Originally posted by MaElStRoMROCKS
I heard RUMUR about this and you all knwo my romurs are right!!
Ok it's a long story but i';ll try to make it a short story so you can read it shorter yes it's try they took off the smokestacks just like the original postmaster speculated but the question is WHY?
OK to unstand WHY you have to think about the STORIE of Big Thunderbolt Mountain. The STORIE talks about an indiana burial ground that haunts a MINE and to indians what is religious? PIECE PIPES!!! that they smoke!!! They took off the smoke stacks because Indianas thought it was rude and not peaceful because it was a ROLLERCOASTER. That's why they change rides.
Let's dissect this post, shall we?
1. i';ll - should be I'll
2. so you can read it shorter - ????, i'm not sure what this is supposed to mean. I can read longer or shorter
3. yes it's try they - ????, i have no idea.
4. unstand - understand or a new synomyn for sit.
5. storie - story
6. Big Thunderbolt Mountain - should be Big Thunder Mountain, Thunderbolt is in that movie with Lightfoot, go see it.
7. storie - story
8. indiana burial ground - i didn't know states have burial grounds, we better have some historical society look into this.
9. piece pipes - Peace pipes or maybe he was refering to pipes in many little pieces.
10. Indianas - residents of Indiana petitioned WDW to remove the smokestacks?
11. generally poor grammar, spelling and poor content.
I'm no english major, however i just couldn't let this go without some severe sarcasm. I've seen other posts by maelstromrocks, but this was the most amusing by far.