I'm all for the school of thought that hotels/attractions should be originals, not based off of something else. Think of the following:
Rides that have original themes:
Small World
All four Mountains in the "world"
Haunted Mansion
Jungle Cruise
No "characters" involved, and yet still popular!
Now rides based off of "come and go shows that haven't proven themselves":
And well, I think you can agree, it is a flop.
Now granted, some rides are based on movies, and are quite popular:
Peter Pan
Festival of the Lion King
Tower of Terror
but they are classic movies and have already stood the test of time.
Basing a hotel/attraction off of something that hasn't "proven" itself is just a silly move. Granted, I love the Suite Life, and a hotel idea is nifty, it just wouldn't last. If Disney owned the rights to Eloise, then a Plaza hotel would fit, as that's already stood the test of time.