I agree that this was a horrible downgrade in theme. But I guess the TDA priority in 2021 was to add as many "Designated Dining Areas" into the park as possible, to allow people to take off their masks and relax a bit. I guess if an area was
only park benches, it didn't count for Sacramento's Covid police. But if there was at least a couple of tables involved next to the benches, then it was considered a "Dining Area" and was exempt from California mask mandates.
Although, apparently if you labeled a park bench a "
Designated Dining Area" and it was at least
kind of near a restaurant or other table area, then it would pass muster by Sacramento Covid police.
I guess they did this all over the park? But this particular area in New Orleans Square was just one of the least attractive and most tacky.
I just Googled
"Disneyland Designated Dining Areas" (first time for everything!), and I'm getting a ton of photos of these types of areas. Some are fine looking, if a bit odd. But some are just downright tacky.
A personal favorite... the curb in front of the Plaza Pavilion dining patio was also a Designated Dining Area. So take your mask off! Because... The Science says you can.