have a different land for each species...

Unlike the others on this board, I would like to see a disney thrill park, simply because they would do some AMAZING things...


New Member
The problem with a LOR park is that Disney would have to borrow the rights from New Line Cinema which may be hard to get since it's been a money making machine for the company, but it could definitely work.

If there were to be a 5th park I think that you would have to look at the what the theme of the parks are first, and see what they are targeted at to compete with.
MK- Fantasy/Fiction/A little bit of everything
Epcot - The Present/Future/Education
Disney Studios - Movie and TV making history; aimed to compete with Universal Studios
Animal Kingdom - Animals/Ecology; aimed to compete with Busch Gardens

The next logical step may seem to be to go after Sea World, which would make very logical sense if they were planning on not revamping the Living Seas and eventually transporting all the animals into a WDW Seas park. The only problem is, is that the park would fit in perfectly as a land in AK. The problem with WDW is that it would be very hard to make a 5th park because they have so many minor parks that have themes:
Wide World of Sports - Sports
DisneyQuest - Technology
BB/TL/RC(if it's still open) - Water Parks

The one theme that they have yet to tap into which may be an awesome theme is something like The Ancient World, and have lands like Egypt, Rome, Greece, Vikings, Native Americans, Mongolia, Atlantis?:drevil: . And there could be some great rides that deal with the myths and stories from these places like An adventure into a Pyramid, or the Trojan War, or a visit to Mt. Olympus, etc. I think this idea would work and films like Hercules and Mulan would have homes and give good themes for kids' rides.

What does everyone think?



New Member
Now that I think of it, a great Park would be a Simpsons themed park, even though it is totally not Disney, it would just be cool to actually go to Springfield and walk around all over the town and such. Just a thought

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Disney would not make a coaster park, unless there was an overall theme to the park. Coasters isn't a theme that can stand in a park. It almost seems that Disney is out of ideas. But we all know that Imagineering has something up their sleeves that none of us are thinking.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JenLUVSmickey
On my last visit a bus driver told us that the big RUMOR going around for the next park would be like Universal. Just a park with all rides.

But what is the theme going to be? We know there will be rides, and a lot of them.

Truthfully I really don't care whether there is a 5th gate for a while. I have enough fun going to 4 parks and all the other stuff in WDW. Let them expand on what they have instead of building a new park.

Luau Cove

New Member
I would prefer not another big theme park but a Water Park to replace River Country, or at least to seal the hole the old water park left when it closed. Plus, Disney's Water parks are incredibly full in summer and also winter since south Florida's weather permit it. They should consider it's a profitable option as good as as something which people will like.


New Member
oooo, I like the Idea of an Ancient world History park. Good idea.

As for a fantasy park. a couple thoughts.
I've been talking up the Sorin over Sauron Concept for some time IE, a Fantasy fly over ride I think it would fit well as a section of beastly kingdom.

2. If Disney wanted to try LotR, they wouldn't need New Line's OK, they'd need Peter Tolkien's.

In Either case, New Line doesn't have a park affiliation and if Disney Snagged LotR, then they'd have that and Star Wars. It might be worth some licensing costs for the number of geek tickets sold.

Even if they don't snag LotR, they probably could get Lloyd Alexander (The Black Cauldron) and Fantasia has some good stuff. In general, I think they would have tons of fantasy sources. enough for Beastly or a New park.

As for my Scuurvy South Florida Friend. If you ask me, I don't Disney needs to build a new park in Florida any tiem soon. I think they have a good mix of theme's already and it would probably be better all around if you let some of the other locations have any new themes.

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