The entire World Showcase is getting refreshed - as many of the garments are the same design from the 80s.
For AA, they are trying to seperate the colonial feel from a more modern American feel. If you want a colonial feel, visit Liberty Square (where the colonial detail can be seen in the poop river or the leather window straps). Many Guests thought the 2 areas were a copy of each other (especially when comparing the costumes).
The main architecture display at AA is a building which was design to resemble the White House - therefore - Cast Members will be dressed to emulate those that you would encounter on a tour of the White House.
Entertainment is not being affected... however, attractions, merch & f&b are.
And that article was wrong.
Italy and China ALREADY changed (and no one even noticed). Mexico and UK are next in line... AA is down the road. AA is just getting attention because of an angry/vocal CM.
Good news - the design that was leaked shows women in skirts!