New Info On Fantasmic Dinner Package


New Member
Well folks I just got off the phone with Disney. The dinner package for Fantasmic from Nov. 22 through Dec 22. is only for the 6 p.m. show. So if you want to eat you have to wait until after the show. I know there are 2 shows for the evening that I wanted to go (6 and 8), but they don't offer the package for the 8 show. I was going to eat at 6, then go to the 8 show. Well, you can't do that. Strike up another one for Disney planning.


Well-Known Member
This is really weird since nobody has dinner before 6 PM! But then again, I saw around here somewhere that the plabes reserved for the dinner packages are not that good, so...
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New Member
I think you have to have dinner before the show. You get your Fantasmic entrance ticket from your server after your meal.

So, how would this work if you had dinner after Fantasmic?
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You have to go to the 6 p.m. show and then eat afterward. I had wanted to eat about 6 and go to the 8 p.m. show. Even the girl thought it strange that the only option for this package was the 6 p.m. show.:brick:
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New Member

My family and I have used the Fantasmic dinner/show option the last two visits. As far as I know you have to eat before and then you are given a pass to the reserved seating area.

This area isn't the best in the house, but you're not waiting for several hours either.

The first time we did this, we waited to just about the last minute to go to the reserved area. LEARNED A LESSON, although you have reserved seats so does alot of other people. Still need to head to the show about 45 minutes early to get decent seats.

My oppinion: :sohappy: It's worth it becasue we love Hollywood and Vine and eat there every time we're at the Studios and we don't have to wait in line for several hours for decent seats.
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New Member
Originally posted by Lilo
You have to go to the 6 p.m. show and then eat afterward. I had wanted to eat about 6 and go to the 8 p.m. show. Even the girl thought it strange that the only option for this package was the 6 p.m. show.:brick:

So how do you get your ticket that lets you into Fantasmic!?
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Well since you are prepaying that high amount of money for the package (it's charged to your credit card the moment you reserve it correct?) and making your meal reservations in advance, it would make more sense to me to allow guests to pick which show they wanted to attend when they made their dining reservation. That would reduce the number of people with the package being crammed into just one show. After all, they already have your money, why wouldn't you be able to see the show first and then eat if you wanted?

I don't know, it seems as if this package wasn't thought out too well by Disney doesn't it?
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Originally posted by Worldphile

So how do you get your ticket that lets you into Fantasmic!?

I really didn't get into it with the girl. I guess you pick up the tickets first (remember this is the new Fantasmic package where they charge you credit card first) because she said I would have to eat after the show and they don't do lunch. What I am going to do eat at 4 p.m. then go to the show. Forget about it. I was trying to eat at the Brown Derby. I am just going to make a regular Priority Seating and then go the regular route to see the show at 8.
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Originally posted by Jon_in_NC
Well since you are prepaying that high amount of money for the package (it's charged to your credit card the moment you reserve it correct?) and making your meal reservations in advance, it would make more sense to me to allow guests to pick which show they wanted to attend when they made their dining reservation. That would reduce the number of people with the package being crammed into just one show. After all, they already have your money, why wouldn't you be able to see the show first and then eat if you wanted?

I don't know, it seems as if this package wasn't thought out too well by Disney doesn't it?

You said it:brick: I'm not going until November 24. When I mentioned the package she said the 6 p.m. show was for reservations from Nov. 22 through Dec. 22:veryconfu Is it me, or is just not worth the aggrevation?:lol:
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And correct me if I'm wrong here, but wasn't this "package" pretty much free before?

I mean, yes you had to make a reservation at a select MGM restaurant and each person had to order an entree, but didn't you then get a free pass to the reserved seating section?

So, Disney, why would I pay $10 extra (or whatever the amount would be) for something that was free before?
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Well-Known Member
Sounds like there is either a big misunderstanding amongst the WDWMagic members or Disney needs to do some fine tuning to this system.
I don't understand the charging extra for reserved seats - if you're paying for the privilege of reserved seating then you should get the best central seats ?
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The Mom

Premium Member
Re: Seating

Originally posted by cbjlshaw

The first time we did this, we waited to just about the last minute to go to the reserved area. LEARNED A LESSON, although you have reserved seats so does alot of other people. Still need to head to the show about 45 minutes early to get decent seats.

The one and only time I did this, at least a quarter of the people around us DID NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE DINNER PACKAGE! They just lifted the "ropes" when the CMs weren't looking, and plunked themselves down among the people who had reserved seats. After all, it's not really stealing, is it? Those people who paid for a dinner package and expected exclusive use of those particular seats were just elitist snobs!
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New Member
Re: Re: Seating

Originally posted by The Mom

The one and only time I did this, at least a quarter of the people around us DID NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE DINNER PACKAGE! They just lifted the "ropes" when the CMs weren't looking, and plunked themselves down among the people who had reserved seats. After all, it's not really stealing, is it?

LMAO....give'm a break, MOM...after all, they spent all day pool-hopping!:lol:
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For the package at the Brown Derby it's $39.99 for adults and $10.99 for children. You get the appetizer, entree and dessert (no beverage). For the other packages you can go to and look up the Fantasmic Package (there are 3).
Dining Package vouchers can be picked at GR or the Hollywood Junction:confused:
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New Member
Re: Re: Seating

Originally posted by The Mom

Those people who paid for a dinner package and expected exclusive use of those particular seats were just elitist snobs!

Not in the least, just like to play by the rules. It wasn't about the best seats or being able to afford eating at a higher priced resteraunt. It was about freeing up a little bit of time to enjoy the park.

It was free when we did it, we just had to make a reservation. They may have started to charge because people would make a reservation and then not show up. I mean if you know that you have 500 reserved seats and then you reserve those spots and then they don't show up, what would you do? Sure it's about money, but in order to provide the services they do they do have to meet certain financial obligations.

The Hollywood and Vine is a buffet anyway, adults where around $20.00 each and the children around $14.00. So the price doesn't seem to be inflated as someone suggested.
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New Member
Re: Re: Re: Seating

Originally posted by cbjlshaw

Not in the least, just like to play by the rules. It wasn't about the best seats or being able to afford eating at a higher priced resteraunt. It was about freeing up a little bit of time to enjoy the park.


MOM was being super facetious.....that's all...and doesn't feel that way one iota...she was playing off the pool-hopping thread and was taking a jab at people who sneak into pools similar to those that sneak under the ropes at Fantasmic...some people just feel they are entitled to sit in the same area that YOU paid to sit and then turn around and call you a snob for not liking it.
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The Mom

Premium Member
Thanks Tramp! I should have used this>>>> :rolleyes: ;)

You're absolutely correct. I was alluding to people who feel that the rules are just general guidelines, and if WDW really cared about people taking the reserved seats, they'd make them harder to steal...sorry...utilize without paying the premium that others did to secure them. ;)

The "premium" (when I did it) was making a PS to eat at a specific restaurant designated by WDW, and having to order an entree...which was pretty pricey at some of the choices, such as the Brown Derby.
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New Member
Gotcha, Sorry Mom.

On the subject of pricey, that is why we like Hollywood and Vine, it is an all you can eat buffet. With three kids who all of them seem to really enjoy food, it can be expensive at a counter service, plus the food seems to be of a better quality and there is a wider selction to choose from. :D
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